Job Shop Bill of Materials

With job shop bills of materials it is possible to plan and control production on all sites individually.

Prerequisite to generating a job shop BOM header:


To generate job shop bills of material the Job Shop by Site parameter in the Multisite Concepts Activation (tcemm4600m000) session must be set to Active or In Preparation.

To generate a job shop bill of materials

  1. Start the Generate Job Shop Bill of Material (tibom3200m300) session.
  2. Clicking on the Product field opens Production Bills of Material (timfc3100m000) session. In this session, you must select the PBOM from which the JSBOM will be generated.

    Note: the PBOM must have the status Approved and be effective.

  3. In the Revision field select the PBOM revision from which the JSBOM is generated.

    Note: A PBOM may have several revisions. The new JSBOM will automatically be designated revision 000001 on generation. If changes are made after it receives the status Approved, the revision number will go up.

  4. Specify the site where the product will be manufactured.

  5. Specify the production model in the Model field, from the Job Shop Bills of Material (tibom3100m000) session. You can select a production model from the list of models available for the specified site. The production model contains the list of materials and routing for the job shop

    If you want to create a new production model range, select the Create New Model Code check box. You can define a new number group in the First Free Numbers (tcmcs0150m000) session that will start when you click on the Model field.

  6. If you select the Initialize Logistic Data check box, routing data will be copied from the previous JSBOM revision.

  7. If you select the Remove Manual Material Lines check box, material lines manually added to the previous revision are deleted from the list of materials.
  8. Use the Generate command.
  9. The new Job Shop Bill of Material can be selected in the Job Shop Bill of Material (tibom3600m000) session.