Excluding packaging items from accounting

Packaging items can be generally excluded from accounting, or excluded from accounting for specific business partners.

These options are available to exclude specific packaging items from accounting:

  • Mark the item as not accountable. You must clear the Accountable check box for an item in the Packaging Items (whwmd4505m000) session. Consequently, the item is unavailable for shipping material accounting.

  • Define a dummy shipping material account (SMA) and create entries for this dummy account in the shipping material accounting scheme.

  • Exclude from accounting for a specific business partner.

Excluding packaging items from accounting for specific business partners
  1. Start the Shipping Material Accounting Scheme (whwmd4171m000) session.
  2. Define a shipping material accounting scheme by clicking New.
  3. Specify the relevant business partner and packaging item.
  4. Leave the Shipping Material Account field blank.