Planned Load/Shipment Status

  • Actual

    Freight created and actualized the load plan that includes the load and related shipment(s) for the warehousing order, or Warehousing has planned the load and related shipment(s) for the warehousing order.

  • Ignored

    Freight planned the load and related shipment(s), but the quantity of the planned load and related shipments were not advised (processed) in Warehousing and no other load and shipment(s) were created to replace the load and related shipment(s), for example, because the goods are not available in the warehouse.

  • Replaced

    Freight planned the load and related shipment(s), but in Warehousing, a user created another load and related shipment(s) to replace the load and related shipment(s). In Freight, the load and related shipment(s) obtain the Ignored status and Freight cannot plan the warehousing order in another load and related shipment(s).

  • Confirmed

    The load and related shipment(s) are confirmed in Warehousing. If the load and related shipment(s) are created in Freight, the load and related shipment(s) are also confirmed in Freight, provided that the parameter that triggers automatic conversion from Confirmed to Shipped is not selected. The freight order related to the load and related shipment(s) is updated with the Confirmed status by Warehousing.

  • Shipped

    One of the following applies:

    • If the load and related shipment(s) are created in Freight, the load and related shipment(s) are confirmed in Warehousing and the load and shipment(s) have the Shipped status in Freight. The freight order line related to the load and shipment(s) is also updated with the Shipped status.
    • If the load and related shipment(s) are not created in Freight and no freight order exists for the load and shipments, the load and shipments are confirmed in Warehousing.
  • In Transit

    For a warehousing order of the Transfer inventory transaction type, the load and related shipment(s) are transferred by confirming the load and shipment(s).

  • Received

    The load and related shipment(s) are received in the warehouse.