Launch an estimate to a bottom-up budget

You can launch an estimate to a bottom-up budget.

For each selected estimate line, the information on the budget line is populated based on these rules:

  • If the estimate-version structure is copied to the budget, ensure that the element or activity structure is linked to the estimate version.
  • If, during the launch to an element budget, element codes are not used on an estimate line, the default element is used. Consequently, an estimate line is launched with this default element. The same logic is applicable for activities.
  • If the activity is of the type WBS element activity or a planning package activity, the activity can be used for estimating but cannot be launched to the budget.
  • A bottom-up estimate line with the Total level type (level types are determined in the Structural Elements (tpest1120m000) session) can have a cost amount although a cost type is not defined. In this case, to launch the estimate line, a default cost type and the corresponding default cost object are used from the Launch Estimate to Budget (tpest2200m000) session. If the cost object is of the type Control Code and all check boxes are selected, a new cost object is generated in the session and is used on the budget line. Otherwise, the estimate line’s cost object is used on the budget line. The cost object description that is used on the budget line is the standard cost object description.
  • If the cost object is not defined for the estimate line and if all the check boxes in the Cost Object Not Filled field are selected, a generated code is used on the budget line. Otherwise, the cost type’s default cost object is used.
  • If any of the Cost Control Levels for Cost Component check boxes in the Project - Cost Control Levels (tppdm6102m000) session is selected for the project, and if a cost component is defined as one of the structural elements, the cost component is used for the budget line. Otherwise, the cost object’s cost component is used for the budget line.
  • If an extension is present as one of the structural elements, the extension is used on the budget line. If the Target Extension field is specified, this target extension overwrites the structural-element and target extension used in the budget.
  • The sales price is only specified on the budget line, if the extension type is Quantities-to-be-Settled and the invoicing method is Budgeted Costs.
  • You can launch surcharge-, contingency-, and/or escalation amounts as sundry cost lines.

Related topics

  • Launch an estimate to a top-down budget