Bids (tpest3100m000)

Use this session to view and filter the bids. To view the bid structure, select the Bid Structure option on the References menu.


You can filter bid data using the options in the Bid Status group box:

  • The check marks in the Bid Status group box indicate the availability of the bid data based on the bid status for the selected project.
  • The bid data that is generated can be applicable for multiple statuses. For example, if you select the Preparing (bids not approved and the status is set Free) and Expired (the expiry date of the bid is in the past) status options, the bid data that is generated is based on both the options.
  • You can view the cost and margin ratio of the bid in an in-context graph, in the Margin group box.


Selection Options
Sales Office

The code of the sales office, specified in the Departments (tcmcs0565m000) session.


The description or name of the code.

Internal Sales Representative

The code of the internal sales representative, specified in the Employees (tccom0501m000) session.


The description or name of the code.

External Sales Representative

The code of the external sales representative, specified in the Employees (tccom0501m000) session.


The description or name of the code.

Expiry Date

The From and To fields define a range of: dates, based on which you can filter bids that are set to Expire soon.


Displays the bids based on the data specified in the Selection Options group box.


Clears the data specified in the Selection Options group box.

Bid Status

The total number of bids with the status, Preparing.

Awaiting Response

The total number of bids with the status, Awaiting Response.


The total number of bids with the status, Won.


The total number of bids with the status, Lost.

Due in 7 Days

The total number of bids with the status, Due in 7 Days.

Past Expiry

The total number of bids with the status, Expired.

Expiry Within 7 Days

The total number of bids with the status, Expiry Within 7 Days.

Expiry Beyond 7 Days

The total number of bids with the status, Expiry Beyond 7 Days.


The code that uniquely identifies the project


The description or name of the code.


The status of the project.


The description or name of the code.


If the estimate version status is Free, you can add structures to the estimate version, change the estimate version amount, and so on. For example, you can still change the primary structure for one of the other additional structures. If the version status is Final, the version is frozen. You can change the status back to Free and/or change the sort structure.

Bid Number

The bid number.

Bid Details

The description or name of the code.

Business Partner

The project business partner.


The address of the business partner.


Use the Maps section to view the location of the Address. You must select only one record at a time.


The description or name of the code.


The contact. Use contacts to register the information that you need about your customers' and suppliers' employees. For each business partner you can define the business partner's contact.

Use the browse arrow to zoom to the Contacts (tccom4540m000) session to select a record.


The description or name of the code.

Probability Percentage

A percentage associated with a bid that represents the probability of the business partner accepting the bid. The default success percentage is zero.

Customer Reference

The reference to identify the customer.

First Reference

The reference text to be printed on the bid, for example, the name of a contact person or a customer reference number.

Second Reference

The reference text to be printed on the bid, for example, the name of a contact person or a customer reference number.

Internal Sales Representative

The code of the internal sales representative, defined in the Employees - General (tccom0101m000) session.


The description or name of the code.

External Sales Representative

The name of the employee who is the external sales representative for the bid, defined in the Employees - General (tccom0101m000) session.

Bid Values
Cost Amount

The bid amount can be the calculated cost amount from the bid lines or you can enter an amount.


The default estimate-version currency.


The default business partner currency.

Sales Amount

The bid amount can be the calculated sales amount from the bid lines or you can enter an amount.


The currency of the profit margin.

Profit Margin

The profit is the difference between the cost and the sales amount.

Sales Tax Amount

The sales tax amount payable to the tax authority.


If this check box is selected, a text is present.

Sales Office

When you enter a bid, LN retrieves the sales office from the Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000) session. This value can be changed.


The description or name of the code.

Invoicing Method

The invoicing method for the bid.


The description or name of the code.

Invoice Discount

The percentage calculated as a discount on the invoice amount of the bid.

Tax Classification

The tax classification for the bid, defined in the Tax Classifications (tctax0116m000) session.


The description or name of the code.

Tax Country

The tax country for the bid.


The description or name of the code.

Own Tax Number

The tax number allotted by the government.

Tax Code

The tax code defined in the Tax Codes by Country (tcmcs0536m000) session for the bid.


The description or name of the code.

BP Tax Country

The tax country of the sold-to business partner for the bid.


The description or name of the code.

BP Tax Number

The tax number allotted by the government to the sold-to business partner.

Tax Exemption Certificate

The tax exemption certificate number, if tax is exempted for the bid.


You can specify the tax exemption certificate number if the Exempt check box is selected.

You can view this field if in the Tax Parameters (tctax0100m000) session:

  • the Tax Exempt Level field is set to Extended and
  • at least one of the search sequence levels is set to Exemptions by Country or Exemptions by Country Set.
Tax Exemption Reason

The code that identifies the reason if tax is exempted on the contract line.


You can enter the tax exemption reason if the Exempt check box is selected.

You can view this field if in the Tax Parameters (tctax0100m000) session:

  • the Tax Exempt Level field is set to Extended and
  • at least one of the search sequence levels is set to Exemptions by Country or Exemptions by Country Set.

The description or name of the code.

Payment Method

The payment method for the bid.


The description or name of the code.

Payment Terms

The payment terms for the bid.


The description or name of the code.

Competitor 1

The code that identifies the competitor company. Use the browse arrow to zoom to the Competitors (tppdm0135m000) session to select a record.

Competitor 2

The code that identifies the competitor company. Use the browse arrow to zoom to the Competitors (tppdm0135m000) session to select a record.

Competitor 3

The code that identifies the competitor company. Use the browse arrow to zoom to the Competitors (tppdm0135m000) session to select a record.

Bid Origin
Bid Prepared By

The employee who prepares the bid.

Approved for Proposal

Select the check box to approve the bid.

Bid Approval By

The employee who approves the bid.

Bid Creation Date

The date the bid is created. However, this value can be modified, for example, if the bid process is initiated external to LN.

Approval Date

The date on which the bid is approved. This date is used for tracking purposes.

Bid Status

The status of the bid. The bid can have the following status:

Allowed values

Bid Status


The code that identifies the phase. Use the browse arrow to zoom to the Phases (tppdm0147m000) session to select the record.


The description or name of the code.


The reason code for the bid. The code is mandatory if the bid is rejected.

Expiry Date

The date on which the bid is expired. If the expiry date is in the past, all the fields except the Reason field and the Expiry Date field are disabled.

Due Date

The date by which the bid must be proposed to the customer.



The number of bids that are yet to be approved for proposal with the bid status set to Free, are displayed.

Awaiting Response

The number of bids that are approved for proposal but awaiting customer's response and the bid status is set to Free, are displayed.


The number of bids that are approved for proposal and the bid status is set to Accepted, are displayed.


The number of bids that are approved for proposal and the bid status is set to Rejected, are displayed.

Due in 7 Days

The number of bids that are due for the customer's approval, within seven days, are displayed.


The number of expired bids are displayed.

Expiry Within 7 Days

The number of bids that are set to expire within seven days, are displayed.

Expiry Beyond 7 Days

The number of bids that are set to expire in more than 7 days, past the expiry date, are displayed.

Show All

Resets the filter and displays all the bids.