Work Order Material Resources (tswcs4110m000)

Use this session to add material resources to a work order or to a work order activity. The selected delivery type determines how the materials are allocated to the work order or work order activity.

In this session, you can also handle disassembled parts. You can enter:

  • Serviceable parts that are waiting to be assembled.
  • Unserviceable parts for which a related work order must be created.
  • Unserviceable parts that must be replaced.

You can add work order material resources to:

  • Work orders.
  • Work order activities. If you link material resources to a work order activity, the resource requirements that you defined in the Resource Requirements (tsacm2120m000) session, are copied to the Work Control System module.
  • If you implemented Financials, the material resources that are used for work order or work order activities are booked as work in process (WIP) costs:
    • For the From Warehouse delivery type, WIP costs are booked based on the issued quantity. The WIP booking is adjusted based on the consumed quantity.
    • For the From Service Inventory or the From Kit delivery types, WIP costs are booked based on the consumed quantity.
  • When you use the reference activities, LN copies the material required data to work order.
  • LN defaults the project pegging data in this session either from the Costing Breaks - Service Material (tppdm3103m000) session or from the Work Orders (tswcs2100m000) session. The costing breaks functionality enables you to redirect cost from one level to another.
  • This session can be viewed as a satellite session in Work Order (tswcs2100m100), Work Order Activity (tswcs2610m000) and Work Order - Batch Repair (tswcs2600m000) sessions, if the Material Resources check box is selected in the corresponding group box in the Service User Profiles (tsmdm1150m000) session.
  • You cannot delete a material resource line which is linked to an external work order and that is created in the estimated phase if:
    • The Allow to Delete Estimates field is set to No in the Work Order Parameters (tswcs0100m000) session.
    • The work order or the activity Status is set to Released, Transferred or Completed.
  • You cannot delete a material resource line that is linked to an estimated coverage line if:
    • The related work order is internal.
    • The Allow to Delete Estimates field is set to No in the Maintenance Sales Control Parameters (tsmsc0100m000) session and the related part line is not allowed to be deleted.
Integration with Infor LN Quality

Infor LN allows you to create non-conformance reports for service objects, using the Create Non-Conformance Report option on the Action menu. The Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000) session is invoked, wherein you can create the report for the service object.

Infor LN allows you to link non-conformance reports for service objects, using the Link Non-Conformance Report option on the Action menu. The Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000) session is invoked, wherein you can select the report to be linked to the service object.

You can use the Unlink Non-Conformance Report option on the Action menu to unlink the Non-Conformance report. The Related Orders - Quality Management (tsmdm4500m100) session is invoked, wherein you can select the report to be unlinked.

  • These non-conformance report options are visible only if the Non-Conformance Reports check box is selected in the General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) session.
  • The Create Non-Conformance Report option is enabled only if the Item is specified for the service object.


Work Order

The work order for which the material resource line is created.

Work Order

The work order description is selected in the following order:

  1. The description of the service type.
  2. The description of the serialized item.
  3. The description of the item.
  4. The label description.
Activity Line

The work order activity line for which the material resource line is created.

The activity line represents the reference activity or master routing that must be carried out for the work order. The activity line is identified by a sequence number.


If the Activity Status is set to Released, LN does not allow you to add a material line for the subcontracted activity.


The line that represents the material resources. The material resource line is identified by a sequence number.


The materials that are required to carry out the work order. You can also enter a disassembled item.


The field is disabled if you specify any value in the Reference Item field.

You can enter an item or a serialized item.

  • You can change the item if the work order has the Free or Planned status, and if no warehouse orders or purchase orders are created.
  • To be scrapped: For items with little or no value. If the delivery type is set to To Warehouse, the serial status is visible.
Business Partner of Inventory

The business partner who is the owner of the item in the inventory.

  • This field is applicable only if the Ownership field is set to Customer Owned.
  • This field is applicable only if the Ownership External check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session.
Allocation and Hard Pegging Type

The allocation and hard peging type. LN allocates the inventory for a specific demand. LN uses the item specifications to match the demand and supply of inventory.


Allocation and Hard Pegging is not applicable only for the following delivery types:

  • To Scrap
  • To Warehouse
  • To Warehouse by Transport
  • From Service Inventory
  • Supplier Direct Delivery
  • By Field Purchase

Select the allocation and hard pegging type for the work order cost lines. This field can have the following values:

  • Customer Based: The inventory supply for the work order cost line must be allocated and/or hard pegged to the sold-to BP.
  • Order Based: The inventory supply for the work order cost line must be allocated and/or hard pegged to the work order.
  • Customer Reference Based: The supply for the work order cost line must be allocated and/or hard pegged to the customer reference.
  • Internal Reference Based: The supply for the work order cost line must be allocated and/or hard pegged to the internal reference.
  • Not Applicable: The allocation and hard pegging is not applicable.

The field is available only when you select the Allocation and Hard Pegging check box in the General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) session.

Business Partner

The name of the business partner.

Business Partner

The description of the business partner.

Business Object Type

The type of business object. Example work order material resource.

Business Object

The identifier of the business object. Example work order material resource number.

Business Object Reference

The reference to the business object. Example the line number of the work order material resource.


A reference code to which the inventory is allocated. LN can use the inventory only for an order with the same reference number.


The field is enabled only when you set the Allocation and Hard Pegging Type field to one of the following:

  • Internal Reference Based LN uses the field to record an internal reference.
  • Customer Reference Based LN uses the field to record a reference code that is defined by a customer.
Inventory Check Status

The result of the Material Availability check.

Allowed values

Inventory Status

ATP Inventory Available

Indicates if the inventory is available in the specified Warehouse, calculated by the ATP check.

Available Date

Latest ATP Date for the material line belonging to the order.

Checked On Date

Latest ATP Check On Date for the material line belonging to the order.

Planned Inventory Available

Indicates if the material is available, calculated by the Planned Inventory Check.

Available Date

Latest Planned Available Date for the material line belonging to the order.

Checked On Date

Latest Planned Check On Date for the material line belonging to the order.

On Hand Inventory Available

Indicates if the inventory for the material line belonging to the order is available, calculated by the On Hand inventory check.

Checked On Date

Latest On Hand Check On Date for the material line belonging to the order.

Use Unallocated Inventory

If this check box is selected, Infor LN Enterprise Planning uses unallocated inventory to match and meet the inventory demand and supply.

If this check box is cleared, Infor LN Enterprise Planning does not use unallocated inventory to meet the inventory demand.


LN matches the inventory demand and supply in the following order of priority:

  1. Allocated inventory
  2. Unallocated inventory
Allocated to Quantity

The quantity of allocated items that is available in the warehouse.

Demand Pegged Quantity

The total quantity of supply orders that is hard pegged and will be received in the warehouse, expressed in the sales unit. This quantity is hard pegged to the work order cost line.

Unallocated Quantity

The inventory of the item that is available in the warehouse that can be allocated to new orders.

Serial Number

A number that, together with the item code or manufacturer part number, uniquely identifies a component, an item, a machine, or an installation.

This serial number is usually shown together with the manufacturer part number and other identification data on an identification plate that is attached to the item.

  • If you have selected the From Warehouse or the Via Purchase delivery type, and the items cannot be delivered from the serial number, you must create a material resource line for each serialized item that has a serial number other than the original serial number.
  • Infor LN allows the warehouse issue of the customer owned serialized item only if:

    • the Ownership External check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session
    • the Sold-to Business Partner specified for the work order must be same as the Owner defined for the serialized item.


Two ABC items must be delivered from a warehouse. The specified warehouse can only deliver two items ABC-123 and one item ABC-456. For item ABC-123, the current material resource line is created. For item ABC-456, a new material resource line must be created.

Engineering Item Revision

The value that indicates the engineering revision of a revision-controlled item.

  • You must set the item revision control check boxes in the General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) session.
  • You can maintain the revision if the work order status is Free, Completed, Signed-Off, or Closed.
  • You cannot maintain the revision for serialized items.
Effectivity Unit

A reference number, for example a sales order line or a project deliverable line, that is used to model deviations for a unit effective item.

Estimated Quantity

The estimated quantity expressed in the item inventory unit.

  • You cannot specify a negative value.
  • By default, this value is set to:
    • Zero if the material resource line is created for an order or activity with the status other than Free or Planned. You cannot modify this value.
    • One, if the Item is serialized in the Items - Service (tsmdm2100m000) session.
    • The value in the Actual Quantity field, if the Delivery Type field is set to From Warehouse.
  • You cannot modify this value if:
    • The related Order Status or the Activity Status is not set to Free or Planned.
    • The related Order Status or the Activity Status is set to Planned and the Delivery Type field is set to Via Purchase.
    • The Interrupted check box is selected for the related work order in the Work Orders (tswcs2100m000) session.
  • This value must be specified, if the related Order Status or the Activity Status is set to Planned and the Delivery Type is From Warehouse, From Kit or Via Purchase.
Estimated Unit Cost

The estimated unit cost of the item expressed in the home currency.

  • This value is defaulted from the Standard Costs - Cost Types (ticpr3502s000) session.
  • This value is set to zero, if the material resource line is created for a related order or activity with status set to Released or Completed.
Actual Unit Cost

The actual unit cost of the item expressed in the home currency.

  • This value is defaulted from the Standard Costs - Cost Types (ticpr3502s000) session, if the Delivery Type field is set to From Service Inventory. For all other delivery types, this value retrieved during receipt or delivery from Warehousing.
Required Quantity

The quantity that is required based on the specified length, width, thickness, and number of units required for the item.

  • By default, this value is set to one, if the required quantity is not based on the specified length, width, thickness, and number of units.
  • This value is defaulted from the Estimated Quantity field if the related Order Status or the Activity Status is set to Free or Planned.
Estimated Resource Line

Indicates if the resource line is created before the related order or the activity is Released.


Infor LN selects this check box if the Use Coverage Calculation for Estimates check box is selected in the Maintenance Sales Control Parameters (tsmsc0100m000) session and the order or the activity status is set to Free or Planned, when a resource line is created.

Actual Quantity

The quantity that is actually used for the work order or for the work order activity.


If the delivery type for the work order is From Warehouse or Via Purchase, the difference between the issued quantity and the consumed quantity is returned to the warehouse after the work order or work order activity is closed.


If this check box is selected, text was added to the material resource line.

Related topics

Reference Item

The reference item linked to the order line.


The field is enabled when you do not specify any value in the Item field.

Delivery Type

Indicates how the material that is required to carry out the activities, must be delivered, or what will happen to the defective item.

Allowed values

Delivery Type


The default delivery type for the item is defined in the Items - Service (tsmdm2100m000) session if:

  • the material resource line is linked to a work order or to a work order activity.
  • a material resource line is linked to a subcontracted activity for which the Supply Material to Subcontracted check box is selected, the value in this field can be set to From Warehouse or Via Purchase or From Kit.
  • a material resource line is linked to a subcontracted activity for which Supply Material to Subcontracted check box is not selected, the value in this field can be set to Subcontracting Requirement.
Return unconsumed Items to Warehouse

If this check box is selected, a material line is created for material that must be returned to the warehouse.

  • When you create a material line with an appropriate delivery type, LN defaults the value from the Items - Service (tsmdm2100m000) session.
  • This field is enabled only if Delivery Type is set to To Warehouse.

The code of the site where the material is delivered.

Related topics


The description or name of the code.

Service Kit

If you have selected the From Kit delivery type, you must select a service kit.

Example: Issue work order material resources from kit

  1. Ten pieces of item ABC are needed.
  2. A material resource line is created.
    • Work order (activity) status = Planned
    • Planned quantity = 0 pcs
    • Issued quantity = 0 pcs
    • Consumed quantity = 7 pcs
  3. You must manually enter the consumed quantity. The consumed quantity is booked as work in process (WIP).

The ownership of the item. This is a display field.

Allowed values

  • Company Owned
  • Customer Owned
  • This field is displayed only if the Ownership External check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session.
  • This value is defaulted from:
    • the Resource Requirements (tsacm2120m000) session, if the material resource line is created based on the reference activity of the work order activity
    • the Planned Activity - Material Requirements (tsspc2110m000) session, if the material cost line is created based on the planned activity.
    • the Items - Service (tsmdm2100m000) session, if the material cost line is manually created.
  • You can set this field to Company Owned if:
    • the serialized item used is company owned and
    • the Delivery Type field is set to:
      • From Service Kit
      • From Service Inventory
      • By Purchase Order
  • You can set this field to Customer Owned only if:
    • the work order is an internal work order.
    • the Delivery Type field is set to:
      • From Warehouse
      • To Warehouse
  • This field is defaulted to Company Owned if the Return unconsumed Items to Warehouse check box is selected. You cannot modify this value.
  • By default, Infor LN sets this field to Company Owned if the Delivery Type is set to Subcontracting Requirement. You cannot modify this value.
Customer Furnished Material

Indicates the ownership of the material. Infor LN selects this check box if the material is furnished by the customer.

  • This field is displayed only if the Customer Furnished Materials check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session.
  • Infor LN selects this check box if:
    • the Ownership field is set to Customer Owned.
    • the Delivery Type field is set to From Warehouse or To Warehouse (for unconsumed material).

If you have selected the From Warehouse or To Warehouse delivery type, you must enter the warehouse from which the materials are issued, or the warehouse to which the materials are sent.


A warehousing order must be created to deliver the item.

Example: Issue work order material resources to work order (activity)

  1. Ten pieces of item ABC are required.
    • Work order (activity) status = Free
    • Required quantity = 10 pcs
    • Issued quantity = 0 pcs
    • Consumed quantity = 0 pcs
  2. A material resource line is created.
    • Work order (activity) status = Planned
    • Planned quantity = 10 pcs
    • Issued quantity = 0 pcs
    • Consumed quantity = 0 pcs
  3. An available-to-promise check is performed. A warehouse order is created, and the required stock is hard allocated to the work order, if the Commitment Required check box is selected.
    • Work order (activity) status = Released
    • Planned quantity = 10 pcs
    • Issued quantity = 0 pcs
    • Consumed quantity = 0 pcs
  4. The outbound advice in warehousing is started. As a result of the outbound advice, two pieces are issued from the warehouse. These two pieces are booked as work in process. The other eight pieces remain allocated/committed to the work order.
    • Work order (activity) status = Released
    • Planned quantity = 8 pcs
    • Issued quantity = 2 pcs
    • Consumed quantity = 0 pcs
  5. Also as a result of the outbound advice, the other eight pieces are issued and added to the issued quantity.
    • Work order (activity) status = Released
    • Planned quantity = 0 pcs
    • Issued quantity = 10 pcs
    • Consumed quantity = 0 pcs
  6. Only seven pieces are actually used for this work order. You can manually enter the consumed quantity.
    • Work order (activity) status = Completed
    • Planned quantity = 0 pcs
    • Issued quantity = 10 pcs
    • Consumed quantity = 7 pcs
  7. All allocations/commitments are removed. The difference between the issued quantity and the consumed quantity is returned to the warehouse. The work in process is adjusted to what is actually used. The actual used quantity is the consumed quantity.
    • Work order (activity) status = Closed
    • Planned quantity = 0 pcs
    • Issued quantity = 10 pcs
    • Consumed quantity = 7 pcs
Commitment Required

If this check box is selected, materials that require delivery from a warehouse must be committed to the work order or to the work order activity before it can be planned or released.

Whether materials must be committed before work orders or work order activities can be planned or released, is determined by the Commitment Required setting in the Work Order Parameters (tswcs0100m000) session.

Lot Selection

Select a value to indicate the lot selection. If you select Specific, you must enter a lot.


If you have selected the From Warehouse or Via Purchase delivery type, and items cannot be delivered from the same lot, you must create a material resource line for each lot that differs from the original lot.


Ten items ABC from Lot one must be delivered from a warehouse. The specified warehouse can only deliver five items ABC from Lot one, and five items ABC from lot two. For the five items ABC that are delivered from lot two, a new material resource line must be created.


If you have selected Specific, you must enter a lot.

Replacement for Material Resource

The material line number (in the work order) of the serialized item that replaces the returned serialized item.

Return Reason

The reason you give to scrap an item or to return an item to a warehouse.


The default reasons are defined in the Work Order Parameters (tswcs0100m000) session.

Issued Quantity

The quantity that was delivered on the work order.

Cost Component

The material resource's cost component.

Default value

The item's cost component.


If this check box is selected, this resource line is checked off and can no longer be modified.


If, in the Work Order Parameters (tswcs0100m000) session, the Check-off Required for Resources check box is selected, you must first check the actually used materials, and then click Check-Off, before you can close the work order or work order activity.


The item's length. You can only specify the item's length for a purchased item. The unit in which the length is expressed is equal to the items inventory unit. The inventory unit's physical quantity is length, area, or volume.


You must have selected the Via Purchase delivery type, and the purchase order must have the Free or Planned status.


The item's width. You can only specify the item's width for a purchased item. The unit in which the width is expressed is equal to the items inventory unit. The inventory unit's physical quantity is area or volume.


You must have selected the Via Purchase delivery type, and the purchase order must have the Free or Planned status.


The item's thickness. You can only specify the item's thickness for a purchased item. The unit in which the thickness is expressed is equal to the items inventory unit. The inventory unit's physical quantity is volume.


You must have selected the Via Purchase delivery type, and the purchase order must have the Free or Planned status.

Number of Units

The number of times the item fits in the specified length, width, and thickness.

Buy-from Business Partner

The preferred buy-from business partner for the required materials.

Purchase Order

An agreement that indicates which items are delivered by a buy-from business partner according to certain terms and conditions.

A purchase order contains:

  • A header with general order data, buy-from business partner data, payment terms, and delivery terms
  • One or more order lines with more detailed information about the actual items to be delivered
Purchase Order Line

The purchase order line.


The maintenance sales order quote that is linked to the work order.

Quote Cost Line

The quote cost line that is linked to the work order material resource line.

Cost Line Alternative

The alternative for the quote cost line.

  • This field is displayed only if the Use Alternatives for Quotes check box is selected in the Service Quote Parameters (tsepp0100m000) session.
  • The value is defaulted from the Quotes (tsepp1100m000) session.
Quote Revision

The revision number of the quote to which the maintenance sales order is linked.

  • This field is displayed only if the Use Revisions check box is selected in the Service Quote Parameters (tsepp0100m000) session.
  • This value is defaulted from the Quotes (tsepp1100m000) session.
Parent Item

The item code of the parent service item required for the service order.

Parent Serial Number

The serial number of the parent serialized item.


The position number of the child item in the service order.


The code of the project for which the material resource line is created.

  • This field is applicable if the Project Pegging check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session.
  • This field is mandatory if:

    • the Inherit Project Peg and Mandatory Project Peg check boxes are selected in the Items (tcibd0501m000) session.
    • the Project Pegging data is defined in the Work Orders (tswcs2100m000) session.
  • This field is not valid if:

    • project is linked to a contract in the Contracts (tpctm1100m000) session.
    • project is a Project (TP) with status Free.
    • project is a Project (PCS).

The description or name of the code.


The code of the project element for which the material resource line is created.

  • This field is mandatory if:

    • the Inherit Project Peg and Mandatory Project Peg check boxes are selected in the Items (tcibd0501m000) session.
    • the Project Pegging data is defined in the Work Orders (tswcs2100m000) session.
    • the Element check box is selected in the Project Parameters (tppdm0100s000) session.
  • This field is not applicable if:

    • the Project Pegging check box is not selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session.
  • If the Costing Breaks check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session, the value in this field is defaulted from the Costing Breaks - Service Material (tppdm3103m000) session. However, if costing breaks are not defined in this session, the value in this field is defaulted from the Work Orders (tswcs2100m000) session.
  • If the Costing Breaks check box is not selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session, the value in this field is defaulted from the Work Orders (tswcs2100m000) session.

The description or name of the code.


The code of the project activity for which the material resource line is created.

  • This field is applicable if:

    • the Project Pegging check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session.
  • This field is mandatory if:

    • the Inherit Project Peg and Mandatory Project Peg check boxes are selected in the Items (tcibd0501m000) session.
    • the Activity check box is selected in the Project Parameters (tppdm0100s000) session.
    • the Project Pegging data is defined in the Work Orders (tswcs2100m000) session.
  • If the Costing Breaks check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session, the value in this field is defaulted from the Costing Breaks - Service Material (tppdm3103m000) session. However, if costing breaks are not defined in this session, the value in this field is defaulted from the Work Orders (tswcs2100m000) session.
  • If the Costing Breaks check box is not selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session, the value in this field is defaulted from the Work Orders (tswcs2100m000) session.

The description or name of the code.

Project Peg Origin

The origin of a project peg.

Allowed values

Project Peg Origin

  • This field is set to Top Demand if the project peg data is defaulted from the Work Orders (tswcs2100m000) session. This field is set to Costing Break if the project peg data is defaulted from the Costing Breaks - Service Material (tppdm3103m000) session.
  • This field is applicable only if the Project Pegging check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session.
Project Pegged Inventory

If this check box is selected, LN considers only the item that is project pegged in the Project Pegged Inventory (whwmd2560m000) session.


This check box is applicable only if the Project Pegging check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session.

By default this check box is cleared.

On Order

The inventory on order of the item listed in the Warehouse - Item Inventory (whwmd2115s000) session.


The allocated inventory of the item listed in the Warehouse - Item Inventory (whwmd2515m000) session.


The inventory commitment of the item listed in the Warehouse - Item Inventory (whwmd2515m000) session.

Inventory on Hand

The inventory on hand of the item listed in the Warehouse - Item Inventory (whwmd2515m000) session.


The unit in which the quantity is expressed.


The quantities on the material resource line are expressed in the inventory unit. When a planned activity or a reference activity is transferred to a work order, LN converts the quantities on the linked resource requirement lines to the inventory unit. However, this conversion is applicable only if the quantities on planned activity or the reference activity are expressed in a unit other than the inventory unit.

Unconsumed Line

The cost line number (of the work order) for which the excess material (items) is returned. The non-consumed quantity for a material cost line is the Issued Quantity minus the Actual Quantity.

  • This field is enabled only if:
    • The Delivery Type of the cost line is set to To Warehouse.
    • The Work Order Status or the Activity Status is set to Released.
    • The return material is not yet received.
  • The application generates the return deliveries for the non-consumed items when the Work Order Status is set to Completed.
  • You can manually add the return deliveries for the non-consumed items when order is released.
  • You can only select the cost line for which the material has been shipped.
  • On the return delivery line, the item-data (item, serial and ownership) is defaulted from the delivery line.


Lot and Serial Set

Starts the Lot and Serial Set (tcibd4111m000) session wherein you can enter lot details when the Lots in Inventory checkbox is cleared, and the Register Lot Issue in Service & Maintenance field is set to Yes, in the Items - Warehousing (whwmd4500m000). You can only view the lot details when the Register Lot Issue in Service & Maintenance field is set to No.

The button is enabled only when the item is lot controlled.


You can enter the lot details till the status of the order is less than Costed.

Alternative Items-Item Breakdown

Starts the Alternative Items-Item Breakdown (tscfg1120m000) session.

  • You can select an alternative item only when the Item field is editable.

You can select the option based on the Work Order Status field and the Delivery Type.

  • The Work Order Status field must be set to Free or Planned.
  • The delivery type must be one of the following:
    • From Warehouse
    • From Warehouse in Car
    • From Warehouse by Transport
    • From Service Kit
    • From Service Inventory
    • By Field Purchase
    • Supplier Direct Delivery
Alternative Items

Starts the Alternative Items (tcibd0505m000) session.

  • You can select an alternative item only when the Item field is editable.

You can select the option based on the Work Order Status field and the Delivery Type.

  • The Work Order Status field must be set to Free or Planned.
  • The delivery type must be one of the following:
    • From Warehouse
    • From Warehouse in Car
    • From Warehouse by Transport
    • From Service Kit
    • From Service Inventory
    • By Field Purchase
    • Supplier Direct Delivery
Process Unconsumed Material

Generates return delivery lines for the non-consumed items when the order is released.

The non-consumed quantity for a material cost line is the Issued Quantity minus the Actual Quantity.

On the return delivery line, the Item-data (Item, Serial and Ownership) is defaulted from the delivery line. The Required Quantity is defaulted with the Non-consumed quantity of the delivery line. The Non-consumed quantity on the delivery line can be modified by adjusting the Actual Quantity.