Item by Warehouse Properties

Items of type Product, Tool and Generic require item costing by enterprise unit.

The logistical item data for items of these types is defined either by site or office. Usually, item costing is created with values defined while ordering:

Enterprise UnitEU of ordering warehouse
Costing TypeLogistics
WarehouseOrdering warehouse
Costing SourceBased on supply source (item by site)
Standard Cost Component SchemeThe scheme defined in the item costing defaults


Note: The item site may not have an enterprise unit defined, but the warehouses linked to the site are always part of an enterprise unit. Therefore, the warehouses are used to relate the item by site data to item costing by enterprise unit.

Costing sources by supply source:

  • Source: Distribution

    If the item by site has Distribution as the source:

    • And the supplying warehouse or site is part of the same enterprise unit, the item the costing source is determined by the costing source of the selected warehouse/site.
    • And the supplying warehouse or site is part of a different enterprise unit from the item the costing source then the source is Intercompany Transfer.
CaseCosting CreatedCosting Source
No supplying relations are present.No
Supply by enterprise unitNo
Supply by another enterprise unit, within the same company.YesIntercompany Transfer
Supply by other company by warehouse transferYesIntercompany Transfer
Supply by other company by purchase order (and sales in the supplying company)YesPurchase


In the case of supply by another enterprise unit within the same company, item costing is set:

Enterprise UnitEU of ordering warehouse
Costing TypeLogistics
WarehouseOrdering warehouse
Costing SourceIntercompany Transfer
Supplying Enterprise UnitThe enterprise unit of the warehouse of the Supplying plan item-of supplying relations. In the case of multiple relations, the highest priority takes precedence.
Supplying Purchase Office-
Standard Cost Component SchemeThe scheme defined in the item costing defaults


  • Source: Purchase

    If the item by site has Purchase as the source, the costing source depends on the location of the purchase office.

    • If the purchase office belongs to the same enterprise unit, the costing source is Purchase.
    • If the purchase office is in another enterprise unit, the costing source is Intercompany Purchase.
Enterprise UnitEU of ordering warehouse
Costing TypeLogistics
WarehouseOrdering warehouse
Costing SourcePurchase
Supplying Enterprise Unit-
Supplying Purchase Office-
Standard Cost Component SchemeThe scheme defined in the item costing defaults



Enterprise UnitEU of Order Warehouse
Costing TypeLogistics
WarehouseOrdering warehouse
Costing SourceIntercompany Purchase
Supplying Enterprise UnitEU of purchase office
Supplying Purchase OfficePurchase office of item purchase by site
Standard Cost Component SchemeThe scheme defined in the item costing defaults



Enterprise UnitEU of purchase office
Costing TypePurchase
Costing SourcePurchase
Supplying Enterprise Unit-
Supplying Purchase Office-
Standard Cost Component SchemeThe scheme defined in the item costing defaults


  • Source: Subcontracting

    If the item has Subcontract as the source in the Items by Site (tcibd1550m000) session, item costing depends on the location of the purchase office:

    • If the purchase office is in the same enterprise unit, the costing source is Subcontract.
    • If the purchase office is in another enterprise unit, the costing source is Intercompany Purchase.
  • Other supply sources

    If a supply source is used other than Distribution, Purchase or Subcontract, the costing source defaults from the supply source:

    • Shop Floor
    • Repetitive
    • Assembly
Enterprise UnitEU of ordering warehouse
Costing TypeLogistics
WarehouseOrdering warehouse
Costing SourceBased on supply source (item by site)
Standard Cost Component SchemeThe scheme defined in the item costing defaults


Other warehouses

Supply from Warehouse

If item data by warehouse is created for:

  • An item with the supplying warehouse is other than the ordering warehouse
  • An item with Supply from Warehouse check box in the Item Data by Warehouse (whwmd2510m000) session selected.
  • An item with the supplying warehouse is in the same company but a different enterprise unit from the receiving one.
Enterprise UnitEU of the warehouse (or item by warehouse)
Costing TypeLogistics
Costing SourceIntercompany Transfer
Supplying Enterprise UnitEU of the supplying warehouse
Supplying Purchase Office-
Standard Cost Component SchemeThe scheme defined in the item costing defaults


If item data by warehouse is created for:

  • An item with the supplying warehouse is other than the ordering warehouse
  • The Supply from Warehouse check box in Item Data by Warehouse (whwmd2510m000) is selected for the item.
  • The supplying warehouse in another company

The item costing must be created with an Intercompany Transfer costing source.

If item data by warehouse is created for:

  • An item with the supplying warehouse is other than the ordering warehouse
  • The Supply from Warehouse check box in Item Data by Warehouse (whwmd2510m000) is selected for the item.
  • The supplying warehouse in the same enterprise unit.

No item costing is generated if the Supply from Warehouse check box in Item Data by Warehouse (whwmd2510m000) is cleared, item costing is created in the same way as with costing source Purchase.