Price Origin

  • Other

    The default value for all other situations such as prices from price book, item service data and so on.

  • Service Contract

    If a contract term is found for the material line based on the pricing contract of the service order or activity.

  • Manual

    The price origin is set to manual after the price or price unit is changed by the user.

  • Master Routing

    The price origin is set to master routing, if the price is retrieved from the master routing and not from the pricing contract.

  • Routing Option

    The price origin is set to routing option, if the price is retrieved from the routing option and not from the pricing contract.

  • Reference Activity

    The price origin is set to reference activity, if the price is retrieved from the reference activity and not from the pricing contract.

  • Travel Rate Book

    The price origin is set to travel rate book, if the price is retrieved from the travel rate book and not from the pricing contract.

  • Not Applicable