To define package definitions

To define package definitions, proceed as follows:

Step 1. Start session

Start the Package Definitions (whwmd4110m000) session. In this session, you must define the general-level package definition.

Step 2. Code and description

Enter the identification code and description of the package definition.

Step 3. Package definition type

Select the package definition type. See Package definitions on the available package definition types.

Step 4. Packaging levels

This step only applies to Fixed package definitions.

Define packaging levels for the package definition. To define packaging levels, select the package definition and start the Package Definition Levels (whwmd4520m000) session. You can access this session on the appropriate menu of the Package Definitions (whwmd4110m000) session. For further information on packaging levels, see Packaging levels.

Step 5. Handling unit template

For Fixed package definitions, skip this step if you do not use handling units.

Define the handling unit template for the package definition in the Handling Unit Templates (whwmd4160m000) session. You can access this session on the appropriate menu of the Package Definitions (whwmd4110m000) session.

Variable and mixed package definitions

For each node, enter the following information:

  • The number of the parent node (this does not apply to the top node).
  • The packaging item for the node. You can specify one packaging item for a node, for example, box.
  • The number of packaging items. For example, if you specified packaging item box, you must specify how many boxes are used for the node.
  • Auxiliary packaging, such as sealing plastics, in the Handling Unit Template Node - Auxiliary Packaging (whwmd4162m000) session. To start this session, select the node in the Handling Unit Templates (whwmd4160m000) session and on the appropriate menu, select Auxiliary Packaging.

    A handling unit template node can have multiple packaging items of one type, for example, 10 boxes type A, and multiple auxiliary packaging items, for example, 2 trays, one length of sealing plastics, and one cover.

  • Select the Labeled check box. Labeled means that, for each packing item defined for the node, a handling unit is created. In this way, each existing packing item is uniquely identified. These labels can be printed. If the boxes with milk cartons from the first example in Package definitions are labeled, each box obtains a label when handling units are generated for an order for milk cartons. For further information on labels, see Label layout and printing.
  • The item that is to be packed. This is applicable only to mixed package definitions. For further information, see Package definitions.
  • The number of items that is to be packed in the packaging item in the parent node. You must only insert this number for the bottom node. For general-level handling unit templates, this is useful if you know that for all items for which the package definition is to be used, the same number will fit in the packaging item.

Fixed package definitions

If you define a fixed package definition, the information for the nodes is copied from the packaging levels. For further information on packaging levels, see Packaging levels. You cannot modify this information, but you can add the following information for each node:

  • Auxiliary packaging information.
  • Select the Labeled check box. Labeled means that for each packing item defined for the node, a handling unit is created. In this way, each existing packing item is uniquely identified. The top node is always labeled, you do not need to specify this. These labels can be printed. If the boxes with milk cartons from the example in Package definitions are labeled, each box obtains a label when handling units are generated for an order for milk cartons. For further information on labels, see Label layout and printing.
Step 6. Save and quit handling unit template

For Fixed package definitions, skip this step if you do not use handling units.

Save the general-level handling unit template and close the Handling Unit Templates (whwmd4160m000) session.

Step 7. Validate handling unit template

For Fixed package definitions, skip this step if you do not use handling units.

Return to the Package Definitions (whwmd4110m000) session to validate the general-level handling unit template. This step is the last step in the procedure to create general-level package definitions. After you have validated the template, you can no longer change the template, except for the auxiliary packaging and the packing instructions. To change a validated template, you must first use the Undo Validate Package Definition option on the appropriate menu. In the next step, you must link the package definition and thus the handling unit template to an item to create the item-level package definition.

Step 8. Define item-level package definition

Define the item-level package definition. In this step, you link the package definition to an item. To link a package definition to an item, select the item in the Items - Warehousing (whwmd4500m000) session and access the Item - Package Definitions (whwmd4130m000) session. You can access this session on the appropriate menu of the Items - Warehousing (whwmd4500m000) session. Note that you can link an item to various package definitions, this is useful if, for example, the item is sold to various business partners with various packing requirements.

Step 9. Adjust packaging levels for item

This step applies only to Fixed package definitions.

Adjust the packaging levels of the package definition that you are linking to the item. To adjust the packaging level information, access the Package Definition Levels (whwmd4520m000) session from the appropriate menu. For further information on packaging levels, see Packaging levels.

Step 10. Adjust handling unit template for item

Adjust the handling unit template of the package definition that you are linking to the item. Access the Handling Unit Templates (whwmd4160m000) session from the appropriate menu. You can add nodes and change nodes, as described in Steps 5 and 6.

Step 11. Validate handling unit template for item

For Fixed package definitions, skip this step if you do not use handling units.

Validate the handling unit template of the package definition that you are linking to the item. After you validate the template, you can no longer change the template. To change a validated template, you must first use the Undo Validate Package Definition option on the appropriate menu.

Step 12. Link package definition to business partner

In the Items - Sales Business Partner (tdisa0510m000) session and the Items - Purchase Business Partner (tdipu0110m000) session, you can link an item-level package definition to ship-to business partners or ship-from business partners. As a result, the package definition is defaulted on order lines listing the linked business partners and items. For further information, see To maintain handling units and To generate handling units.

When you define handling units for an order line, you can use the default package definition of the order line, use another package definition, or use no package definition. You cannot use mixed package definitions for this purpose. Note that this step is optional.

  • You cannot delete item-level package definitions if an inventory is present that is stored in the package definition for the item. In addition, the package definition levels and handling unit templates on item level must be deleted before a package definition by item can be deleted.
  • If you use the DEM Content Pack with Infor LN, consider using the MCO1090 (Handling Units and/or Package Definition) wizard to set up handling units and package definitions. You can execute this predefined wizard from the Wizards by Project Model (tgwzr4502m000) session after you specified the business function model for your company. See Business function model.