Outbound and shipment procedures for handling units

To retrieve and ship goods from a warehouse, warehouse processing is either based on handling units or outbound shipments and warehousing order lines. If you use handling units to process goods, the order lines and/or shipments related to the handling units are updated in the background. For more information on outbound order lines and shipments, see Warehousing orders and Shipments and loads.

Both inbound or outbound order lines and handling units are processed according to user-defined warehousing procedures. The warehousing procedures used to process handling units are identical to those used to process order lines. For more information, refer to Warehousing procedures

The warehousing procedures that comprise the outbound flow are grouped into two main procedures, the Outbound Procedure and the Shipment Procedure.

Generate handling units in the outbound flow

Various settings are available to enable the use of handling units for inbound and/or outbound procedures, and for specific items and warehouses. For more information, refer to To set up handling units.

You can generate handling units for an order line when you create:

  • An outbound order line with the Planned or Open status
  • Outbound advice
  • An inspection
  • A shipment
  • A shipment line

If your warehouse uses handling units and the use of handling units is enabled in Warehousing, LN allocates handling units to the order line when outbound advice is generated for the order line. This procedure is described in To generate handling units and To maintain handling units. For more information on the Planned status, see Planned status for warehousing orders and order lines. For more information on the shipment procedure, see Using handling units in shipment processes.