Projected shipment quantities on the shipment line

In the Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000) session, the entire quantity of a projected shipment line is displayed in the Projected Quantity field.

This quantity is not changed in the course of the outbound flow, when the status of the projected shipment line changes between these statuses:

  • Projected
  • Open
  • Frozen
  • Confirmed

See Shipment and load status.

The status of a projected shipment line remains Projected when outbound advice is generated for the shipment line or for the outbound order line on which the shipment line is based.

When the outbound advice is released, or the picking list is confirmed for the projected shipment line, the status of the shipment line changes to Open and the picked or released quantity is displayed in the Picked Quantity and Shipped Quantity fields. If only part of the projected quantity is picked or released, the status of the shipment line also changes to Open. Consequently, the not yet released or picked quantity is still projected.

The status of the shipment line changes to Confirmed when you confirm the entire quantity or part of the quantity of the shipment line. Consequently, the status of the related planned shipment requirement in the Outbound Order Line - Planned Shipment Requirements (whinh4183m000) session changes to Shipped.

If the confirmed shipment line still contains a projected quantity, a new planned shipment requirement with status Created is generated for the projected quantity.


The ordered quantity of the outbound order line from which a shipment line is created, is displayed in the Ordered Quantity field of the Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000) session.

If the ordered quantity of an outbound order line exceeds the quantity of the projected shipments present for the outbound order line, an open shipment is generated for the difference between the ordered quantity and the total projected quantity when you release the outbound advice for the outbound order line.