Calculating operation costs (labor and machine hours) with Sites enabled

LN determines the labor and machine hours to calculate the operation costs.

For each operation found in the structure, LN determines the reference operation type.

The formula LN applies to calculate the labor hours depends on whether or not the operation has a fixed duration. If the operation has a fixed duration, LN applies the following formula to calculate the machine hours:

machine hours = ( setup time * number of machines ) + ( cycle time * number of machines / routing quantity)

If the operation does not have a fixed duration, LN applies the following formula to calculate the labor hours:

labor hours = ( average setup time * labor occupation for setup ) + ( cycle time * quantity planned input * labor occupation for production / routing quantity)

The formula LN applies to calculate the machine hours depends on whether or not the operation has a fixed duration. If the operation has a fixed duration, LN applies the following formula to calculate the machine hours:

machine hours = ( setup time * number of machines ) + ( cycle time * number of machines / routing quantity)

If the operation does not have a fixed duration, LN applies the following formula to calculate the machine hours:

machine hours = ( setup time * number of machines ) + ( cycle time * quantity planned input * number of machines / routing quantity)