Projected shipments

Projected shipments are preliminary shipments that are created before the picking process has started.

The purpose of creating shipments at this early stage in the outbound process is to prepare labeling and to publish the shipments before the goods to be shipped reach the staging area. This enhances the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of the process.

If the use of projected shipments is implemented, the initial status of a shipment is Projected.

The projected shipment setup determines whether projected shipments are created manually or automatically. If created automatically, projected shipments, shipment lines, and loads are generated when the outbound order lines are created for a warehousing order.

You can use the Shipment Planning Workbench (whinh8370m000) workbench session, the Outbound Order Line - Planned Shipment Requirements (whinh4183m000) session, or the Generate Projected Shipments (whinh4230m200) session to manually create, or initiate the creation of, projected shipments.

If created manually, you can create projected shipments for outbound order lines with statuses up to Shipped, provided that the quantity in the Planned Shipment Quantity field is lower than the quantity in the Projected Quantity field on the outbound order line.

The projected shipment line quantities are taken from the ordered quantities in the Outbound Order Lines (whinh2120m000) session or the planned shipment requirement quantities in the Outbound Order Line - Planned Shipment Requirements (whinh4183m000) session.

  1. Select the Projected Shipments in use check box in the Inventory Handling Parameters (whinh0100m000) session.

  2. Select the Projected Shipments in use check box in the Warehousing Order Types (whinh0110m000) session for the order types for which to use projected shipments.

  3. Optionally, select the Generate Projected Shipments Automatically check box in the Warehousing Order Types (whinh0110m000) session if projected shipments must be generated automatically. Projected shipments are automatically generated for the entire ordered quantity of the outbound order line.

    If automatic generation is not required, you can create projected shipments using the Generate Projected Shipments (whinh4230m200) session.

    If you frequently create projected shipments for less than the total ordered quantity of outbound order lines, clear the Generate Projected Shipments Automatically check box in the Warehousing Order Types (whinh0110m000) session to prevent generation of projected shipments for the entire ordered quantity.

    Generated projected shipments are not displayed in the Shipment Planning Workbench (whinh8370m000) workbench session, because these projected shipments are automatically planned. See Planning requirements and projected shipments.

Handling unit setup for projected shipments

In the Generate Handling Unit Automatically during Projected Shipments field in the Warehouses (whwmd2500m000) session, select the preferred option to control automatic creation of handling units when projected shipments are created.

These settings override the setting of the Generate Handling Unit Automatically during Projected Shipments field for specific sites, warehouses, and items:

Modifying projected shipments

These changes are allowed for projected shipments:

  • Updates from the linked outbound-order lines. You can generate, regenerate, or delete projected shipments from an outbound-order line.

  • Picking the goods for the shipment lines, in which case the status changes to Open.

These changes are allowed if the Allow Changes to Shipment check box is selected in the Shipments (whinh4130m000) session:

  • Manually removing shipments and shipment lines.

  • Moving shipment lines to another shipment using the Compose Shipment (whinh4231m000) session.

  • Moving shipments to another load using the Compose Shipment (whinh4231m000) session.

  • Creating handling units, if handling units are implemented.


If projected shipments are changed or removed, new labels must be created and new shipment Business Object Document (BODs) must be published.

To prevent the allowed changes from being made to projected shipments or the originating outbound order lines, clear the Allow Changes to Shipment check box.

For example, when creating shipment lines for a new outbound order line, LN cannot add these shipment lines to projected shipments for which the Allow Changes to Shipment check box is cleared. To enable shipment composition for these shipments, you must first select the check box.

Clearing the Allow Changes to Shipment check box prevents changes from being made to shipments, such as the shipped quantities, while the customer has already been notified of the shipments to be delivered.