Impact of setting reference activity and master routing data by site/service office

You can link a reference activity or a master routing to various Service objects. When the multisite functionality is implemented, you can define the data for the combination of:

  • Reference activity and site ( Reference Activities by Site (tsacm1102m000))
  • Reference activity and service office ( Reference Activities by Service Office (tsacm1102m100))
  • Master routing and site ( Master Routings by Site (tsacm1102m200))
  • Master routing and service office ( Master Routings by Service Office (tsacm1102m300))

If the Reference Activity by Site is Mandatory and the Master Routing by Site is Mandatory check boxes are selected in the Activity Management Parameters (tsacm0100m000) session, you can only link a reference activity or a master routing that is defined for a site/service office.

A reference activity or a master routing can be linked to these objects:

  • Service Order and Activity

    You can link a master routing to a service order and the reference activity to a service order activity.

    For an internal service order (Sold to BP not specified), Infor LN checks if data is defined for the combination of the master routing and the Site in the Master Routings by Site (tsacm1102m200) session.

    For an external service order (Sold to BP specified), Infor LN checks if data is defined for the combination of the master routing and the Service Office in the Master Routings by Service Office (tsacm1102m300) session.

  • Part Maintenance Line and Activity

    You can link a master routing or a reference activity to a part maintenance line and an activity.

    For reference activities, Infor LN checks if data is defined for the combination of:

    • The reference activity and the Repair Site (Receipt) specified for the part maintenance line, in the Reference Activities by Site (tsacm1102m000) session.
    • The reference activity and the Service Office specified for the maintenance sales order, in the Reference Activities by Service Office (tsacm1102m100) session.

    For master routings, Infor LN checks if data is defined for the combination of:

    • The master routing and the Repair Site (Receipt) specified for the part maintenance line, in the Master Routings by Site (tsacm1102m200) session.
    • The master routing and the Service Office specified for the maintenance sales order, in the Master Routings by Service Office (tsacm1102m300) session.
  • Work Order and Activity

    You can link a master routing to a work order and the reference activity to a work order activity.

    • For internal and external work orders, Infor LN checks if data is defined for the combination of:
      • The master routing and Repair Site specified for the work order, in the Master Routings by Site (tsacm1102m200) session.
      • The master routing and Operations Department specified for the work order in the Master Routings by Service Office (tsacm1102m300) session.
    • For work order activities, Infor LN checks if data is defined for the combination of:
      • The reference activity and Site specified for the work order activity, in the Reference Activities by Site (tsacm1102m000) session.
      • The reference activity and Work Center specified for the work order activity in the Reference Activities by Service Office (tsacm1102m100) session.
  • Preventive Maintenance

    For preventive maintenance, Infor LN checks if data is defined for the combination of:

    • The reference activity and the Site specified for the planned activity, in the Reference Activities by Site (tsacm1102m000) session.
    • The master routing and the Site specified for the planned activity, in the Master Routings by Site (tsacm1102m200) session.
  • Call

    Infor LN checks if data is defined for the combination of the reference activity/master routing and the site for the service object to which the call is transferred.