Delivery Type

  • From Service Kit

    A service kit is used to solve calls with a minimum set of spare parts, or just as a standard set of basic spare parts that are frequently used. The service kit is replenished on actual usage, and is not assigned in the estimated service-order cost calculation.

  • From Service Inventory

    Bulk materials such as bolts and nuts.

  • From Dealer's Inventory
  • By Purchase Order

    Parts that are not held on stock, such as expensive parts or non-storable parts, and that must be purchased. A purchase order for these parts is generated when you run global SRP.

  • By Field Purchase

    Parts that must be purchased locally at the location where the activity is carried out.

  • To Scrap
  • To Warehouse

    Parts that must be returned to the warehouse, for example, insurance parts that are refurbished in an overhaul shop (not applicable to maintenance items).

  • To Warehouse by Transport

    Parts that must be returned to the warehouse, and that must be transported in a special way, for example, transport on a special truck (not applicable to maintenance items).

  • Supplier Direct Delivery
  • Supplier Direct Return
  • Not Applicable
  • From Warehouse

    If the delivery is from a central or regional warehouse, and the warehouse on the material line is specified, the planned deliveries are normally allocated in the warehouse of the item. Use this delivery type if no service cars are defined, or if service cars are not defined as separate warehouses.

  • From Warehouse in Car

    Select this option if parts are transported by a service car and these service cars are defined as separate warehouses. During global SRP, allocations are made in the central warehouse. While Releasing a Service Order, a transfer order is created from the central warehouse to the service car.

  • From Car

    Parts are transported by a service car related to warehouse and transfer warehouse orders are not generated.

    The car must be replenished using the normal warehouse procedures such as Time Phased Order Point (TPOP) or Order Controlled/Batch (OCB).

  • From Warehouse by Transport

    Select this option if parts must be separately transported because of their size. While Releasing a Service Order, a transfer order is created from the central warehouse to the warehouse that is defined for the ship-to business partner.