Effectivity Unit - Process Variables (tirou1114m000)

Use this session to make a process variable customer-specific by linking the process variable to an effectivity unit. A process variable is one of the features of a microrouting, and is used to establish settings or adjustments for a product.


Effectivity Unit

A reference number, for example a sales order line or a project deliverable line, that is used to model deviations for a unit effective item.

Configuration Ready

If this check box is selected, all desired requirements are selected for the unit effective item.


An item that is ready to be delivered to a warehouse. An end item is produced at the end of a dangle routing (co-products and by-products) or a main routing.

The effectivity unit indicates that you have to do with one occurrence of the end item.

The item must be of one of the following types:

  • Purchased
  • Manufactured
  • Product

An effectivity unit for an end item can only be generated automatically, if the Unit Effective End Item check box is selected for the item in the Items (tcibd0501m000) session.

  • The Item Type Product can be used only if the Item Type Product field can be set to Active in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session.
  • The Item Type Purchased and/or Manufactured is used only if the Item Type Product field is set to Inactive in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session.
Process Variable

A setting or an input value related to a machine, a tool, or to process quality that is relevant to carry out an operation or an operation step. For example, cutting depth, cutting speed, and temperature.

Deviation Expressed In

How the deviation of the target value is expressed, Absolute or as a Percentage.


The process variable target value.

Limit Type

Select how the measurement deviation is expressed.

  • If Absolute is selected, you must specify the upper and lower limits. Consequently LN the upper and lower tolerances are calculated.
  • If Percentage is selected, you must specify the upper and lower tolerances. Consequently LN the upper and lower limits are calculated.

Allowed values

Limit Type

Upper Limit

The lower limit of the process variable as an absolute value.

Lower Limit

The upper limit of the process variable as an absolute value.

Lower Tolerance

The lower limit of the process variable as a percentage.

Upper Tolerance

The upper limit of the process variable as a percentage.

Inspection Description

The description of the inspection method.