| Base VRC's (ttpmc0110m000)The reason why you must specify the relation between export
VRCs and base VRCs is as follows: a solution must be linked to a base VRC, because the base
VRC specifies for which version of the software the solution is intended. To
assemble the solution, you must link components to the solution. However, a
component can occur multiple times, in various VRCs. So, how does the system
know which of these components you intend? To make this clear, you must link
the VRC of the components, that is, the export VRC, to the base VRC of the
solution. In addition to the base VRC and the export VRC, the session
also shows the development VRC that is linked to each export VRC. The
development VRC is derived from the export VRC. If SCM is activated for the export VRC in one or more
packages with the same SCM development VRC, PMC uses the SCM development VRC as
the development VRC. Base VRC A means in PMC to identify products in a unique way. Updates at
the distributor side are provided with the base VRC identifier. A base VRC can
contain the code of the physical VRC in which the related master product is
installed, for example, B61_a, but can also be a code not related to a physical
VRC, for example, 7.6_a_tt. At the recipient side, every update VRC is linked
to a base VRC identifier. The installation process checks if the base VRC
identifier of the update matches with the base VRC identifier of the update
VRC. If not, you cannot install the update in that update VRC. Export VRC The physical VRC from which components that belong to a PMC
solution must be exported at the PMC distributor side. Each base VRC has an export VRC linked, so components for
different products are exported from different physical VRCs. The export VRCs must exist in the Package VRCs (ttadv111)
table for at least one package. Development VRC In PMC a physical VRC, derived from the Export VRC, in which checked-out software components are
temporarily stored during a change process. If you export the solution, and if one or more components
exist in the development VRC, a warning message appears. Installable Unit Key PMC Solutions are exported as installable units. At the
customer side, to store this installable unit in the staging area, you can use
this key. The Infor Installation Wizard supports the installation of products derived from LN. If you
create Feature Packs that the Installation Wizard can handle, specify PMC_ERP_Applications in this field. If you create PMC
solutions for products that the Installation Wizard does not support, leave
this field blank. Installable Unit Name The name of the installable unit that appears in the LN Installer. If you
create Feature Packs that the Installation Wizard can handle, specify Infor ERP LN {0} PMC Solutions in this field. If you create
PMC solutions for products that the Installation Wizard does not support, leave
this field blank. Installable Unit Version The version of the installable unit, which appears in the LN Installer. If you
create Feature Packs that the Installation Wizard can handle, specify 6.1 in this field. If you create PMC solutions for products
that the Installation Wizard does not support, leave this field blank. | |