Validate Master Data for Job Shop by Site (timfc0200m000)

Use this session to check if the master data that is created or adjusted during the In Preparation stage is set up correctly.


For the best results, perform a generate step and validate the result afterwards. Repeat the generation and validation until the result is satisfactory.


Conflicting Concepts

If this check box is selected, LN checks that no parameters are set that conflict with the Job Shop by Site functionality.

Subcontracting Rates

If this check box is selected, a report is printed that displays the routing operations for which the subcontracting rates have changed.

The report applies to items for which option Subcontracting Rate is selected in the Source of Price for Operation Subcontracting field of the Items - Purchase by Site (tdipu0181m000) session.

The subcontracting rates in the report have changed for these reasons:

  • Subcontracting rate factors are no longer used.
  • Subcontracting base rates Man Hour Rate and Machine Hour Rate have been replaced with base rate Hour.
New Job Shop Settings

If this check box is selected, LN checks that various parameters are set.

Values for these fields must be present:

  • BOM Model Number Group and BOM Model Order Series in the Job Shop Master Data Parameters (tirou0100m000) session.
  • BOM Model Series in the Production Settings by Site (timfc0180m000) session.
  • If the Product Configurator (PCF) check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session, values must also be present in these fields:

    • Default Job Shop Routing in the Job Shop Master Data Parameters (tirou0100m000) session.
    • Default Job Shop Routing in the Production Settings by Site (timfc0180m000) session.
Operation Rates

If this check box is selected, LN checks that the existing operation rates that are assigned to reference operations are copied to the Operation Rates (ticpr1151m000) session.

Note: Perform this validation after the reference operations are generated and validated.

Machine Types

If this check box is selected, LN checks if, in the Machine field of the Serialized Items (tscfg2100m000) session, machine ID codes are present that match the machine type ID codes generated in the Machine Types (tirou4160m000) session.

Machine Groups

If this check box is selected, LN checks if, for generic routings, production orders, and planned production orders, machine ID codes are present that match the machine type ID codes generated in the Machine Capacity Groups (tirou4161m000) session.

Reference Operations

If this check box is selected, LN checks that tasks are present on generic routings, PCS activities, production orders, and testing combinations, for which the task ID matches the ID of a reference operation generated in the Generate Reference Operations (tirou4250m000) session.

Existing Master Data

If this check box is selected, the data generated in the Autofill Generic Routing (tipcf3210m200) session is validated.

Job Shop Routings

If this check box is selected, checks that Job Shop routings are present on order and other objects. See Validate Job Shop routings.


If this check box is selected, all validation check boxes are selected.


If this check box is selected, process results and any errors occurring in the validation processes are listed in a report.

Validation Information

If this check box is selected, details about the validation processes are provided in a report.