Possible values

  • Scope Change
    • Additional work is work that is not included in the specifications and drawings (the basis for the budget).
    • Reduced work is work that is canceled or of which changes in dimensions, material specifications, and so on are given later on.

    The costs will be booked with a reference to the relevant extension, with sessions such as the Labor Costs (tpppc2131m000) session. After processing the transactions, invoices can be created.

  • Provisional Amount

    A provisional amount, which is included in the budget in advance, is a rough estimate of the costs if it is not clear what materials will be used or if the design of a certain component is not yet final. The settlement of the difference (amounts) will be posted to the cost object recorded in the field Sundry Cost Code for Provisional Amounts in the Projects (tppdm6100m000) session.

  • Fluctuation Settlement

    The costs calculated as a result of a fluctuation settlement for material costs and/or wage costs (prices) that must be posted to an extension. The settlement costs from a fluctuation settlement will always be posted to a sundry cost code recorded for the project in the Projects (tppdm6100m000) session.

  • Quantities to be Settled

    The difference between the actual quantity and the budgeted quantity of a cost object will be settled.