Subcontracting rates


Only applicable if the Job Shop by Site parameter is set to Active in the Multisite Concepts Activation (tcemm4600m000) session

How subcontracting costs are calculated, and consequently, how the subcontracting rate must be interpreted, depends on the Rate Base field in the Subcontracting Rates (ticpr1160m000) details session.

This field can be set to:

  • Fixed Amount by Product
  • Hour
Fixed Amount by Product

The costs or prices are calculated by multiplying the end item quantity displayed in the Ordered Quantity field in the Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101m000) session by the subcontracting rate. Select this method if the subcontracting costs are directly related to the number of subcontracting items. The subcontracting costs are based on the gross input of the end items.


If the method is hour rate, the costs or prices are calculated by multiplying the estimated man or machine hours by the subcontracting rate. The estimated man or machine hours are calculated using the operation planning data such as gross end-item quantity, cycle time, and man and machine occupation.