Example of planning requirements and projected shipments

The ordered quantity of outbound order line SLS00010/10 is 100 items X. The planned delivery date is 02/17/yyyy. On that day, there is no available stock. On 02/16/yyyy, the available stock is 30. The remaining 70 items X are available by 02/22/yyyy.

Because the available stock changes frequently, you must create projected shipments to ship the items.

Step 1. Create planned shipment requirement

In the Outbound Order Line - Planned Shipment Requirements (whinh4183m000) session, create a planned shipment requirement for 30 items X with planned delivery date 02/16/yyyy.

The status of the new planned shipment requirement is Created.

In the Outbound Order Lines (whinh2120m000) session, the quantity in the Planned Shipment Quantity field changes from 100 to 30.

Step 2. Generate Projected Shipments

In the Outbound Order Line - Planned Shipment Requirements (whinh4183m000) session, generate a projected shipment for the planned shipment requirement.

The status of the planned shipment requirement changes to Planned.

Because no shipments and shipment lines with matching properties are present, a new projected shipment SHP000123 with shipment line 10 and planned delivery date 02/16/yyyy is generated.

In the Shipment and Shipment Line fields, the projected shipment and shipment line of the planned shipment requirement is displayed.

In the Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000) session, the total projected quantity of 30 items X is displayed in the Projected Quantity field for shipment SHP000123/10.

In the Outbound Order Lines (whinh2120m000) session, the quantity in the Projected Quantity field is changed to 30.

Step 3. Generate and release outbound advice

Generate and release outbound advice. Because of inventory shortages, only 20 items X are advised and released.

In the Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000) session, the status of shipment SHP000123 and shipment line 10 changes from Projected to Open. The shipped quantity on shipment line SHP000123/10 is increased by 20, and the projected quantity remains 30.

Note: The status of the shipment and the shipment line has changed to Open, even though there is still a quantity of 10 items X that is not yet released.

Step 4. Create planned shipment requirement

In the Outbound Order Line - Planned Shipment Requirements (whinh4183m000) session, create another planned shipment requirement for order line SLS00010/10. This time, for 20 items X with planned delivery date 02/17/yyyy.

The status of the new planned shipment requirement is Created.

In the Outbound Order Lines (whinh2120m000) session, the quantity in the Planned Shipment Quantity field is changed from 30 to 50.

Step 5. Generate Projected Shipments

In the Outbound Order Line - Planned Shipment Requirements (whinh4183m000) session, generate a projected shipment for the second planned shipment requirement.

The status of the planned shipment requirement changes to Planned.

Because no shipments and shipment lines with matching properties are present, a new projected shipment SHP000129 with shipment line 10 and planned delivery date 02/17/yyyy is generated.

In the Shipment and Shipment Line fields, the projected shipment and shipment line of the planned shipment requirement is displayed.

In the Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000) session, the total projected quantity of 20 items X is displayed in the Projected Quantity field.

In the Outbound Order Lines (whinh2120m000) session, the quantity in the Projected Quantity field changes from 30 to 50.

Step 6. Generate and release outbound advice

Generate and release outbound advice. Because of another inventory shortage, only 8 items X are advised and released.

This time, the released quantity of 8 is added to shipment SHP000123, shipment line 10 instead of shipment SHP000129 for these reasons:

  • The planned delivery date of shipment SHP000123, 02/16/yyyy, is earlier than delivery date 02/17/yyyy of shipment SHP000129.
  • For shipment line SHP000123/10, the projected quantity is 30 and the shipped quantity is 20. Therefore, SHP000123/10 can accommodate the released quantity of another 8 items X.

The status of SHP000123/10 remains Open.

The shipped quantity on shipment line SHP000123/10 is increased by 8 and now totals 28, and the projected quantity remains 30. This means that two items are not yet released, that is, these items are still projected.

Step 7. Confirm shipment

Confirm shipment line SHP000123/10. A warning is displayed that the projected quantity is greater than the shipped quantity, but the shipment line can be confirmed.

Consequently, in the Outbound Order Line - Planned Shipment Requirements (whinh4183m000) session, these changes are made:

  • The status of the corresponding planned shipment requirement is changed to Shipped.
  • A new planned shipment requirement with status Created is generated for 2 items X.