Production Order Parameters (tisfc0100s000)

Use this session to maintain the parameters of the Job Shop Control module.


Effective Date

The date and time that the parameters were changed. The parameters are valid up to the effective date of a more recent parameter setting. The current set has no effective date.


The description of the parameter set. The default is the description of the previous parameter set. To avoid confusion you must always delete the default and add a new text.

Number Group
Number Group for Order Grouping

The number group in which the series for order group numbers are defined. Order groups are defined in the Create Production Order Group (tisfc3250m000) session.

Allowed values

Number groups are defined in the Number Groups (tcmcs0151m000) session. You cannot select a number group that is already in use. The number group must be of the Production type.

Production Order Series for Order Grouping

The default series that is used to generate order group numbers in the Create Production Order Group (tisfc3250m000) session.

Number Group for Production Orders

The number group in which the series for production order numbers are defined.

Allowed values

The number group must be defined in the Number Groups (tcmcs0151m000) session.

Production Order Series for Production Orders

The default production order series that is used to generate production order numbers if you insert a production order manually in Job Shop Control.

Production Order Series for Enterprise Planning

The default production order series that is used by Enterprise Planning when transferring orders to the execution level of LN.

Production Order Series for Warehousing

The production order series that is used to generate a production order in Job Shop Control for a production-order advice in the Production Order Advice (whina3100m000) session.

Capacity Overview
Update Method Day Utilization

Select the method by which you want to rebuild day utilization, that is, to recalculate how much capacity per day is planned for work centers, machines, and so on.


Not applicable if the Job Shop by Site parameter in the Multisite Concepts Activation (tcemm4600m000) session is set to Active.

Update Method Week Utilization

Select the method by which you want to rebuild week utilization, that is, to recalculate how much capacity per week is planned for work centers, machines, and so on.


Not applicable if the Job Shop by Site parameter in the Multisite Concepts Activation (tcemm4600m000) session is set to Active.

Update Method I/O Control

The method for input/output control.

Allowed values

Update Method I/O Data

No. of Periods to Generate I/O Data

The period for which a work center's capacity and input/output values are calculated. Dependent on the value in the Update Method I/O Control field, the period is expressed in days or weeks.


If you selected Not Implemented in the Update Method I/O Control field, you cannot enter a value in this field.

Related topics

Include Partial Completions (Default)

If this check box is selected, LN also takes into account the routing operations that are reported only partially completed to calculate the input/output values.

If this check box is cleared, LN only takes into account the routing operations that are reported entirely completed to calculate the input/output values.

You can select the Include Partial Completions (Default) check box if work centers are used for orders with extremely long lead times.

The setting of the Include Partial Completions (Default) check box works as a default for the Include Partial Completions (Default) check box in the Generate Work Center Input/Output Control (tisfc3210m000) session and the Generate Machine Input/Output Control Data (tisfc3220m000) session.

Related topics

Engineering Revisions Active

If this check box is selected, you can use revisions of items.


You must also select the Engineering Revisions check box in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session.

Combine Warehouse Orders End Item

If you report an end-item quantity as completed, you can choose to receive the end items in the warehouse immediately, or in a later stage. Usually, for every quantity that is received in the warehouse, a production warehouse order line is generated. If you receive the end items in the warehouse in a later stage, you can use this check box to combine production warehouse order lines, which limits database growth.

If this check box is selected, and you do not immediately receive the completed quantities in the warehouse, production warehouse order lines for the completed end-item quantities are combined into one production warehouse order line. As a result, the number of receipt transactions and variance transactions is reduced.

If this check box is cleared, and you do not immediately receive the completed quantities in the warehouse, a production warehouse order line is created for every completed quantity.

Performance aspects

The setting of this field could affect system performance and database growth. For more information, refer to Combine production warehouse order lines.

Copy Routing Text to Production Order

If this check box is selected, the routing text linked to the routing operation in the Routing Operations (tirou1102m000) session is copied to the production order in the Production Planning (tisfc0110m000) session.

  • If the check box is selected

    You can edit the routing operation text copied to the production order operation.

  • If the check box is cleared

    The routing operation text is linked to the production order operation. The text cannot be edited.

    You can manually add text to operations that have no routing text linked. This text remains editable.

Automatic Update Production Order Start Date

If this check box is selected, the production order start dates are automatically updated when the start or finish dates of the operations are modified. The production start date of the production order is then equal to the start date and time of the first operation's queue time.

This parameter only applies to the Production Start field.

Max. No. of Queue Time Compression Iterations

The number of times that LN repeats the queue time compression process until the production can be completed within the modified production order dates.

This parameter only applies if you selected the Best Fit method for queue time compression in the Automated Queue Time Compression (tisfc1103s000) session.

Related topics

Operation Numbering
Initial Value for Renumbering Operations

The operation number assigned to the first phantom routing operation that is added to the main item routing.

Default value

The default value is 100.

Step Size for Renumbering Operations

The number by which each subsequent operation number is increased when phantom routing operations are added to the main item routing.

Default value

The default is 10.

On Order Date Production Orders based on
-If Finish Date last Operation beforeorder's Requested Delivery Date

The value of this field determines on which date the planned inventory transaction for a production order is based if the production order is expected to be delivered on time.


The order is expected to be on time if the earliest finish date for the latest operation of the production order occurs before the delivery date for the production order.

-If Finish Date last Operation afterorder's Requested Delivery Date

The value of this field determines on which date the planned inventory transaction for a production order is based if the production order is expected to be delivered late.


The order is expected to be late if the earliest finish date for the latest operation of the production order occurs after the delivery date for the production order.

Reporting Complete
Reporting Method for Previous Operations

This parameter determines what happens if you report a quantity as complete for an operation, and the previous operation is not reported as complete yet.

You report orders as complete in the following sessions:

Allow Correction of Previous Operations

If this check box is selected, in the Report Orders Completed (tisfc0120s000) session, the Uncomplete All Operations command and the Decrease Qty Operations command become available.

Calculation Method Remaining Production Time

This parameter determines how the remaining production time is calculated if the production has already started.

If a production order operation is a fixed duration operation, the remaining production time is always calculated based on time spent, because in that case operation lead times are not calculated by using operation quantities.

Use Reason Codes for Rejected Items

Specifies if and when you must enter a reason code if you reject items when reporting operations complete.

Allowed values

Use of Reasons Codes

Default value

The default value is Never.

Adjust Planned Receipt for Scrap

Specify when the planned output of an operation is updated after a quantity of items is scrapped.


If Immediately is selected the planned output quantities are adjusted as soon as output is scrapped. This may cause a higher frequency of changes in the planning.

Allowed values

  • Immediately
  • At Operation Completed
Post to Inventory when Reporting on Last Operation

The parameter determines whether the main item must be posted to inventory or not, after the last operation is reported as complete.

In the Report Operations Completed (tisfc0130m000) session the operations are reported as complete.

Allowed values

The field has following values:

  • Yes
    When the last operation is reported as complete the main item is automatically posted to inventory.
  • No
    The main item is not posted to inventory.
  • Interactive
    You are asked whether the main item must be posted to inventory or not. You must select the option either yes or no.

Default value

The default value is Interactive.

On Completion check if Materials are issued

You must select when a check is performed if all the materials linked to the production order are issued or backflushed for the reported quantity.

Label Layout for Printing Labels

If you print labels for completed production orders, the label layout entered in this field determines the format of the labels.

To print labels for production orders, the Print Label during Report Orders Completed check box in the Report Orders Completed (tisfc0520m000) details session must be selected if you report the production order as complete.

For repetitive manufacturing, the Print Label during Report Orders Completed check box in the Report Production Orders Completed from Production Schedule (tirpt1502m000) session, or the Print Label during Report Orders Completed check box in the Report Production Schedules Completed (tirpt1201m000) session must be selected.

Device for Printing Labels

The printer where you print the labels for completed production orders.

Sorting Method Components

The value of this field determines how the components that are included in the materials estimate from the bill of material (BOM) are sorted in the Estimated Materials (ticst0101m000) session.


This sorting order is especially important if you use phantoms.

Use of Shop Floor Warehouses

If this check box is selected, materials for production orders are issued from the job shop warehouse of the work center.

If this check box is cleared, materials are issued directly from the warehouse defined in the bill of material.

Manual Issuing

If this check box is selected, the materials must be issued by a manual action. If you select this check box, you will have more control over the timing of the material issues.


The value of this parameter does not affect materials that are issued by backflushing or materials that are held as floor stock.

Issue Material from Shop Floor Wh of Calc Office If No Operation

calculation office.

If materials are not linked to operations because no operations exist for the production order, you must determine from which warehouse the materials are issued:

  • The warehouse that is specified in the BOM
  • The job shop warehouse that is related to the production order's calculation office.

If this check box is selected, materials are issued from the job shop warehouse that is related to the production order's calculation office. If no job shop warehouse is found, the BOM warehouse is taken.

If this check box is cleared, materials are issued from the warehouse that is specified in the Estimated vs. Actual Material Costs (ticst0501m000) session. The default warehouse for this is usually the one that is maintained in the BOM.

Create Back Order for Warehousing Transfer Orders

If this check box is selected, and insufficient inventory is available to execute the transfer order to transfer materials to the job shop warehouse, LN creates a back order to transfer the materials later. If this check box is cleared, and insufficient inventory is available to execute the transfer order to transfer materials to the job shop warehouse, you must manually initiate the transfer of the remaining material quantity when that material becomes available.

The setting of this check box is the default for the Create Backorders check box in the Outbound Order Lines (whinh2120m000) session for outbound order lines for transfer orders with order origin SFC Production.


The setting of this check box is not relevant for the issue of materials to the job shop, only for transfer to a job shop warehouse. For warehousing orders with order origin SFC Production and transaction type Issue, LN always creates a back order in case of material shortage, regardless the setting of this parameter.

Related topics

Move Allocation to Shop Floor Warehouse

If you are using job shop warehouses, the current parameter determines when the materials are moved to the job shop warehouse.

During production order generation, material is allocated from a warehouse:

  • If the Use of Shop Floor Warehouses check box is selected, this is a job shop warehouse, and the current parameter applies.
  • If the Use of Shop Floor Warehouses check box is cleared, the current parameter does not apply. Material is allocated from the warehouse that is specified in the Estimated Materials (ticst0101m000) session. The default warehouse for this is usually the one that is maintained in the BOM.

The allocated materials are the components specified in the BOM.

Update Method Allocated and Issued Quantities

When the quantity planned input of an operation is adjusted, this parameter determines what happens to the Net Quantity, To Issue and Subsequent Delivery fields of the materials linked to these operations.

This refers to:

  • Material allocations.
  • Materials that have already been issued.
  • The materials quantities that have already been issued are displayed in the Actual Quantity field in the Estimated vs. Actual Material Costs (ticst0501m000) session.
  • This parameter only affects materials for quantity-dependent materials.
  • This parameter does not affect cost items.
Automatic Select Alternatives

This field determines at which moments LN checks for use-up materials and alternative materials.

Allowed values

  • At Generation
    LN checks for alternatives when a production order is generated.
  • At Release
    LN checks for alternatives when you release a production order.
  • No Automatic Replacement
    LN does not check for alternatives automatically. You can still manually initiate a check for alternatives.

This functionality is available only if the Alternative Materials check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session.

Check Material Shortages at Release

If this check box is selected, the Release Production Orders (tisfc0204m000) session offers the option to release only production orders for which no material shortages exist.

Hours Settings
Update Method for Estimated Hours

The way in which the estimated hours are updated when the planning is modified.

Allowed values

Updating Estimated Hours

Split Hours in Setup and Production

If this check box is selected, the estimated and actual hours of an operation are split up.

The estimated and actual hours of an operation can be split up in setup time hours and cycle time hours. This results in a setup part and a production part for the estimated and the actual man and machine hours as can be viewed in, for example, Estimated vs. Actual Hours Costs (ticst0502m000) session.

The Split Hours in Setup and Production check box is introduced in the Production Orders (tisfc0501m000) details session and the Default Production Order Data (tisfc0102m000) session to determine whether the hours must be split up.


Selecting this check box can impact system performance negatively if the Backflush Hours check box in the Item - Production (tiipd0101m000) session is selected.

Backflushing Method

The value of this field determines the degree of user interaction when backflushing is carried out.

Allowed values

  • Automatic
  • Manual
  • Interactive

Performance aspects

The setting of this field could affect system performance and database growth. For more information, refer to Backflushing method.

Backflushing without Warehouse Orders

If this check box is selected, no warehousing orders are created for backflushed material.

Performance aspects

The setting of this field could affect system performance and database growth. For more information, refer to Backflushing without warehouse orders.

Labor Type

The labor type that is used by LN in non-assembly work centers, if the hours are accounted by backflushing.

Device for Processing Backflushed Hours

The output device for printing the backflushed hours.

Allowed values

The device must have been defined in the Device Data (ttaad3500m000) session.

Related topics


The name of the output device for printing the backflushed hours.

Allowed values

The device must have been defined in the Device Data (ttaad3500m000) session.

Related topics

Device for Issuing Backflushed Materials

The output device for printing the backflushed materials. LN also uses this device to print shortage lists.

Allowed values

The device must have been defined in the Device Data (ttaad3500m000) session.

Related topics


The name of the output device for printing the backflushed materials.

Allowed values

The device must have been defined in the Device Data (ttaad3500m000) session.

LN also uses this device to print shortage lists.

Related topics

Printing Production Order Documents Mandatory

If this check box is selected, production orders cannot be released before the order documents have been printed.


This parameter does not apply to production orders for repetitive or FAS items.

Performance aspects

The setting of this field could affect system performance and database growth. For more information, refer to Printing of documents.

Related topics

Order Covering Note

If this check box is selected, the covering note is printed.

This check box indicates the default for the corresponding check box in the Print Production Order Documents (tisfc0408m000) session.

Related topics

Routing Sheet

If this check box is selected, the routing sheet is printed.

This check box indicates the default for the corresponding check box in the Print Production Order Documents (tisfc0408m000) session.

Related topics

Operation Note

If this check box is selected, the operation note is printed.

This check box indicates the default for the corresponding check box in the Print Production Order Documents (tisfc0408m000) session.

Related topics

Cutting List

If this check box is selected, a cutting list is printed.

This check box indicates the default for the corresponding check box in the Print Production Order Documents (tisfc0408m000) session.

Related topics

Material List

If this check box is selected, the material list is printed.

This check box indicates the default for the corresponding check box in the Print Production Order Documents (tisfc0408m000) session.

Collective Sawing List

If this check box is selected, the collective sawing list is printed.

This check box indicates the default for the corresponding check box in the Print Production Order Documents (tisfc0408m000) session.

Related topics

Collective Cutting List

If this check box is selected, the collective cutting list is printed.

This check box indicates the default for the corresponding check box in the Print Production Order Documents (tisfc0408m000) session.

Related topics

Material Issue Note

If this check box is selected, the material issue note is printed.

This check box indicates the default for the corresponding check box in the Print Production Order Documents (tisfc0408m000) session.

Receipt Note

If this check box is selected, the receipt note is printed.

This check box indicates the default for the corresponding check box in the Print Production Order Documents (tisfc0408m000) session.

Related topics

Subcontracting Note

If this check box is selected, the subcontracting note is printed.

This check box indicates the default for the corresponding check box in the Print Production Order Documents (tisfc0408m000) session.

Related topics

Inspection Note

If this check box is selected, the inspection note is printed.

This check box indicates the default for the corresponding check box in the Print Production Order Documents (tisfc0408m000) session.

Related topics

Check List

If this check box is selected, the checklist is printed.

This check box indicates the default for the corresponding check box in the Print Production Order Documents (tisfc0408m000) session.

Related topics

Sawing List

If this check box is selected, the sawing list is printed.

This check box indicates the default for the corresponding check box in the Print Production Order Documents (tisfc0408m000) session.

Related topics

Copy Document Links from Instructions

In the Routing module, you can define a microrouting. You can link documents to instructions in the microrouting by using ODM package.

If this check box is selected, the documents that are linked to instructions in the Routing module are also available in Job Shop Control.

Version Control

If this check box is selected, production orders are version controlled.


These parameters must be selected for version control:

Log Production Orders

If this check box is selected, changes in production orders are logged.


Must be checked for project pegging to be implemented.

Log Materials and Operation Costs

If this check box is selected, material distribution and operational costs is logged.


Must be checked for project pegging to be implemented.

Financial Transactions by Work Center

If this check box is selected, you can view the production results by work center. The material costs and the hours costs are posted to the work center to which these costs apply.

If this check box is cleared, you can view the production results by production order. The surcharges, as well as the material costs and the hours costs, are posted to the production order's calculation office.


The calculation office currency is also used for production orders that have no operations and work centers, but only materials.


When you calculate the estimated costs, and a Dependent currency system is used, the Financial Transactions by Work Center check box also determines the currency that is used:

  • If this check box is selected, the local currency of the costing work center for which the costs are calculated is used.
  • If this check box is cleared, the currency of the calculation office is used.

Estimated end item unit costs

The calculation of the estimated end item unit costs depends on the Financial Transactions by Work Center check box and the cost view, that is, whether the costs are work-center-based or item-based:

Financial transactions by work centerWork center based costsItem based costs


1: The total end item unit costs are posted for each work center by detailed cost component. The only work center available is the calculation office. The costs are expressed in the calculation office's currency.

2: The total end item unit costs are posted for the calculation office by the item's effective cost component structure. The costs are expressed in the calculation office's currency.

3: The total end item unit costs are posted for a costing work center or a calculation office by detailed cost component. The costs on a work center include operation costs and material costs. The costs on the calculation office include (added) end item surcharges and the costs for unlinked materials. The costs are expressed in the local currency of the costing work center.

4: The total end item unit costs are posted for the calculation office by the item's effective cost component structure. The costs are expressed in the calculation office's currency.


You can view the end item unit costs, work center-based as well as item-based, in the End Item Unit Costs (ticst0510m000) session.

WIP transfers

If the Financial Transactions by Work Center check box is cleared, WIP transfers are not calculated. Because the production results are viewed by production order, the costs are posted on the production order's calculation office, and no costs are posted on the work centers. Consequently, there is no need to calculate WIP transfers between different work centers.

Calculating efficiency/price variances

If a production order is closed, the Financial Transactions by Work Center check box determines on which level efficiency variances and price variances are calculated. The posting, however, depends on the posting methods that are defined in the following fields:

  • Posting Method Efficiency Variances on Calculation Office
  • Posting Method Price Variances to Calculation Office
  • Posting Method Efficiency Variances on Calculation Office
  • Posting Method Price Variances to Calculation Office

Performance aspects

The setting of this field could affect system performance and database growth. For more information, refer to Financial transactions by work center.

Transfer WIP method

The moment when a WIP transfer takes place.

Allowed values

Transfer WIP Methods

Performance aspects

The setting of this field could affect system performance and database growth. For more information, refer to Transfer WIP method.

Related topics

Process Hours using

To process hours for a production order, labor costs are calculated. To calculate the labor cost, either Estimated Operation Rates or Actual Man and Machine Rates are used.

Allowed values

Current Operation Rates

Performance aspects

The setting of this field could affect system performance and database growth. For more information, refer to Actual operation rates.

Moment of Completion Posting

The moment when LN posts the financial transactions for the completed quantities to Financials.

This field can have the following values:

  • Quantity Completed
    Every time you report a quantity of the main item completed, LN posts the corresponding financial transactions.
  • Order Status Completed
    When the production order status is set to Completed, LN posts the corresponding financial transactions.

To limit the number of postings and obtain the best performance, it is recommended to set this field to Order Status Completed, unless you require more frequent posting of transactions.

This field is defaulted to the Moment of Completion Posting field in the Production Orders (tisfc0501m000) session. You can change the field in that session for a specific production order until the production order status is set to Released.

Calculation Office defined in

Select at what level the calculation office is defined.

Allowed values

Possible Values

Related topics

Fallback Calculation Office

If no routing is defined for the selected production order, the calculation office specified in this field is used. The work center must be of the type Costing Work Center.


This check box applicable only if the Calculation Office defined in has Production Department selected.

Calculation of Variances
Posting Method Efficiency Variances on Calculation Office

If the Financial Transactions by Work Center check box is cleared, you can use this field to determine to which financial company the efficiency variances are posted.


The financial company is determined by the enterprise unit to which a calculation office or work center belongs. Calculation offices and work centers are defined as departments, which establish the link with the enterprise unit.

Performance aspects

The setting of this field could affect system performance and database growth. For more information, refer to Posting method for efficiency variances.

Posting Method Price Variances to Calculation Office

If the Financial Transactions by Work Center check box is cleared, you can use this field to determine to which financial company the price variances are posted.


The financial company is determined by the enterprise unit to which a calculation office or work center belongs. Calculation offices and work centers are defined as departments, which establish the link with the enterprise unit.

Performance aspects

The setting of this field could affect system performance and database growth. For more information, refer to Posting method for price variances.

Posting Method Efficiency Variances on Calculation Office

If the Financial Transactions by Work Center check box is selected, you can use this field to determine to which financial company the efficiency variances are posted.


The financial company is determined by the enterprise unit to which a calculation office or work center belongs. Calculation offices and work centers are defined as departments, which establish the link with the enterprise unit.

Performance aspects

The setting of this field could affect system performance and database growth. For more information, refer to Posting method for efficiency variances.

Posting Method Price Variances to Calculation Office

If the Financial Transactions by Work Center check box is selected, you can use this field to determine to which to which financial company the price variances are posted.


The financial company is determined by the enterprise unit to which a calculation office or work center belongs. Calculation offices and work centers are defined as departments, which establish the link with the enterprise unit.

Performance aspects

The setting of this field could affect system performance and database growth. For more information, refer to Posting method for price variances.

Use Actual Valuation for
End Item Receipt Posting

If this check box is selected, end items are received in inventory at their actual costs, and valued according to the defined actual valuation method.


Calculation-office variances can occur for JSC orders with project pegs if planned project pegs deviate from the actual project pegs of the end item. These variances cannot be attributed to price or efficiency.

If this check box is cleared, FTP inventory valuation method is used.

Performance aspects

The setting of this field could affect system performance and database growth. For more information, refer to Actual cost for receipt posting.

Subassembly Receipt Posting

If this check box is selected, subassemblies are received in inventory at their actual costs. These are determined by aggregating the costs incurred during subassembly.


If the Subcontracting with Material Flow check box is cleared, you cannot select this option.

If this check box is cleared, the subassemblies are received in inventory based on estimated costs.

WIP Transfers and Completions

If this check box is selected, the financial transactions of the type WIP Transfer Issue, WIP Transfer Receipt and Completion are logged against actual costs.

Moment of Generating Serial Numbers

The moment when serial numbers are created for serialized items. Using a mask is mandatory if you generate serial numbers, otherwise generation will fail.

As-Built Status Handling
Only Serialized and Lot Controlled Items in As-Built Components

If this check box is selected, only serialized items and lot-controlled items are displayed in the Serial End Item - As-Built Components (timfc0111m000) session.

If this check box is cleared, non-serialized items and non lot-controlled items are also displayed in the Serial End Item - As-Built Components (timfc0111m000) session.

Performance aspects

The setting of this field could affect system performance and database growth. For more information, refer to As-Built components with serialized and lot controlled items.

Production Order Reference on Subassemblies

If this check box is selected, the production order the subassembly belongs to is referenced during subcontracting.

Block Order Release when Requisition Mandatory

If this check box is selected, you cannot release a production order that includes a subcontracting operation for which a Purchase requisitions is not yet generated.


Generation of a requisition for a subcontracted operation is mandatory if one of the following is applicable:

  • No subcontractor is specified for the subcontracting operation
  • The Requisition Mandatory for Operation Subcontracting check box is selected in the Items - Purchase (tdipu0101m000) session for the subcontracted service item that is used for the subcontracting purchase requisition
Blocking Reason for Automatic Blocking

The reason for automatically blocking a subcontracted operation of a production order for which a purchase requisition is generated.

When the purchase requisition is converted into a purchase order, the subcontracting operation is automatically unblocked.

Project Pegging
Freeze Material and Operation Pegs

If this check box is selected, material supply to the operation pegs is frozen.

Split Production Order
Allow Production Order Splits

If this check box is selected, parts of production orders can be split off into new production orders.

Print Order Documents At Order Split

If this check box is selected, the Print Production Order Documents (tisfc0408m000) is automatically started when an order is split.


Before you can select this check box, the Printing Production Order Documents Mandatory check box must be selected in this session.

Reason Code for Order Split

Select whether or not a reason code must be specified during order split.

  • Never
    No reason code is required.
  • Optional
    You can optionally specify a reason code.
  • Mandatory
    You must specify a reason code.

Only applies if the Log Production Orders and Allow Production Order Splits check boxes are selected in the current session.

Split Order when Reporting Rejected Quantity

If this check box is selected, a rejected quantity on an operation or production order can be split off instead of rejected.

If this check box is selected, and a rejected quantity is specified in the Report Operations Completed (tisfc0130m000) or a quantity to scrap is specified in the Report Orders Completed (tisfc0520m000) sessions, you will be asked if the rejected quantity must be split off. If you click Yes, the Split Production Order (tisfc0208m000) session is started in which you can specify the quantity to be split off.


If the Quarantine Inventory check box is selected in the Inventory Handling Parameters (whinh0100m000) session, it is not possible to spilt off orders in the Report Orders Completed (tisfc0520m000) session. Furthermore, you will not be asked to confirm that you want to split off the rejected quantity in the Report Operations Completed (tisfc0130m000) session.

Default value

If the Split Order when Reporting Rejected Quantity check box is selected, the rejected quantity is the default quantity to be split off.

Actual Material Costs breakdown for Transfer Postings

Select the aggregation level of the actual materials costs at transfer.

Allowed values

Available levels

Reason Codes
Production Rework Orders

If this check box is selected, a reason code must be entered for any rework on production orders to be done.

Infor SCM Scheduler

If this check box is selected, the Infor SCM Scheduler has been implemented in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session.

Transfer Items without Production Orders

If this check box is selected, items can be transferred to a warehouse without a transfer order being present.