Valuation of Positive Adjustments

  • Standard Cost

    Valuation of receipts (for which price is not defined) is based on the cost valid on the transaction date.

    If inventory value cannot be determined, the value of the receipt is calculated based on the standard cost.

    Unlinked Return ReceiptNormal Receipt
    Inbound PriceNo Inbound PriceNo Inbound Price
    The financial transaction related to the originating order is booked against issue Fixed Transfer Price (FTP). Later, the receipt surcharges of the received item are added.The financial transaction related to the originating order is booked for issue Fixed Transfer Price (FTP). Inventory is booked for the same amount. Later, the receipt surcharges of the received item are added to the inventory. The inventory receipt value is adjusted for receipt standard cost or in case the valuation method is Lot Price (Lot) and lot price is pre-defined.The financial transaction related to the originating order is booked for issue Fixed Transfer Price (FTP) excluding the receipt surcharge applicable for the received item. Inventory is booked for the same amount. Later, the receipt surcharges of the received item are added.


  • Inventory Value

    The value of receipts (for which price is not defined), is based on inventory value valid on the transaction date. Effectively, the inventory value valid on the transaction date, is not modified.

    This option can be selected only if Inventory Valuation Method is not set to Fixed Transfer Price (FTP).

    Unlinked Return ReceiptNormal Receipt
    Inbound PriceNo Inbound PriceNo Inbound Price
    The financial transaction related to the originating order is booked for inventory value that increases with issue surcharges. Inventory is booked for the same amount. Later, the receipt surcharges of the received item are added.The financial transaction related to the originating order is booked for inventory value that increases with issue surcharge. Inventory is booked for the same amount. Later, the receipt surcharges of the received item are added. The inventory receipt value is corrected before return.The financial transaction related to the originating order is booked for the inventory value excluding the receipt surcharge applicable for the received item. Inventory is booked for the same amount. Later, the receipt surcharges of the received item are added.