Copy to other Personalization Level (ttadv9200s000)

Use this session to copy personalizations to another user or company.

You can start this session from the appropriate menu in the Session Personalizations (ttadv9100m000) and Report Personalizations (ttadv9507m000) sessions.

This session consists of these tabs:

  • Selection Range

    Use this tab to define the range of records to be copied. This tab is only displayed if you did not select any records in the Session Personalizations (ttadv9100m000) or Report Personalizations (ttadv9507m000) session before you started this session.

    Alternatively, you can first select the records to copy in the Session Personalizations (ttadv9100m000) or Report Personalizations (ttadv9507m000) session. Then you can start this session from the appropriate menu. In that case the Selection Range tab is hidden.

  • Copy Options

    Use this tab to specify how the personalizations must be copied. See the field help.


Copy From
Personalization level

The personalization level from which the personalizations are copied.


The user from which the personalizations are copied.


The role from which the personalizations are copied.

DEM Role

The DEM role from which the personalizations are copied.


The company from which the personalizations are copied.

Copy To
Personalization level

The personalization level to which the personalizations are copied.


The user to which the personalizations are copied.


The role to which the personalizations are copied.

DEM Role

The DEM role to which the personalizations are copied.

If these two conditions are met, the browse button starts the Role Data (ttams4100m000) session:

  • Enhanced AMS is enabled.
  • The Support Export of DEM Roles to AMS check box in the AMS Parameters (ttams0100m000) session is selected.

In all other situations, the browse button starts the Roles (tgbrg8110m000) session.


The company to which the personalizations are copied.

Overwrite User Personalizations

Specifies whether the personalizations of users that are linked to the Role, DEM Role, or Company specified under Copy To must be overwritten after copying.