
Use Estimating to create and calculate estimates. An estimate is a project that belongs to the same table as other Project projects. You create an estimate after a request for quotation or an internal investigation. If the estimate is finished, you can prepare a bid for the (internal) customer.

Related to this subject, the following topics describe how to create an estimate and how to launch an estimate to a project budget.

The first time you create an estimate, you can use the User Profile (tppdm0101s000) session to set up the master data.

The project estimate procedure is as follows:

  1. Create an estimate project.
  2. Create an estimate version.
  3. Create estimate line.
  4. Prepare a bid (optional part of the procedure).
  5. Approve or reject the bid (optional part of the procedure).
  6. Work on the estimate project or copy the estimate project to a new project (optional part of the procedure).
  7. Launch the estimate to a budget.

After estimating a project, the next step is to work on: