Packaging item balances and transactions

In the Packaging Item Balances by Shipping Material Account (whwmd4175m000) session, you can view and maintain the total quantities of packaging items for each shipping material account (SMA).

You can view and maintain packaging item transactions in the Packaging Item Transactions (whinr1115m000) session.

For each received packaging item transaction, the warehouse quantity is updated in the packaging item balance. For each issue transaction, the quantity at the business partner is updated.

Circulating quantity

The circulating quantity of a packaging item is the total quantity of the items present in the warehouse and at the business partner. You can manually adjust the circulating quantity of a packaging item. The circulating quantity affects the quantity at the business partner in this way:

Quantity at business partner = circulating quantity - quantity in warehouse.

For example, your PSP has just built 20000 pallets of type ABC. These are stacked at the PSP's depot, ready to be sent to your warehouse so you can use them to transport your products to your customers. To reflect this, you must set the circulating quantity to 20000. Consequently, the quantity at the business partner, the PSP, is set to 20000, because the pallets are still to be transported to your warehouse.

Manual registration of packaging item transactions

Empty packaging materials supplied by your PSP or returned by your customers are not registered as packaging item transactions, because these are not based on receipts or shipments defined in Warehousing.

Therefore, you must manually specify movements of empty packaging materials.

For example, when your PSP sends 1000 ABC pallets to your warehouse, you must manually specify a packaging item transaction of type Receipt or Inventory Adjustment for 1000 ABC pallets in the Packaging Item Transactions (whinr1115m000) session. Consequently, in the balance, the warehouse quantity is increased by 1000 and the quantity at the business partner is decreased by 1000.


For manually entered packaging item transactions to be reflected in the balance, you must set the transaction to Confirmed.

Automatic registration of packaging item transactions

When you send a shipment to a customer that includes, for example, 30 pallets ABC, a packaging item transaction of type Issue for 30 pallets is automatically registered in the Packaging Item Transactions (whinr1115m000) session. Consequently, in the balance, the warehouse quantity is decreased by 30 pallets and the business partner quantity is increased by 30 pallets.

If you are a customer and own the packaging materials used by your suppliers, the packaging items used to pack your ordered goods are automatically registered as packaging item transactions of type Receipt in the Packaging Item Transactions (whinr1115m000) session.


If you are a supplier, and a PSP is the owner of the packaging materials, packaging item returns from the customers to the PSP are the PSP's responsibility. Therefore, you are not required to keep track of this part of the packaging item flow.