Job groups (OP-CE)

To handle dependent jobs, you can create a job group.

Job groups are convenient to use when running job 'A' depends on the result of job 'B' and it is difficult to plan at what time job 'A' must be scheduled.

This session is a multi-main table session. It shows multiple tables and allows you to perform maintenance commands on the main entity and the child tables.

You can change the status of the job group with the specific options in the Job Groups (ttaad5140m000) session and the Job Group Data (ttaad5640m000) session. The statuses have the same meaning as the statuses of the Jobs and the same status changes are allowed. Job groups are only handled by the BSE service. You cannot start the Job Groups session directly.

Creating a job group:

  1. Start the Job Groups (ttaad5140m000) session for creating a Job Group.
  2. Click New.
  3. Specify a Job Group name with the same characteristics as a Job name.
  4. Specify a Job Group description. The Job Group Status field and the Job Group User field are specified automatically.
  5. Click Add in Jobs by Job Group (ttaad5143m000) tab to add jobs to the group. Add the jobs in the order they must be performed. The first Job in the group, the one with the lowest Job Group Number, determines the handling of the whole Job Group. For example, the executing date and if the Job Group must be repeated. If the Job Group is not repeating the Job Group and all non-repeating Jobs in the Job Group are deleted when the Job Group is finished. In the Action of Error field you can specify what happens when a job ends in an error.

    You can use these states:

    • Continue

      Makes the job group start the next session(s).

    • Interrupt

      You can appoint a last job in the group that must be performed (to clean up). The job group stops processing after performing that job. All other jobs that are not scheduled are not started.

  6. Click the Jobs by Job Group Dependencies (ttaad5146m000) tab to determine the dependencies. A job in the Job Group can only depend on a job in the same Job Group with a lower job number. You can only use Job Groups with the BSE Service Job Scheduler Service (ttaad5220m000) session.