Customer defined fields (CE)

You can use the Customer Defined Fields (CDF) sessions in LN to store additional information in tables without creating so-called customizations. These sessions are available in the Tools menu, under Application Configuration.

  • You cannot define customer defined fields for tables within the tl and tt Tools packages.
  • External integrations, such as Infor Integration, EDI, Office Integration, and SOA-based integration, do not support customer defined fields.
  • There is no direct limitation on the number of CDFs in a table. However, the actual number of fields in a table and the total length of all fields may be limited by the RDBMS you use.
  • Only super users can run the Convert to Runtime Data Dictionary (ttadv5215m000) session to convert the customer defined fields and the related domains to the runtime data dictionary.

A session can contain two types of customer defined fields:

  • Customer defined fields of the main table. These are regular customer defined fields. If set to active, these fields are initially visible in the session. See Customer Defined Fields (ttadv4591m000).
  • Referenced customer defined fields. These are active customer defined fields that belong to a table that is referenced by the main table of the session. Referenced customer defined fields are initially invisible in the session.

A referenced customer defined field is linked to a session if its table is referenced through:

  • A table definition (so-called hard-reference)
  • A reference specified in the form definition, in particular in the Input/Ref Express property of a form field
  • A call in the UI script of the session

If a session contains customer defined fields, you can perform these actions:

  • Hide/unhide these fields.
  • Move these fields to a different location, such as a different tab.

See "Application Personalization".

Related documentation

For more information about customer defined fields, see "Customer Defined Fields" in the Infor LN Extensions Development Guide.