Building Assembly Part Allocation

The following four points are covered in this Help topic:

  • Allocation mode: Order Based or Line Station Based.
  • Allocation of assembly parts to the shop-floor warehouse.
  • Time buckets
  • Allocation of assembly parts
Allocation Mode

Allocation of assembly parts can be carried out in one of two modes, which are defined in the Transaction Processing field of the Assembly Control Parameters (tiasc0100m000) session:

  • Order Based The assembly parts are allocated to the shop-floor warehouse of the line station for every assembly order. LN creates one clustered line-station order (CLSO) for every line station order.
  • Line Station Based The assembly parts are allocated to the shop-floor warehouse for each bucket. The parts for all the assembly orders that fall in each bucket are combined and allocated together. LN creates a separate CLSO for each line station.

Existing assembly orders are taken into account when orders are generated, and when material requirements are recalculated.

How to determine to which shop-floor warehouse the parts are allocated

You link a shop-floor warehouse to a line station in the Shop Floor Warehouse field of the Work Centers (tirou0101m000) session. You can only link a shop floor warehouse to a line station if the following conditions are met:

Time Buckets

The size and number of buckets are determined by two factors:

  • Your time bucket data. Refer to the help of the Bucket Definition (tiasl1100m000) session for more details. You can define buckets that become larger as you plan further into the future. If you plan to make many changes to the assembly orders, you must define smaller buckets.
  • The Allocation Horizon field in the Assembly Control Parameters (tiasc0100m000) session determines the total time for which you plan.

You must define buckets for the entire Allocation Horizon. If you have an order that only partly falls in the time fence, allocation is not planned in Assembly Control.

Allocation of assembly parts

In the case of Line Station Based transaction processing, allocation is performed per bucket, per line station. All the requirements by bucket and line station can be combined. This results in fewer transactions than would occur if every order were processed separately. The cumulative allocated assembly part requirements are logged in a clustered line station order (CLSO). The CLSO is communicated to Warehousing. You can view the cumulative allocated assembly part requirements in the Clustered Line Station Order - Assembly Part Requirements (tiasc7140m000) session.