Partial shipments

If the quantity on the outbound order line is partially shipped and all shipment lines are confirmed, the outbound order line receives the Shipped status. In that case, you cannot ship the remaining quantity of the outbound order line, except for order lines of the following origins:

  • Sales
    You can ship the remaining quantity by means of a back order
  • Sales Schedule
    If you do not ship the total outbound order line quantity, LN generates a new outbound order line for the remaining quantity. The new outbound order line's status is Open. If problems occur, or no shipments are required anymore based on the newly generated outbound order line, the original sales schedule can block, delete, or cancel the outbound order line if the status is Open.
  • SFC Production
    If you do not ship the total outbound order line quantity, LN generates a new outbound order line for the quantity that is not shipped. The new outbound order line's status is Open.
  • Service
    If you do not ship the total outbound order line quantity, LN generates a new outbound order line for the quantity that is not shipped. The new outbound order line's status is Open.