Cost-Plus Transactions to be Invoiced (tppin2100m000)

Use this session to view the cost plus transactions that you can release for invoicing. You can maintain a transaction in the details session.


When you transfer a progress payment request to Invoicing, Infor LN clears the value in the Progress Date field of the selected cost transaction for which the Billable check box is cleared.



If this check box is selected, LN allows you to invoice the transaction.

Approved for Invoicing

If this check box is selected, you can transfer the record to the Invoicing module using the Transfer Transactions to Invoicing (tppin4200m000) session.


You can select this check box only if the Billable check box is selected.


The code that identifies the project.


The code that identifies the element.


The code that identifies the activity.


The code that identifies the extension.

Sequence Number

The sequence number of the cost-plus transaction.

Cost Object

The code that identifies the cost object for which the cost-plus transaction must be invoiced.


The item for which the cost-plus transaction must be invoiced.


The description or name of the code.


The code that identifies the contract linked to the cost-plus transaction.

Contract Line

The contract line number linked to the cost-plus transaction.


The code that identifies the employee.


The description or name of the code.

Cost Component

The code that identifies the cost component for which the cost-plus transaction must be invoiced.


You can only specify a cost component for which the Component Type is set to Detail or Collect in the Cost Components (tcmcs0148m000) session.


The quantity of the cost object linked to the cost transaction.


The unit used to express the quantity of the cost object.

Sales Price

The sales price per unit cost object.

Sales Amount

The sales amount in home currency.

If you change the average sales price, the value in the Sales Amount is automatically adjusted as follows :

Sales Amount = Average Sales Price * Quantity

The currency used to express the sales amount.


The contract line (CLIN) currency is used for the cost plus invoice lines. The sales amount on the billable cost lines is calculated based on the CLIN currency using the sales rate defined for the contract lines.

Cost Amount

The cost amount for the project linked to the contract.


The currency used to express the cost amount.

Currency Rate (Sales)

The currency exchange rate for the sales amount.

Posting Type

The posting type for the cost object.

Allowed values

Posting Types.

Progress Date

The reference date used to save the progress payment requests related transaction data before invoicing.


This value is defaulted from the Create Progress Payment Requests (tppin0270m000) session.

Effectivity Unit

The code that identifies the effectivity unit of the item that must be invoiced.

Effectivity Unit Phantom

The effectivity unit code for the phantom item.

Commitment Sequence

The sequence number of the corresponding commitment.

Labor Type

The labor type code.

Amount of Time

The number of time units. For example, the number of days that a crane is employed for a project.

Total quantity of transaction = Amount of time x Quantity (rounded to two decimals).


The unit used to express the time.

Cost Rate

The standard cost or rate per unit.

Hours Surcharge %

The surcharge percentage for the cost transaction.


The surcharge % is calculated based on the value in the Labor Type field and is applicable only for the cost transactions.

Currency Rate

The currency rate for the cost transaction.

Rate Factor

The currency rate factor for the cost transaction.

Sales Amount

The sales amount in the home currency.


The code for the document that contains the transaction details.

Settlement Origin

If this check box is selected, the transaction is posted as the outcome of a fluctuation settlement. This transaction cannot be included in cost control.

Run Date

The date on which the transaction was processed to the project history.

Processing Run

The number of the processing run by which the transaction is processed in the project history.

Post to Finance

Indicates whether the transaction must be posted to LN Financials.

Reported Complete (Finance)

Indicates whether the financial result of the transaction is processed in Project using the Process Transactions (tpppc4802m000) session.

Run Date (Report Completed)

The number of the processing run by which the financial result of the transaction is processed.

Run Sequence No. (Report Completed)

The number of the processing run by which the financial result of the transaction is processed.

Order Line

The order type for which the transaction applies.

Order Number

The order number for the cost-plus transaction.

Order Line

The position number of the order line. An order can have multiple order lines. This number is used to identify the particular line to which the transaction applies.

Sequence Number

The sequence number of the order for the cost-plus transaction.

Stage Payment

The supplier stage payment line linked to the order line of the type Purchase Order.

Invoice Batch Number

The invoice-sequence number that LN assigns when an invoice is processed based on the corresponding order line.

Buy-from Business Partner

The buy-from business partner for the cost transaction.

Invoice-from Business Partner

The invoice-from business partner for the cost transaction.

Transferred to Invoicing

If this check box is selected, you have transferred the record to the Invoicing module using the Transfer Transactions to Invoicing (tppin4200m000) session.

Financial Document (Sales Invoicing)

LN enters the code of the financial company to invoice that is linked to the project.

Invoice Document

LN enters the procedure type for the transaction.


The Invoicing module identifies an invoice by this field.

Invoice Document

LN enters a sequence number for the invoice.

  • The Invoicing module identifies an invoice by this field.
  • Infor LN updates this value with the number of the new invoice that is created when you cancel and regenerate the invoice, in Invoicing. When you cancel the invoice, you can only modify the invoice data such as reference, address, and tax number, if required.
  • You can also modify the Billable Amount when you create a credit note for a specific invoice line..
  • Infor LN updates this value with the number of the new invoice that is created when you cancel and regenerate the invoice, in Invoicing.
  • When you cancel the invoice, you can modify the invoice data such as reference, address, and tax number. However, you can also modify the Billable Amount if you create a credit note for a specific invoice line. Only the authorized users (in Invoicing) can modify the amount.
  • The invoice must not be linked to an installment.
  • The status of the project must not be Closed.

If this check box is selected, holdback is applied for the cost transaction.

Financial Document

The value of this field is part of the financial document number that is used for the purchase order invoice that matches in the Accounts Payable module in Financials or it is part of the financial document number that is used for manually-entered invoices in Financials that are posted to Project.

Financial Document

The value of this field is part of the financial document number that is used for manually-entered invoices in Finance that are posted to Project.

Financial Document

The value of this field is part of the financial document number that is used for the purchase order invoice that matches in the Accounts Payable module in Financials or it is part of the financial document number that is used for manually-entered invoices in Financials that are posted to Project.

Financial Document

If a financial transaction is posted from Financials to Project, LN fills this line number. The line number cannot be maintained in Project.

Financial Document

If a financial transaction is posted from Financials to Project, LN fills this sequence number. The sequence number cannot be maintained in Project.

Financial Document

The line number assigned to the transaction in Financials in the case of a current account analysis. This line number cannot be maintained in Project. If a financial transaction is posted from Financials to Project, LN fills the line number.

Receiving Company

The company that receives the transaction. When the transaction is processed with the Process Transactions (tpppc4802m000) session, this field is filled with the company number, that is recorded for the project in the Projects (tppdm6100m000) session.

Enterprise Unit

The code that identifies the enterprise unit for the cost transaction line.

Cost Control Period

The code that identifies the cost-control period for the cost transaction.

Cost Control Period

The cost control year in which the transaction must be posted to the project history. The default value is the registration date.

Cost Control Period

The period in which the transaction must be posted to the project history for cost control.

Financial Control Period

The code that identifies the financial period for the cost transaction.

Fiscal Year

The year of the period in which the transaction is posted to Financials.

Fiscal Period

The period in which the transaction is posted to Financials.

Cost Text for Invoice

If this check box is selected, a text is present.

Billing Comment

If this check box is selected, a text is present.

Transaction Time

The date and time when the cost transaction line is created.

Registration Date

The date and time when the cost transaction line is registered.

Financial Registration Date

The registration date that is processed in the Process Transactions (tpppc4802m000) session to Financials undergoes a check to see whether the fiscal period of the transaction is still open. If the period is closed, the registration date is adjusted to fit an open financial period. This adjustment will be displayed in the history.

Suppressed for Next Cycle

If this check box is selected, the transaction is not invoiced to the business partner in the current billing cycle. However, the transaction can be invoiced in the next billing cycle.


By default, this check box is cleared.

This check box is enabled only if the Billable check box is cleared.


Get Sales Price

Retrieves the default sales price or rate for the project deliverable item.

Billable / Not Billable

Sets the transaction to Billable or clears the Billable check box of the selected transaction.


Sets the transaction to Approved.


Clears the Approved for Invoicing check box of the selected transaction.

Suppress Cost for Next Billing Cycle

Selects the Suppressed for Next Billing Cycle check box for a specific transaction.

This option is enabled only if the Billable check box is cleared.

Transactions to be Invoiced

Displays the cost transactions that must be invoiced.

This option is enabled only if the All Billable Transactions option is selected.

All Billable Transactions

Displays all the billable cost transactions, which includes the transactions that are not billed and transferred.

This option is enabled only if the Transactions to be Invoiced option is selected.