Rejects of production orders

If an item produced in a production order is defective or below the required quality, you must report it as rejected.

To report an item as rejected, enter the rejected quantity in the Rejected field in the Report Operations Completed (tisfc0130m000) details session. You can report rejected items at each operation of the production order. If a production order has no operations, you can report rejected items in the Report Orders Completed (tisfc0520m000) session.

If the products are inspected by using a destructive test, the quantity rejected must be at least the tested quantity.

Scrap and yield

In manufacturing processes it is often necessary to plan the production for more of a product than you actually need, because some of the product may be outside specification. Some of the components can also break or be unsuitable for production. This effect can be modeled by means of scrap and yield. For more information, refer to Scrap and yield.

Reason for rejection

If the Use Reason Codes for Rejected Items field in the Production Order Parameters (tisfc0500m000) session is Optional or Mandatory, and you report an operation completed while the quantity rejected is higher or lower than the planned rejected quantity, you can specify a reason for the rejection. Use a reason with reason type Rejection of Production Result.

To define the reasons for rejection, use the Reasons (tcmcs0105m000) session.

Planned rejected quantity

The planned rejected quantity is based on the planned scrap and yield.

If the yield type is Continuous, the planned rejected quantity is zero (0). You can define the yield type in the Routing Operations (tirou1102m000) session.

If the yield type is Discrete, the planned rejected quantity is calculated as follows:

Planned rejected quantity = 
((Planned input - Scrap) * (1- Yield percentage/100)) + Scrap

You can use the recorded reasons for a quality improvement process.


If a product of a production order does not have an acceptable quality, but it can be repaired, you can report it completed and create a rework order. For more information, refer to Rework Orders.

Warehouse for rejects

An alternative approach to rejected items is to report them as completed, but transfer them to a separate warehouse. To prevent the planning process in LN from counting rejected items as available, you can store them in a warehouse that is ignored by Enterprise Planning. To define a warehouse that is ignored by Enterprise Planning, define the warehouse in the Warehouses (tcmcs0503m000) session and clear the Include in Enterprise Planning check box.