

When you cancel and regenerate an invoice in Invoicing, the number of the new invoice and the date when the new invoice is created are updated in the Invoice Document and the Invoice Date fields in the Project.

When you cancel an invoice, you can only modify the invoice data such as reference, address, and tax number, if required.

You can also modify the Billable Amount when you create a credit note for a specific invoice line, such as manual sales invoice.

If the status of the project and the budget is at least Actual, you can choose the appropriate sessions in Invoicing to invoice the unit costs. Project supports the following invoice types:

  • Installment
    You can use time-phased installments to invoice contracts. If you use this method your invoice-to business partner must be of the Installment type as well. These installments are partial invoice amounts that are sent to a business partner on completion of an element, a milestone or an activity. You can assign points, percentages or a fixed amount, which represent the installment part of the contract amount to be due.
  • Progress Invoicing
    Invoicing of this type is installment invoicing based on the project's progress. Each installment amount reflects the progress. The contract amount is fixed. If 30% of the project is complete at the first installment, you send an invoice for 30% of the contract amount to the customer. Record progress and unit costs in the Project Progress module. The Invoicing module allows you to create invoices based on the progress or unit costs that you record in the Project Progress module.
  • Cost Plus
    In cost-plus invoicing there is no fixed-contract price. You base invoicing on the actual costs plus a mark up of the project. This means you invoice the business partner as you incur the unit costs of the project. You release these cost-plus transactions to Invoicing. In the Invoicing module you confirm, compose, print and then post the invoices to the customer.
  • Unit Rate
    The elements and activities progress and the sales prices per element unit or activity unit determine the invoice amount. You invoice when you complete a unit or a specified number of units. Derive the invoice amount by multiplying the sales price by the progress of the elements. The total amount to be invoiced is variable. Release the unit-rate data to Invoicing. In the Invoicing module you confirm, compose, print and then send the invoices to the customer.
  • Extension

    An extension is a change in the scope of a project that falls outside the initial contract with the business partner. The extension amounts can be separately invoiced to the customer. It is linked to a budget line of a cost object. If the unit costs exceed the budget for example, the extension will be invoiced. This depends on the type of extension you use:

Advance payments

Advances can be made on all of the invoice methods. If several project customers are involved, the advance must be linked to one of them. You cannot use advance payment requests for holdback. You can link an advance to an element or activity. If the invoice method of a project is Installment, you can also link the advance to an installment. You can use this installment to settle the advance. If the advance is not linked to an installment, you can settle the advance in the next invoice. To maintain an advance, you must select a revenue code that is recorded in the Standard Revenues (tppdm0515m000) session. The advance invoice line is posted to the Revenue Entry (tpppc3501m000) session with the revenue code that you selected in the Advance Payments (tppin4110m000) session.


The customer pays the holdback amount after the project activities have been satisfactorily performed. Holdback can be used with every invoice method. You cannot use holdback for advance payment requests. The Holdback (tppin4140m000) session maintains and releases holdback amounts for invoicing. Print holdback records with the Print Holdback (tppin4440m000) session.

Revenue codes and extensions

If an extension has a Budgeted Costs invoice method or an Actual Costs invoice method in the Project Extensions (tpptc0510m000) session, LN allocates the revenue to the appropriate revenue code in the Assign Elements and Activities to Revenue Codes (tppin0820m000) session. If you select Contract Amount as an invoice method, LN retrieves one of the following revenue codes:

  • The revenue code linked to an empty item in the Settled Advance Payments (tppin0511m000) session.
  • The revenue code linked to the item's cost type.
  • The general revenue code.
Process to Invoicing

Invoicing collects invoice data and transfers it with the Transfer Transactions to Invoicing (tppin4200m000) session to Invoicing for final editing and printing. Invoicing customizes invoice addresses, invoice layout, net amounts and/or gross amounts, and prints document numbers. Provisions are also made for holdbacks.

After you transfer the invoice details to Invoicing, you modify, finalize, and print the invoices. Finally, LN sends the invoice revenues to the Project Revenue in Project Progress and to Financials. When you post an invoice, Invoicing sends its status to Invoicing.


If you use the DEM Content Pack with Infor LN, consider using the MPR1040 (Project Invoicing) wizard to set up project invoicing. You can execute this predefined wizard from the Wizards by Project Model (tgwzr4502m000) session after you specified the business function model for your company.