Work Cell (tirpt0640m000)

Use this session to generate and manage work cells.



The site ID.


Only visible if multisite functionality is active.

Related topics

Work Cell

The work cell ID.

Available Labor Resources

The number of operators required for the work cell.

Operation Rate Code

A code that identifies operation rates (labor costs, machine costs, or overhead costs). The code can be defined at different levels, and in order of priority be related to the reference operation, machine capacity group, work center and production department's calculation office.

Work Cell Plan Group

The ID of the plan group to which the work cell is assigned.

Enterprise Unit

A financially independent part of your organization that includes entities such as departments, work centers, warehouses, and projects. The enterprise unit's entities must all belong to the same logistic company, but a logistic company can contain multiple enterprise units. An enterprise unit is linked to a single financial company.

When you carry out logistic transactions between enterprise units, the resulting financial transactions are posted to the financial companies to which each enterprise unit is linked.

Finance Company

A company that is used for posting financial data in Financials. You can link one or more enterprise units from multiple logistic companies to one financial company.

Operational Company

The company to which a department, warehouse, or project belongs. In most cases, this is the logistic company in which the department, warehouse, or project was created. Logistic transactions originating from a department, warehouse, or project can only be created in their operational company.


A full set of address-related details, which include the postal address, access to telephone, fax, telex numbers, and email, Internet address, identification for taxation purposes, and routing information.

Production Department

A group of production resources, work centers and work cells, physically related to each other. For example, a production hall is a production department.

Employee for Hours

The employee number to which hours are posted in People by means of backflushing.

Work Cell Calendar

The calendar linked to the specified work cell.

If no calendar is specified, the production department calendar is used.

Actual Calendar

The calendar and availability type combination that is used by the work center manufacturing a production order.

  • If a work center calendar is specified, the actual calendar equals the work center calendar. If no work center calendar is specified, the next applicable calendar is used such as that of the related Production Department.
  • You can see the level at which the actual calendar is defined in the Origin field.

The ID of the session where the actual calendar is defined.

Repair Cell

The ID of the repair cell linked to the work cell.

Report on Work Stations

If this check box is selected, schedule lines are reported completed at work station and work cell levels.

If this check box is cleared, schedule lines are only reported completed on work cell level.


Reporting completed is mandatory at work stations marked as count points.