Activity Budget (Material) (tpptc2110m000)

Use this session to maintain budget lines with a material cost-type for the selected activity, plan and project.

If you copy a material budget line with a configured generic item, the product variant is not copied. The configurator starts in order to generate a new product variant. The product variant is used to trace back the configuration of the generic item.



The code that uniquely identifies the project.

Related topics


The description or name of the code.


The project status.

Allowed values

Project Status


The code that uniquely identifies the plan.


The code that uniquely identifies the activity.


The description or name of the code.

Budget Status

The budget status of the activity.

Allowed values


Budget Date

The budget date that is used as the reference for currency transactions. By default, the budget date as specified for the project is added to the new budget lines.


The code that uniquely identifies the line number.

Line Number

An asterisk indicates that the budget line belongs to an adjustment.


The item identifies the material you want to use for this project.


You can use the items of the following types:

  • Product
  • Purchased
  • Manufactured
  • Cost
  • Service
  • Generic
  • Tool
  • The Item Type Product is used only if the Item Type Product field is set to Active in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session.
  • The Item Type Purchased and/or Manufactured is used only if the Item Type Product field is set to Inactive in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session.

The description or name of the code.

Effectivity Unit

The effectivity unit code for the item linked to the activity budget line.


The description or name of the code.

Product Variant

The unique identification of a product variant.


You can use the Customize option adjacent to the Product Variant field to generate a customized product variant structure for the item. Infor LN allows you to select if a new PCS project is to be generated or an existing PCS project is to be used, for the customized item.

Product Variant Description

The product variant is used to trace back the configuration of the generic item.


If this check box is selected, the budget line belongs to an adjustment.


If adjustment is specified for a budget line, the adjustment code is displayed along with the difference amount in the Extra Info group box.

Budget Details
Net Quantity

The item's net quantity.

You can only access this field if:

  • The physical quantity of the item's unit is Length or Area (m2)
  • You have entered either the length or the length and width
  • The number of units has been determined

Once you place the cursor on the current field, LN displays the result of the computation according to one of the following formulas:

net quantity = length * number of units 
net quantity = length * width * number of units 

The default net quantity is given according to the following calculation:

adjustment balance amount = unit cost * net quantity 

So if the adjustment balance amount is 100 and the unit cost is 10, the default net quantity will be -10. The calculated default net quantity is usually a negative value, because then the adjustment balance results in a balance of zero.


The unit of measure used for the net quantity of the item.


The length of the item.


This field is only applicable if the physical quantity of the standard unit, set by the Physical Quantity field in the Units (tcmcs0101m000) session, is Length or Area (m2).

Length Unit

The unit of measure in which the length of the material is expressed.

Scrap [%]

The additional material required during production or project execution to compensate for material losses, such as breakage, sawing and cutting, and theft. The amount must be specified in percentage.

gross quantity = net quantity * (1 + scrap factor/100)

The width of the item.


This field is applicable only if the item's unit has a physical quantity of Area (m2).


The unit of measure in which the width of the material is expressed.

Budget Status

The status of the budget line.

Allowed values


Number of Units

The number of times that the item appears in Length and, if applicable, Width.

Example 1

Length: 2m

Number of units: 5

So there are 5 components, each with a length of 2m.

Example 2

Length : 200 cm

Width : 100 cm

Number of units : 5

So there are 5 components, each with an area of 20,000 cm2.


If this check box is selected, a text is present.

Related Details
Cost Component

The cost component linked to the budget line.


You can only specify a cost component for which the Component Type is set to Detail or Collect in the Cost Components (tcmcs0148m000) session.


The description or name of the code.


The extension linked to the budget line.


The description or name of the code.

Start Date

The start date related to the project plan and concerned with the budget. This date changes automatically when the scheduled start date of the activity (in the Activities (tppss2100m000) session) is changed.

Finish Date

The finish date relative to the project plan.

Cost Details
Unit Cost

The standard cost or rate per unit item.

Unit Cost Currency

The currency for the cost amount.

Final Unit Cost

If this check box is selected, the unit cost is final.

Landed Costs Classification

The code of the landed costs classification for the budget line.


The description or name of the code.

Landed Cost Amount

The total estimate cost, including the surcharges. The landed cost is effected whenever you modify the cost amount or the surcharges.

landed cost amount = cost amount + surcharges (additional costs)
Cost Amount

The total cost amount of the items.

Cost Amount = unit cost * Quantity of the item.
Cost Amount

The text that indicates if the cost amount is a purchase price.

Home Amount

The cost amount in the home currency.

Home Currency

The home currency for the cost amount.

Currency Rate

The currency rate.

Rate Factor

The currency rate factor.

Sales Details
Sales Price

The sales price per unit item.

Sales Price Currency

The business partner currency.

Sales Amount

The total sales amount of the item.

Sales Amount = Sales Price * Quantity of the item.
Home Amount

The sales amount in the home currency.

Home Currency

The home currency for the sales amount.

Currency Rate

The currency rate.

Rate Factor

The currency rate factor.

Extra Info
Adjustment Code

The adjustment code.

These fields are also displayed, if adjustment is specified for the budget line.

  • Difference amount: The difference amount based on the budget adjustment.
  • Currency: The currency in which the difference amount is expressed.
  • Quantity: The quantity specified for the activity. This value is defaulted from the Quantity field in the Activities (tppss2100m000) session.
  • Amount of time: The time unit specified for the activity. This value is defaulted from the Number of Time Units field in the Activities (tppss2100m000) session.
External Scheduling Package

The code that uniquely identifies the calendar linked to the activity budget.


The duration of the activity budget.

Time Unit Duration

The time unit in which the duration of the activity budget is expressed.

Service Related

If this check box is selected, the item is linked to a service order.

Transferred to Service

If this check box is selected, the item is transferred to Service as a service order.



Customizes the standard to-order item or the configured item.


Configures the generic to-order item.