How to define a product model

Carry out the following steps to define a product model:

Step 1. Product Configuration Parameters

In the Product Configuration Parameters (tipcf0100m000) session, determine the version of the product configurator. If the product model is in the creation stage, you must use the interpreter version. The advantage of this version is that the generic product model can be tested immediately if new constraints are created. If changes are made to these constraints, the constraints need not be recompiled first. Refer to the Product Configurator Version field in the Product Configuration Parameters (tipcf0100m000) session.

Step 2. Items - General

In the Items (tcibd0501m000) session, enter the generic items that you need for the product model. If the item is a generic item, the following characters are not allowed in the item code:

% ' " ^ \ ! @ # $ & * ( ) | / ; ~ ` ? { } [ ] < >

The reason is that object files that are generated for constraints in the Product Configuration module cannot contain these characters.

You must decide whether you want to use a PCS budget and/or a PCS project when producing product variants, or you want to use PCF without PCS. A PCS budget is used to calculate the standard cost. A PCS project is used to plan, produce, and control the manufacturing process. Consequently, the structure of the product variant is generated by budget or project. The advantage of using PCS is that it provides an item with a detailed cost roll-up, and the possibility of pegging. However, in high volume environments, a detailed cost roll-up is often not necessary. Furthermore, using PCS requires extra time to calculate the project costs and to delete the project structure afterwards.

  • If you want to use Project Control (PCS) for Product Configuration (PCF), the Customizable check box must be selected in the Items (tcibd0501m000) session.
  • If you want to use Product Configuration (PCF) without Project Control (PCS), the Customizable check box must be cleared in the Items (tcibd0501m000) session.

If you configure items without PCS projects, standard items are generated instead of customized items. Pegging functionality is secured by the unique item codes of the configured items that can be related back to the sales order.

Step 3. Product Features

In the Product Feature (tipcf0150m000) session, enter the required product features. You must define all required product features with possible options in this session.

Step 4. Product Features by Generic Item and Constraints by Generic Item

In the Product Features by Configurable Item (tipcf1101m000) session, the product features are linked to a generic item. Product features are controlled by constraints, which you can define in the Configurable Item - Constraints (tipcf2110m000) session.

Step 5. Generic BOMs and Generic Routing

In the Generic BOMs (tipcf3110m000) session and the Generic Routing (tipcf3120m000) session, you can enter respectively the product structure and the routing. The constraints in step 4 are used to ensure that the product structure and routing are in accordance with the selected options.

Step 6. Price-List Matrix Codes, Price-List Matrices and Generic Price Lists

The Price List Matrix Codes (tipcf4110s000) session, the Price List Matrices (tipcf4120m000) session, and the Generic Price Lists (tipcf4101m000) session are not mandatory. If a sales price or a purchase price for a generic purchase item must be generated, the price list can be used to define a price list. You can use matrices for different features that have mutual relationships associated to the price. By defining the price list code and the price list matrices, the features and values in the matrices can be entered.

Step 7. Settings for Generic Item-Data Generation

The Generic Item - Settings for Data Generation (tipcf3101m000) session is not mandatory. The item data that arises when configuring product variants can be defined generically according to your own wishes and insights. You can use this session to create generic settings on how to generate the item code, item description, material, size, text, or standard for a generic item.

Step 8. Product Configuration Parameters

After you defined the product model, you must change the product configurator version from Interpreter Version to Object Version in the Product Configuration Parameters (tipcf0100m000) session.

Step 9. Compile Constraints by Generic Item

The last step is to compile the constraints to generate objects for each item in the Compile Constraints by Configurable Item (tipcf2201m000) session.