Calculating bottleneck work center and rate

For repetitive (RPT) items, for each routing defined for repetitive items, and for standard routings, LN calculates:

  • Which work center is the bottleneck for the routing in question.
  • The production rate for the bottleneck operation.

To determine the bottleneck work center, the production rate of each work center in a routing must be calculated. The production rate is computed either by minute or by hour, depending on the value of the Production Rate Time Unit field in the Job Shop Master Data Parameters (tirou0100m000) session. The production rate for a work center's routing operation is calculated as follows:


The bottleneck rate is divided by 60 only if the Production Rate Time Unit field in the Job Shop Master Data Parameters (tirou0100m000) session is Minute.

The calculation of a production rate can be performed for standard routings as well as for item routings. For an item routing, the rate factor for planning depends on the value that is entered in the Rate Percentage for Enterprise Planning field in the Item - Production (tiipd0101m000) session. For a standard routing, the rate factor for planning is always assumed to be 100%.

When the calculation has been done for all operations, the operation with the lowest production rate appears as the bottleneck operation. The corresponding work center is used as the bottleneck work center, and the calculated rate is used as the production rate for this bottleneck work center.