Item Data by Warehouse (whwmd2110s000)

Use this session to view and maintain data and settings for items stored in particular warehouses.

LN automatically generates warehouse and item combinations in the current session when:

  • Starting from the Item Defaults (tcibd0102m000) session, item ordering data is created in the Item - Ordering (tcibd2100m000) session and item warehousing data is created in the Item - Warehousing (whwmd4600m000) session.
  • An order is created for an item-warehouse combination that is not available in the current session.

When generating order advice, by default LN uses data from the Item - Ordering (tcibd2100m000) session or the Items - Purchase Business Partner (tdipu0110m000) session as input. Clear the Use Item Ordering Data check box if order advice must be based on data from the current session. For more information, refer to Input data for order advice (SIC).

If you want to delete items from a warehouse, LN checks whether inventory on hand, allocations, or planned receipts of the item are present before deleting items. If this is the case, the item is not deleted.



The warehouse in which the item is stored.


The code identifying the item that is stored in the warehouse.

Item Warehouse Status

The status of the item/warehouse combination.

Storage Zone

The code of the zone where the item is stored. This zone is used only in warehouses that do not use locations.


This field is for information only.

Default Location Type for Inbound Advice

The type of location to which the received items are preferably advised.

Default value

LN retrieves the default value from the Default Location Type for Inbound Advice field in the Warehouses (whwmd2500m000) session.

This parameter does not affect the following special cases:

  • If the received items must be crossdocked, LN advises the received items preferably to a staging location.
  • If the received items must be inspected, LN always advises the received items to the inspection location. After the item is approved during inspection, the item is advised to the type of location as specified in the current field.
  • If a package definition is specified on the receipt, LN preferably advises the received items to a location of the Location Type that is specified in the Package Definition Levels (whwmd4120s000) session.

If LN cannot advise the received items to a location of the preferred location type (either Bulk or Pick) and there is no package definition defined for the received items, LN advises the received items to a location of the other location type (either Pick or Bulk).

Package Definition

A particular configuration of items and their packaging. A package definition for an item can, for example, be the following: a pallet contains 12 boxes and each box contains 4 pieces.

Order Costs

The order costs for the item. This is used to determine the economic order quantity.

Order Costs

The reference currency in which the value of the item inventory is expressed.

Inventory Carrying Costs per Year

The inventory-carrying costs per year for the item per inventory unit. This is used to determine the economic order quantity.

Allocation Level

The inventory allocation level for the current item stored in the current warehouse.

Net Change

If this check box is selected, this item is taken into account when you run the Generate Order Planning (cprrp1210m000) session.


If this check box is selected, a text related to the item - warehouse data exists.


To specify the text, go to References > Texts > Text.

Registration Level
Issue Priority

Ownership Issue Priority

The default value in this field is taken from the Item - Warehousing Defaults (whwmd4101s000) session.

List value Not Owned Inventory First is applicable to manufactured items, purchased items, and generic items that are no customized standard-to-order (STO) items. For customized STO items, you must select value Free. However, this value is not available if the value in the Registration Level field is Warehouse.

Ownership for Return to Warehouse

This field determines how to handle the ownership for production return orders. On a production order, a business partner is not known. As a result, Manufacturing cannot read an agreement. Instead, Manufacturing obtains a default value from the current field. The default value in this field is retrieved from the field Ownership for Return to Warehouse of the Item - Warehousing (whwmd4600m000). The following values are available: Ownership Behavior

Usage at Warehouse Transfer

The issue of the current item from the current warehouse for a warehouse transfer is a usage, resulting in a change of ownership: Usage at warehouse transfer

Use Item Ordering Data

If this check box is selected, the item values specified in the Item - Ordering (tcibd2100m000) session are taken into account when item-warehouse combinations are created.

If this check box is cleared, the values of the following fields in the current session are taken into account:

  • Expected Annual Issue
  • Season Pattern for Demand
  • Seasonal Pattern for Safety Stock
  • Order Method
  • Order Quantity Increment
  • Minimum Order Quantity
  • Maximum Order Quantity
  • Fixed Order Quantity
  • Economic Order Quantity
  • Maximum Inventory
  • Reorder Point
  • Safety Stock
  • First Allowed Order Date
  • Last Allowed Order Date

Generate order advice

When you generate order advice by item and warehouse by means of the Generate Order Advice (SIC) (whina3200m000) session, the setting of this check box determines the field values that LN uses as input. For more information, refer to Input data for order advice (SIC).

Update Inventory/Order Data

If this check box is selected, you can automatically update item data in the following sessions:

Exclude from Cycle Counting

If this check box is selected, the current item will be ignored for cycle counting.

Process Inventory Variances Automatically

If this check box is selected, LN processes inventory variances automatically.

QM Overrules Warehouse Inbound Order Type

If this check box is selected, the settings in the Testing Combinations (qmptc0119m000) session determine whether inbound inspections are performed in Quality and Warehousing for receipts of the item in the current warehouse.

Default value

By default this check box is selected.

This check box is unavailable if Quality is not implemented.

Use Fulfillment Plan

If this check box is selected, the Fulfillment Planning functionality of the Inventory Control Services module (ICS) controls outbound advice for the warehouse and the item. The outbound advice and the fulfillment plan from ICS must match. If no fulfillment plan is present, LN cannot create outbound advice for the warehouse and item.

Allow Negative Inventory
Allow Negative Inventory

The default value is taken from the Allow Negative Inventory field of the Item - Warehousing (whwmd4600m000) session.

If the value in the Allow Negative Inventory field of the Item - Warehousing (whwmd4600m000) session is No, the values Yes and If on Order are unavailable in this field.

Create Outbound Advice Despite Inventory Shortage

If this check box is selected, LN allows outbound advice to be generated even if insufficient inventory is available. To generate outbound advice for negative inventory, the Create Outbound Advice Despite Inventory Shortage check box in the Generate Outbound Advice (whinh4201m000) session must also be selected.

If the value of the Allow Negative Inventory field is:

  • No, this check box is unavailable.
  • If on Order, outbound advice for negative inventory cannot exceed the on order quantity expected to be received.

If this check box is cleared, you can still manually create outbound advice through the Outbound Advice (whinh4525m000) session in case of inventory shortage.

Date/Time Settings
Date/Time Settings
Order Interval

The order interval for ordering the same item. By using an order interval you can prevent a too big and frequent flow of planned orders.


If you select the Use Item Ordering Data check box in the current session, the order interval is retrieved from the Item - Ordering (tcibd2100m000) session.

First Allowed Order Date

The date from which an order can be created for the item. LN gives a warning when a purchase order, production order or replenishment order is created before this date.

Last Allowed Order Date

The last date on which an order can be created for the item. LN gives a warning when a purchase order, production order or replenishment order is created after this date.

Lead Time
Inbound Lead Time

The time interval between the arrival of the items and the actual storage in the warehouse.

Default value

LN retrieves the default value from the Inbound Lead Time field of the Warehouses (whwmd2500m000) session.

Inbound Lead-time Unit

The unit in which the inbound lead time is expressed.

Outbound Lead Time

The time interval between taking the items out of the warehouse and the departure of the carrier on which the items are placed.

Default value

LN retrieves the default value from the Outbound Lead Time field of the Warehouses (whwmd2500m000) session.

Outbound Lead-time Unit

The unit in which the outbound lead time is expressed.

Cross-dock Lead Time

The time interval, defined in hours or days, between receiving the goods on the receiving location until the moment the goods leave the warehouse from the staging location. It includes the normal waiting times on the receiving location and/or staging location, and inspection time.


You can define cross-dock lead times for warehouses and/or item-warehouse combinations.

Cross-dock Lead Time Unit

The unit in which the cross-dock lead time is expressed.

Safety Lead Time

The time that you can add to the normal lead time to protect delivery of goods against fluctuations in the lead time so that an order can be completed before the order's real need date.

LN uses the Safety Lead Time to calculate the demand forecast in the Calculate Demand Forecast (whina2202m000) session.

LN retrieves the default safety time from the Safety Time field of the Item - Ordering (tcibd2100m000) session.

Safety Time Unit

The unit in which the safety time is expressed.

Forecast Method

The forecast method code for a standard item. The forecast-method code is only used when LN calculates a demand forecast in the Calculate Demand Forecast (whina2202m000) session.

Expected Annual Issue

The standard item's expected annual usage or issue tem.

This is used to calculate the expected safety-time usage. If the Update Inventory/Order Data field is selected the field is updated in the Global Update of Inventory Parameters (whina2200m000) session. The expected annual issue is calculated on the basis of the calculated values of the Trend field and the Forecast Period Demand field.

Inventory Unit

The unit of measure in which the inventory of an item is recorded, such as piece, kilogram, box of 12, or meter.

The inventory unit is also used as the base unit in measure conversions, especially for conversions that concern the order unit and the price unit on a purchase order or a sales order. These conversions always use the inventory unit as the base unit. An inventory unit therefore applies to all item types, also to item types that cannot be kept in stock.


The number of periods the forecast applies to.

Period Type

The period type.

Season Pattern for Demand

The seasonal-pattern code for demand is filled if:

  • There is a season-dependent demand for the item.
  • The demand forecast must be calculated by using the Calculate Demand Forecast (whina2202m000) session.
Service Level [%]

The service level, expressed as a percentage. You can use the service-level percentage to calculate the safety stock.

Allowed values

0 -100

Default value


The service-level percentage indicates the percentage of the demand for the item that can be delivered from inventory. A service level of 95% means that 5% of the demand cannot be met.

Slow-Moving Percentage

The slow-moving percentage of a standard item. This percentage indicates the item's turnover rate.

ABC Code

The ABC code of the item for the current warehouse.

If the Manually Entered ABC Code check box is selected, the current field is updated by the Perform ABC Analysis (whina6210m000) session.

You can set the boundaries of the ABC classification in the Inventory Analysis Parameters (whina0100m000) session.

Manually Entered ABC Code

If this check box is selected, the ABC code is overwritten by using the Item Data by Warehouse (whwmd2110s000) session.

Order Settings
Use Item Ordering Data

If this check box is selected, the item values specified in the Item - Ordering (tcibd2100m000) session are taken into account when item-warehouse combinations are created.

If this check box is cleared, the values of the following fields in the current session are taken into account:

  • Expected Annual Issue
  • Season Pattern for Demand
  • Seasonal Pattern for Safety Stock
  • Order Method
  • Order Quantity Increment
  • Minimum Order Quantity
  • Maximum Order Quantity
  • Fixed Order Quantity
  • Economic Order Quantity
  • Maximum Inventory
  • Reorder Point
  • Safety Stock
  • First Allowed Order Date
  • Last Allowed Order Date

Generate order advice

When you generate order advice by item and warehouse by means of the Generate Order Advice (SIC) (whina3200m000) session, the setting of this check box determines the field values that LN uses as input. For more information, refer to Input data for order advice (SIC).

Order System

The order system and the order method control how to plan purchase and or/production orders.

The choice of order system depends on the selected item type and order policy.

Order Method

The order method and, among other data, the order system, determine the order quantity in planned purchase, production, and replenishment orders for the item.

Order Quantity Increment

The multiplication factor of the order quantity. When LN generates planned orders, it also checks whether the order quantity is a multiple of the factor entered in this field.

Minimum Order Quantity

The minimum order-quantity prevents purchasing, producing, or replenishing this item in too small quantities for an order.

Allowed values

Numeric values


When planned orders are generated, the quantity of items to be purchased, produced, or replenished will never be less than the minimum order-quantity.

Maximum Order Quantity

The maximum order-quantity prevents purchasing, producing, or replenishing too many items for an order.

Allowed values

Numeric values


When planned orders are generated, the quantity of items to be purchased, produced, or replenished is never greater than the maximum order-quantity.

Fixed Order Quantity

If you use the fixed order quantity order method, this field shows the item quantity that appears on:

  • Planned purchase-orders
  • Replenishment orders
  • Production orders

Default value


Economic Order Quantity

If you use the Economic Order Quantity order method, this field shows the item quantity that appears on:

  • Planned purchase-orders
  • Replenishment orders
  • Production orders

Update this order quantity in the Calculate Economic Order Quantity (Camp) (whina2201m000) session.

Maximum Inventory

The item's maximum inventory in the warehouse.


If the item's method is Replenish to Maximum Inventory, the maximum inventory determines the quantity that LN uses to generate purchase, production, and/or replenishment orders.

Reorder Point

A set inventory level where, if the total stock on-hand plus total on-order falls below that point, action is taken to replenish the stock.

Inventory control is based on a number of decision rules, which determine when, and in what quantity an item is ordered. This depends on the order method and the values of the following fields in the current session:

  • Reorder Point
  • Economic Order Quantity
  • Fixed Order Quantity
  • Order Interval
  • Maximum Inventory

If the reorder point and the economic order quantity are specified, order advice to replenish the stock is generated as soon as the economic stock falls below the reorder point.

The order quantity can be fixed or variable, depending of the values specified for the Fixed Order Quantity and Maximum Inventory fields.

If you also specify an order interval, order advice is not generated the moment the economic stock falls below the reorder point, but LN checks at fixed points in time whether the economic order quantity has fallen below the reorder point. If yes, LN generates order advice.


The reorder point is updated in the Global Update of Inventory Parameters (whina2200m000) session. If the Update Inventory/Order Data check box in this session is selected for the item concerned, the reorder point is updated.

Safety Stock

The safety stock of an item in a specific warehouse.

The purpose of safety stock is to cushion the effect of deviations between expected and actual demand and between:

  • Expected delivery time
  • Actual delivery time

In addition, LN takes the safety stock into account when generating replenishment advice in Enterprise Planning.


The value of safety stock must always be lower than or equal to the maximum inventory. If not, LN displays a message.

Seasonal Pattern for Safety Stock

The seasonal-pattern code for the safety stock.

Through the seasonal pattern selected here you can define a time-dependent safety stock. You can use this seasonal pattern to build a safety stock during a period with low demand for the item.

Valuation Method
Serial Price

If this check box is selected, the serial price is maintained by default. You can select this check box if, in the Item - Warehousing (whwmd4600m000) session, the Serials in Inventory check box is selected for the item. This check box is selected by default if the Serial Price check box is selected in the Item - Warehousing (whwmd4600m000) session.

If the item is not present in the Serialized Items (tcibd4501m000) session, you can select or clear this check box. If the item is present in the Serialized Items (tcibd4501m000) session, the value in this field can only be changed if the inventory valuation method is changed for the item.

Inventory Valuation Method
Valuation by Warehouse Valuation Group

If this check box is selected, valuation for this warehouse is performed by warehouse valuation group.

Line Supply Settings
Supply System
Supply from Warehouse

If this check box is selected, supply takes place from a warehouse.

If this check box is cleared, a supply order is created based on the item source. For planned items this check box must be selected.

Supply Company

The logistic company to which the warehouse in the Supply Warehouse field belongs.

Supply Warehouse

The warehouse from which supply must take place.

The selected supply system and the order for which the supply is required determine whether the warehouse from which supply takes place is the supply warehouse specified in the Supply Warehouse field or the warehouse defined for the order.

Buy-from Business Partner

The buy-from business partner that must supply the item.

You can only specify a buy-from business partner in the current field if the Supply from Warehouse check box is cleared.

If no buy-from business partner is specified in the current field, LN retrieves the buy-from business partner from the Items - Purchase (tdipu0101m000) session.

Ship-from Business Partner

The ship-from business partner that is related to the buy-from business partner in the Buy-from Business Partner field.

You can only have a ship-from business partner in this field if the supply type is Supplier.

You can only specify a ship-from business partner in this field who can deal with electronic data interchange (EDI) 866 messages. You can specify if a ship-from business partner can deal with EDI messages in the Communication Channel field of the Items - Purchase Business Partner (tdipu0110m000) session.

Assembly Kit

An order-dependent set of items that must be supplied together to the shop-floor warehouse.


You can only specify an assembly kit if the supply system is Order Controlled/SILS.

Related topics

Trigger-from Station

The line station from which the supply of items is triggered.


You can only specify a trigger-from station if the supply system is Order Controlled/Batch or Order Controlled/SILS.

Packaging Item

The containers or supports that are used to hold and move goods within manufacturing, distribution processes, and, specifically, within the warehouse. For example: boxes, pallets.

Handling Remark

The container method that is associated to the packaging item.

Location for Transfer

The code of the default location in the current warehouse to which the item is replenished from the Normal warehouse.

You can only specify the Location for Transfer if:

  • A supply system is specified.
  • The warehouse is location controlled.
  • The item is location controlled.
  • The warehouse type is Normal, Shop Floor, or Service.

You can only use locations of the following types:

  • Pick
  • Bulk

If a Storage Zone is specified for the current item/warehouse combination that is different from the zone to which the Location for Transfer belongs, LN assigns the zone as specified for the current item/warehouse combination to the Location for Transfer. In the Warehouse - Locations (whwmd3500m000) session, you can view the zone to which the location belongs.

Loop Settings
Horizon for Historical Demand

The number of days in the past up to and including the current day for which LN checks the issues for production orders in the Item - Warehouse - Inventory Transactions (whinr1510m000) session to calculate the average daily demand. The average daily demand is used to calculate the number of kanban signals.

Horizon for Future Demand

The number of days from the current day onwards for which LN checks the planned issues for production orders in the Planned Inventory Transactions (whinp1500m000) session to calculate the average daily demand. Issues planned for a date in the past that are yet to occur are also included. The average daily demand is used to calculate the number of kanban signals.

Offset Date

If this check box is selected, you can specify an offset date for the future horizon in the Offset Date field.

Offset Date

The offset date for the future horizon.

The offset date is the starting point for the future horizon. For example, the current date is January 10th and the future horizon is 14 days. If you specify offset date January 24th, the future horizon spans from January 24th up to February 7th. The default offset date is the current date added with the Stock Coverage.

Average Daily Demand

The average daily demand for (end) items from the current warehouse based on SFC production orders.

The items supplied by the kanban order are used to assemble or produce the (end) items. The average daily demand is used to calculate the number of kanban signals.


A percentage of the average daily demand used to calculate the number of kanban signals and the supply quantity of kanban loops. This percentage is added to the average daily demand, which results in a higher supply quantity for the kanban loops. This is used to prevent underdeliveries.

Percentages in excess of 100% are allowed.

Stock Coverage

The number of days within the future horizon, which usually represents the lead time of an end product for which the component demand is covered by the available stock. The lead time is the transport time added with the production time.

The stock coverage is used to calculate number of kanban signals. The stock coverage is manually specified.

Total Supply Quantity

The quantity that must be supplied to a shop floor warehouse.

In a KANBAN environment:

  • The signal supply quantity is the quantity supplied for a kanban signal by a kanban supply order.
  • The total supply quantity is the aggregated supply quantity of the signals defined for an item and warehouse combination.

The total supply quantity is the kanban signal quantity multiplied by the number of signals.

Average Daily Demand
Average Daily Demand - Modification Date

The date and time on which the average daily demand is changed.

Average Daily Demand - Calculated or Manually Entered

Specifies whether the average daily demand is calculated or manually specified.

This information is used in the Global Update of KANBAN Parameters (whinh2200m100) session, where you can specify whether manually entered average daily demands must be updated.

Signal Settings
Supply Quantity

The quantity of items that must be supplied by a kanban signal. This quantity is manually specified.

Number of Signals

The default number of kanban signals that is used to supply the assembly line or production line if the supply system is KANBAN. This value can be specified manually or calculated by LN.

Label Layout

The code of the layout based on which the labels, that are used for KANBAN, must be printed.


If the supply system is KANBAN, you must specify the label layout.

Choose Print to print the label to be attached to the KANBAN signal.

Active Signals Present

If this check box is selected, active kanban signals are present for the current item and warehouse combination.

Generate Kanban Order Automatically

If this check box is selected, LN generates a kanban supply order when a kanban signal is created or activated.

Related topics

Number of Signals
Number of Signals - Modification Date

The date and time on which the number of kanban signals is changed.

Number of Signals - Calculated or Manually Entered

Specifies whether the number of kanban signals is calculated by LN or manually specified.

This information is used in the Global Update of KANBAN Parameters (whinh2200m100) session, where you can specify whether manually entered numbers of kanban signals must be updated.

Handling Units
Use Handling Units in

If this check box is selected, handling units are used for the selected item in the current warehouse.

Use Handling Units in

If this check box is selected, handling units are used in receipts taking place for the selected item in the current warehouse.

Inbound Inspections

If this check box is selected, handling units are used in inbound inspections taking place for the selected item in the current warehouse.


If this check box is selected, handling units are used in inventory for the selected item in the current warehouse.

Outbound Inspections

If this check box is selected, handling units are used in outbound inspections taking place for the selected item in the current warehouse.


If this check box is selected, handling units are used in shipment processes carried out for the selected item in the current warehouse.

Advise Alternative Package Definition Allowed

If this check box is selected, LN allows you to generate an outbound advice for the inventory related to package definitions other than the one defined on the order, or inventory to which package definitions are not linked.


If this check box is cleared, only the package definitions defined on the outbound order line is used in searching inventory for outbound advice.

This field is not applicable when the package definitions of type Fixed are ordered. For the package definitions of the type Fixed, LN uses only fixed package definitions to search the inventory during the outbound procedure.

Consolidate Handling Units in one Shipment Line during Picking

If this check box is selected, multiple handling units picked for a specific outbound line are linked to one shipment line when the picking is confirmed.

If this check box is cleared, separate shipment lines are generated for each handling unit when the picking is confirmed.


This parameter is relevant in case handling units are in stock and picked from stock. The parameter is not so relevant when handling units are (automatically) created when the picking is confirmed.

Fill Up Staged Handling Units with Newly Picked Items

If this check box is selected, picked anonymous stock can be used to fill up a handling unit that is Staged and has a variable package definition.

For example, variable package definition A has a template including one pallet containing 10 boxes, and each box contains 10 items B.

Handling unit 001 is staged and contains one pallet, 8 full boxes and one box containing four items B.

16 items B are picked from inventory. If this check box is selected, these items are added to handling unit 001: 6 items B are put in the partially filled box and the remaining 10 items B are packed in a box and put on the pallet.

Generate Handling Units Automatically during
Creation ASN

The settings that control automatic generation of handling units from advance shipment notices that include the selected item and the current warehouse.

Generate Handling units automatically

Note that the setting made in this field overrules the setting of the Generate Handling Units Automatically from ASNs field of the Warehouses (whwmd2500m000) session.

Confirm Receipts

Generate Handling units automatically.

Note that the setting made in this field overrules the setting of the Confirm Receipts field of the Warehouses (whwmd2500m000) session.

Confirm Picking

Select Yes if automatic generation of handling units is required when picking is confirmed, otherwise select no No.

Note that the setting made in this field overrules the setting of the Generate Handling Unit Automatically during Picking field of the Warehouses (whwmd2500m000) session.

Creation of Projected Shipments

The settings that control automatic generation of handling units when projected shipments are created.


This setting overrules the setting of the Generate Handling Unit Automatically during Projected Shipments field of the Warehouses (whwmd2500m000) session.

Process Adjustments Orders

Generate Handling units automatically

If handling unit generation is enabled, LN generates handling units for open adjustment order lines with positive variances. The handling units obtain the Adjustment Open status.

The setting made in this field overrules the setting of the Process Adjustments Orders field of the Warehouses (whwmd2500m000) session.

Process Cycle Counting Orders

Generate Handling units automatically

Note that the setting made in this field overrules the setting of the Process Cycle Counting Orders field of the Warehouses (whwmd2500m000) session.

Dynamic Cross-docking
Dynamic Cross-docking
Dynamic Cross-docking

If this check box is selected, dynamic cross-docking is possible for this item-warehouse combination.

  • This field can only be selected if the Dynamic Cross-docking check box is selected in both of the following sessions:

    • Warehouses (whwmd2500m000)
    • Item - Warehousing (whwmd4600m000)
  • If a cross-dock order exists for this warehouse or item, you cannot clear this check box.
Generate Cross-dock Order for Outbound Advice Shortage

If this check box is selected, and, after generating an outbound advice, an inventory shortage occurs, a cross-dock order is created for the inventory shortage.


In the Generate Outbound Advice (whinh4201m000) session, you can still select or clear this check box. However, if you generate an outbound advice directly, for example, from within the Outbound Order Lines (whinh2120m000) session, this option applies to the warehouse-item level ( Item Data by Warehouse (whwmd2510m000)/ Item Data by Warehouse (whwmd2110s000)).

Generate Cross-dock Order Lines when Confirming Receipt

If this check box is selected, LN checks if there are any open cross-dock orders that must be fulfilled by incoming goods.


Before confirm receipt takes place, you can overrule this setting by either selecting or clearing the Generate Cross-dock Order Lines when Confirming Receipt check box in the Receipt Lines (whinh3112s000) session.

Automatically Approve Cross-dock Order Lines

If this check box is selected, and cross-dock order lines are generated, these inbound order lines will immediately receive the status Approved.


It is strongly recommended to select this option, if both of the following applies:

  • The Generate Cross-dock Order Lines when Confirming Receipt check box is selected.
  • The warehouse and/or the item is not location controlled.
Priority Definition

A user-defined set of priorities assigned to one or more LN table fields. LN uses the cross-dock order priority definition to generate the cross-dock order system priority.

  • You can use cross-dock order priority definitions for Dynamic cross-docking only.
  • Instead of cross-dock order priority definitions, and dependent on a parameter setting, you can apply planning priority rules to Dynamic cross-docking.
  • The default value is the value as defined in the Warehouses (whwmd2500m000) session.
  • If this field is empty when creating a cross-dock order, the cross-dock order priority definition will be retrieved from the Warehouses (whwmd2500m000) session.
Restriction Definition

A user-defined set of rules that LN uses to determine whether to create cross-dock orders. The rules are checked one after the other. If a valid condition is met, no cross-dock orders will be created. If no rule applies, LN permits creation of cross-dock orders. Cross-dock restriction rules are taken into account regardless of the use of direct material supply.

Minimum Cross-dock Quantity

No cross-dock orders will be generated for quantities less than this value.

  • The value in this field is defaulted from the Item - Warehousing (whwmd4600m000) session.
  • You can always manually create cross-dock orders that do not comply with the values of the quantity fields. These fields only apply to the generation of cross-dock orders during release to warehousing and the Generate Cross-dock Orders and Cross-dock Order Lines (whinh6200m000) session.
Maximum Cross-dock Quantity

No cross-dock orders will be generated for quantities more than this value.

  • The value in this field is defaulted from the Item - Warehousing (whwmd4600m000) session.
  • You can always manually create cross-dock orders that do not comply with the values of the quantity fields. These fields only apply to the generation of cross-dock orders during release to warehousing and the Generate Cross-dock Orders and Cross-dock Order Lines (whinh6200m000) session.
Create Cross-dock Order for Maximum

Indicates whether a cross-dock order will be generated for the maximum cross-dock quantity if the ordered quantity of the outbound order line is more than the quantity defined in the Maximum Cross-dock Quantity field.

  • The value in this field is defaulted from the Item - Warehousing (whwmd4600m000) session.
  • You can always manually create cross-dock orders that do not comply with the values of the quantity fields. These fields only apply to the generation of cross-dock orders during release to warehousing and the Generate Cross-dock Orders and Cross-dock Order Lines (whinh6200m000) session.
Generate Cross-dock Order when Releasing Order to Warehousing
Generate Cross-dock Order when Rel. Order
Cross-docking Time Fence
Cross-docking Time Fence

The minimum and maximum time fence tolerances for the receipt date.

Force Cross-docking Range
Force Cross-docking Range

If the receipt quantity of the receipt line is between the minimum and maximum quantities specified, LN will look for demand and try to cross-dock the goods accordingly.

Direct Material Supply
DMS Supplied

If this check box is selected, this warehouse can be supplied via direct material supply (DMS). In other words: netted demand from the warehouse will be taken into account when carrying out a DMS run for a warehouse within the same warehouse supply structure. The DMS run can take place for this warehouse or another warehouse within the same cluster.

DMS upon Receipt

Indicates whether DMS will be carried out in this warehouse after receipt of goods and, if so, in what way. For more information, refer to DMS upon Receipt.

DMS upon JSC Receipt

Indicates whether DMS will be carried out in this warehouse after receipt of manufactured goods and, if so, in what way. For more information, refer to DMS upon JSC Receipt.

DMS on Inventory

Indicates whether DMS will be applied to available on-hand inventory in this warehouse and, if so, in what way.

The setting of this parameter also indicates whether stock must be taken into account to meet demand from other (JSC) warehouses based on planning priorities, when goods are stored in the warehouse. For more information, refer to DMS on Inventory.

DMS Supply Location

The default location for the item used as material, and supplied by DMS. For more information, refer to Supply location and demand location.

DMS Demand Location

The default location for the item used as end item. For more information, refer to Supply location and demand location.

Planning Horizon for DMS upon Receipt

The planning horizon of the destination warehouse when running DMS upon receipt in the supply warehouse. For more information, refer to DMS planning horizon.

Planning Horizon for DMS on Inventory

The planning horizon of the destination warehouse when running DMS on inventory in the supply warehouse. For more information, refer to DMS planning horizon.

Demand Type for DMS upon Receipt
Demand Type for DMS upon Receipt

The type of demand that must be taken into account when DMS is carried out after receipt of goods. For more information, refer to DMS demand type.

DMS upon Receipt Demand Type

If this check box is selected, this demand type is included in the current selection.

Warehousing Orders from Status

The warehousing orders that must be included in the receipt demand type. Relevant warehousing orders with equal or higher statuses than the selected status are included in the DMS receipt demand type.

The following options are available:

  • This is the lowest warehousing order status. Therefore, all relevant warehousing orders are included in DMS demand type receipt.
  • Only relevant warehousing orders with status Planned are excluded from DMS demand type receipt.
  • Only relevant warehousing orders with status Planned or Open are excluded from DMS demand type receipt.

Related topics

Demand Type for DMS on Inventory
Demand Type for DMS on Inventory

The type of demand that must be taken into account when DMS is applied to inventory. For more information, refer to DMS demand type.

DMS on Inventory Demand Type

If this check box is selected, this demand type is included in the current selection.

Warehousing Orders from Status

The warehousing orders that must be included in the inventory demand type. Relevant warehousing orders with equal or higher statuses than the selected status are included in the DMS inventory demand type.

The following options are available:

  • This is the lowest warehousing order status. Therefore, all relevant warehousing orders are included in DMS demand type inventory
  • Only relevant warehousing orders with status Planned are excluded from DMS demand type inventory.
  • Only relevant warehousing orders with status Planned or Open are excluded from DMS demand type inventory.

Related topics


Retrieve Defaults

Retrieves the default values from the Item - Ordering (tcibd2100m000) session for the fields of the current session that correspond to the fields in the Item - Ordering (tcibd2100m000) session.

Calculate Increment

Use this command to calculate the order quantity increment.

If you select the Fixed Order Quantity Order Method, LN calculates the following quantities:

  • Minimum Order Quantity
  • Maximum Order Quantity
  • Fixed Order Quantity

Note: You can specify the order method and the order quantity increment in the Item - Ordering (tcibd2100m000) session.

Calculate EOQ

Calculates the economic order quantity.

The economic order quantity becomes one if:

  • No inventory unit is specified for the item. You can specify the inventory unit for each item in the Item Defaults (tcibd0102m000) session.
  • The warehouse's inventory carrying costs are zero. You can specify the warehouse's inventory carrying costs in the Item - Warehousing (whwmd4600m000) session.
  • The calculated economic order quantity is less than one.
Print Warehouse - Items Inventory

Starts the Print Warehouse - Items Inventory (whwmd2410m000) session. By default, LN starts this session to print the report.


Calculates the average daily demand for the current warehouse and item. For more information, refer to Calculation of supply quantity, number of signals, and average daily demand.


Calculates the number of kanban signals for the current warehouse and item. For more information, refer to Calculation of supply quantity, number of signals, and average daily demand.


Starts the Kanban Signals (whwmd2111m000) session. This session shows the kanban signals present for the current warehouse and item combination. For more information, refer to Kanban.