Possible values

  • Field

    Form field options.

  • Field (vertical occ)

    Field options on vertical occurrence form.

  • Form 4GL

    Form choice options.

  • General Table Maintenance

    Choice options on vertical occurrence form.

  • Mark delete

    Options during mark delete.

  • Mark delete (vertical occ)

    Mark delete options on vertical occurrence form.

  • Mark one

    Options during mark one

  • Mark one (vertical occ)

    Mark one option on vertical occurrence form.

  • Menu

    Menu options.

  • Help viewer

    Options in Help viewer.

  • Print to Display

    Options in view of print to display.

  • Calendar

    Options in the calendar.

  • Text Editor

    Options in the text editor.

  • Form Editor

    Options in the form editor.

  • External Editor

    Options in the external text editor.