Receipt and inbound inspection procedures - in detail

The receipt and inspection procedures comprise the activities that you must perform in LN to receive and, if required, inspect goods that you want to store in the warehouse. This topic describes all steps, also called activities, of the inbound and inspection procedures and shows how you can perform these steps.

Some of the activities are mandatory, and some only apply to location-controlled warehouses. You are not required to include non-mandatory activities in your warehousing procedures. In addition, you can specify whether an activity must be performed manually or automatically. For information on how to define warehousing procedures, see Warehousing procedures and Automatic or manual execution of activities.

The receipt and inspection procedures include the following mandatory activities:

  • Warehouse Receipt (whinh3512m000)
  • Generate Inbound Advice (whinh3201m000)
  • Put Away Inbound Advice (whinh3203m000)

These activities are only available for location-controlled warehouses:

  • Generate Inbound Advice (whinh3201m000)
  • Put Away Inbound Advice (whinh3203m000)
  • Generate Storage List (whinh3415m000)
  • Storage List (whinh3525m100)

If the warehouse is not location-controlled, LN skips these activities and automatically stores the goods in the warehouse after the receipt is confirmed. The status of the inbound order line then changes from Receipt Open to Put Away.

Step 1. Print goods received note (optional)

The first step of the receipt procedure is to print a goods received note for the inbound order lines that you want to receive. The initial status of an inbound order line is either Planned or Open. For more information, refer to Print Goods Received Note (whinh3412m100) and Planned status for warehousing orders and order lines.

Step 2. Receive goods

The Warehouse Receipt (whinh3512m000) activity is a mandatory step of the inbound procedure.

When inbound goods arrive at the warehouse, the goods are counted and the receipt of the goods is confirmed. Many warehouses use scanning devices to receive goods, in which case they scan the serial numbers or the labels of the handling units of the goods.

To receive goods in LN, you must create a receipt record and link the inbound-order lines, advance shipment notices, or handling units, which list the goods, to the receipt record. As a result, LN creates receipt lines for the linked inbound order lines, handling units, or ASN lines. For more information, refer to How to receive goods.

If the ownership for the received goods is other than company owned, LN creates an ownership record when a receipt is linked to an inbound order line. If the ownership is consigned, LN creates a consumption record in the Consigned Receipts (whwmd2550m000) session. If the ownership is customer owned, LN generates a consumption record in the Customer Owned Receipts (whwmd2550m100) session only when the consigned inventory is used/ issued from a warehouse. For more information, refer to Inventory ownership in Warehouse Management.

You can create receipt records in the Warehouse Receipt (whinh3512m000) session.

Alternatively, you can create a receipt for inbound order lines as follows:

  1. In the Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000) session or the Inbound Line Status Overview (whinh2119m000) session, select the appropriate menu.
  2. On the appropriate menu, click Receive.

After you create a receipt record for an inbound order line, the status of the inbound order line changes to Receipt Open.

After you create a receipt and link order lines, handling units, or ASNs, you must confirm the receipt. After the receipt is confirmed, the status of the inbound order line changes to Received and LN creates an inventory record for the received items.

Note that for non-location controlled warehouses, when you confirm the receipt for an inbound order line, the status changes from Receipt Open to Put Away. The reason is that for non location controlled warehouses, the inbound advise and put away activities are not available. After confirming the receipt, the goods are automatically put away. If an inspection procedure is included in the warehousing procedure, the status of the inbound order line changes from Receipt Open to To be Inspected, which is described in step 7.

To confirm a receipt, in the Warehouse Receipt (whinh3512m000) session; go to appropriate menu --> Confirm --> Receipt. For more information, refer to How to receive goods.

If this activity is performed automatically, LN both creates and confirms the receipt record.

Step 3. Advise goods

Inbound advice comprise instructions to move received and/or inspected goods to particular storage locations in a warehouse.

After a receipt is confirmed, you can generate inbound advice that show the pick or bulk locations to which the goods must be moved.

If the warehouse procedure defined for the inbound order line includes an inspection procedure, the inbound advice shows the inspection location to which the goods must be moved. For more information, refer to the description of the Inspect Goods, step 7 in this topic.

To generate inbound advice, in the Generate Inbound Advice (whinh3201m000) session, select the inbound order lines that list the goods that you want to advise and click Advise. You can maintain inbound advice data in the Inbound Advice (whinh3525m000) session. Alternatively, you can generate inbound advice for individual order lines in the Inbound Line Status Overview (whinh2119m000) session. For more information, refer to To generate and put away inbound advice.

After the inbound advice is generated, the status of the inbound order lines that list the goods selected in the outbound advice changes to Advised.

Step 4. Generate storage list

A storage list is a document that shows the locations where received or inspected goods must be stored. It provides more detailed instructions than the inbound advice. You can generate storage lists after the inbound advice is generated. The storage list activity is only available for location-controlled warehouses. After you generate a storage list for an inbound order line, the status of the order line remains Advised.

You can generate storage lists in the Generate Storage List (whinh3415m000) session.

Alternatively, you can generate storage lists for individual inbound order lines in the Inbound Line Status Overview (whinh2119m000) session.

Step 5. Storage list

In the Storage List (whinh3525m100) session, you can maintain storage list data and put away the goods listed on the storage list. If you put away the goods in the Storage List (whinh3525m100) session, you do not have to use the Put Away Inbound Advice (whinh3203m000) session. After you put away the goods listed on a storage list, the status of the related order lines changes from Advised to Put Away.

If the warehouse procedure defined for the inbound order line includes an inspection procedure, LN creates an inspection record after the inbound advice is put away, and the inbound order line obtains the To be Inspected status.

Step 6. Put away goods

After the receipt is confirmed and the inbound advice is generated for the inbound order line or the handling unit, you can store the goods in the warehouse.

You can put away goods using the following sessions:

  • Put Away Inbound Advice (whinh3203m000)
  • Inbound Advice (whinh3525m000)
  • Inbound Line Status Overview (whinh2119m000)
  • Storage List (whinh3525m100)

After the inbound order line is put away, the order line obtains the Put Away status. For more information, refer to To generate and put away inbound advice.

If the warehouse procedure defined for the inbound order line includes an inspection procedure, LN creates an inspection record after the inbound advice is put away, and the inbound order line obtains the To be Inspected status.

Step 7. Inspect inbound goods

The inbound inspection procedure is one of the main warehousing procedures in LN. You can add the inspection procedure to a warehousing procedure if the setup for the warehouse, supplier, or item requires item inspection.

For location-controlled warehouses, LN moves the inbound goods to the inspection location specified for the warehouse after the receipt is confirmed and the inbound advice is put away. Inbound order lines that are put away to the inspection location obtain the To be Inspected status.

To enhance efficiency, you can consider setting the inbound advice to the inspection location to automatic.

For non location-controlled warehouses, the status of an inbound order line changes to To be Inspected after the receipt is confirmed.

For the inbound order lines with status To be Inspected, LN creates inspections and inspection lines. You can maintain inspection data in the Warehouse Inspections (whinh2631m100), Warehouse Inspections Overview (whinh3122m000), and Warehouse Inspection (whinh3622m000) sessions.

For the approved and processed quantity of an inspected order line, you must again generate the inbound advice and put away the inspected goods if the warehouse is location-controlled. To generate and put away inbound advice for inspected goods, proceed in the same way as described in the previous steps. The status for inbound order lines for which inbound advice is generated after inspection is Advised. The status for inbound order lines that are put away after inspection is Put Away.

For non-location controlled warehouses, the status of the approved and processed quantity of an inbound order line changes to Put Away after the inspection is processed. This is because the Generate Inbound Advice (whinh3201m000), Generate Storage List (whinh3415m000), Storage List (whinh3525m100), and the Put Away Inbound Advice (whinh3203m000) activities are unavailable for warehouses without locations.

Depending on the setup, rejected item quantities are removed from inventory or sent to the quarantine warehouse or quarantine location without inbound advice. In the Quarantine Inventory Overview (whwmd2171m000) session, you can handle quarantined items.

Destroyed item quantities are removed from inventory through an adjustment order.