Production Warehouse Orders (timfc0101m000)

Use this session to control material and end items that are sent from the warehouse to the job shop, and back. In this session, you can issue, return, or cancel items in a detailed way, which is especially important in case of serialized items or lot controlled items. Every material or end item transaction that results in a warehouse order is reflected by a production warehouse order in this session.

You can select in the View menu which production warehouse orders you want to view:

  • The production warehouse orders for the End Item.
  • The production warehouse orders for the Material, which are sorted by material position number.

If you want to control warehouse handling of material and end items in a less detailed way, you can use the following sessions:

Detailed control of warehouse handling

In this session, the detailed warehouse handling of material and end items enables you to:

  • Make a difference between canceling a quantity that is still in the warehouse, and returning a redundant quantity from the job shop to the warehouse.
  • Return a specific lot code or serial number to the warehouse. This is useful if multiple lots or serial numbers are in the warehouse for a specific material or production order.
  • Specify different planned issue dates or receipt dates for a material or a production order. The planned inventory transactions reflect the different dates. Consequently, the MRP planning will result in a more accurate material planning.
  • Restart automatic processing, if you use automatic processing of warehouse orders (the Direct Proc WH Order Line check box is selected), and previous automatic processing was not successful, for example, due to a shortage.
  • Select a different warehouse procedure when using return orders.
How to use this session

In the Material view, you can issue, cancel, or return material quantities in the session's heading as well as in the lines, for a specific production warehouse order.

Handling quantities in the header

If you want to issue material from the warehouse, carry out the following steps:

  1. Type the quantity that you want to issue in the header in the To Issue field.
  2. In the appropriate menu, click Process. If you typed a quantity in the To Issue field that is less than the ordered quantity, a new production warehouse order can be created.
  3. To continue the material handling process, select the appropriate production warehouse order, and choose the next action in the procedure in the appropriate menu, for example, Initiate Inventory Issue.

If you want to return or cancel a material quantity, you must also enter the quantity in respectively the To Return field or the To Cancel field in the header, and then click Process in the appropriate menu.

Dandling quantities in the lines

If you have to deal with serialized or lot-controlled items, you must handle your material in a more detailed way. You can choose, for example, to sent an item with a specific serial number back from the job shop to the warehouse. Therefore, you must double-click the appropriate warehouse production order, so that the details session is started. In the details session, you can indicate the serial number of the item that you want to return.

Multiple production warehouse orders

In the Production Warehouse Orders (timfc0101m000) session, production warehouse orders are listed for a specific production order. A production warehouse order can relate to:

  • A planned inventory transaction in the Order - Planned Inventory Transactions (whinp1501m000) session.
  • If the production order is at least released: A warehouse order line in the Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000) session and the Outbound Order Lines (whinh2120m000) session.

The following sections provide examples of multiple production warehouse orders, for example in case of subsequent deliveries or unit effective items.

To issue - Subsequent delivery

There are two production orders, one for issue and one for subsequent delivery. These two production warehouse orders initially have the same allocation date, but you can change the allocation date manually in the Production Warehouse Orders (timfc0101m000) session.

Order distribution

An order distribution as defined in the Production Order Distribution (tisfc0105m000) session can result in multiple production warehouse orders. This is the case if the end item or material is defined as Lot Controlled in the Items (tcibd0501m000) details session, and the Lots in Inventory check box is selected in the Items - Warehousing (whwmd4500m000) details session. One production warehouse order is generated for every involved effectivity unit.

If the end item or material is not Lot Controlled, the full quantity of the production order or material is recorded for effectivity unit 0 (zero), so in that case only one production warehouse order is present.

If the Unit Effective Supply check box is cleared in the Items (tcibd0501m000) details session, also only one production warehouse order is present.


Production Order
Order Origin

The type of order.

Allowed values

  • SFC Production
  • SFC Production (Manual)
  • Production Schedule
  • ASC Production
  • ASC Production (Manual)
  • Production KANBAN
  • Transfer
  • Transfer (Manual)
  • Project
  • Project (Manual)
  • EP Distribution

An order to produce a specified quantity of an item on a specified delivery date.

Order Status

The status assigned to a production order, which indicates the process stage of a production order. For example, Planned, Documents Printed, or Released.

Allowed values

Possible values


The position number of the production order's material.


One of a series of steps in a routing that are carried out successively to produce an item.

The following data is collected during a routing operation:

  • The task. For example, sawing.
  • The machine used to carry out the task (optional). For example, sawing machine.
  • The place where the task is carried out (work center). For example, woodwork.
  • The number of employees required to carry out the task.

This data is used to compute order lead times, to plan production orders and to calculate standard cost.


The warehouse of a material (in the Material view), or an end item (in the End Item view).

To Issue

The material quantity that is issued from the warehouse to the job shop.

Subsequent Delivery

The material quantity that will be issued at a future date or time.

To Cancel

If the Blocked check box is cleared, you cannot manually change the quantity in the Quantity Ordered field anymore to cancel a specific quantity to be issued from the warehouse. Instead, you must cancel the quantity by carrying out the steps that are described below.

  • You can only cancel an item quantity if the item is used as a material. You cannot cancel a quantity of end items in this session.
  • You can only cancel a material quantity if the warehouse order status is not yet Shipped. Furthermore, the actual quantity that is already issued must be less than the ordered quantity.
  1. Enter the quantity that you want to cancel in the To Cancel field in the header , or in the Quantity to Cancel field for a specific production warehouse order. For example, if the ordered quantity for a specific material is 8, but you need only 6, you must enter 2 in the To Cancel field.

    If a material distribution is present, you must cancel the quantity on the appropriate production warehouse orders. If there is no material distribution, you can cancel the quantity in the To Cancel in the header.

  2. In the appropriate menu, click Process. The ordered quantity is corrected in Warehousing. Whether the corrected ordered quantity is displayed in this session depends on how far the warehouse outbound procedure has already progressed:
    • If the warehouse outbound procedure has not started yet, or is in an early stage, the ordered quantity of the appropriate production warehouse order is adjusted: The quantity that you typed in the To Cancel field is subtracted from the quantity in the Quantity Ordered field, and the To Cancel field is set back to 0 (zero).
    • If the warehouse outbound procedure is already too advanced, the Quantity Ordered for the production warehouse order is not adjusted anymore. However, the canceled quantity is displayed in the Quantity Canceled field so that warehouse employees know that this quantity does not need to be picked in the warehouse. The To Cancel field is set back to 0 (zero).

If the Blocked is selected, you can manually change the ordered quantity, directly in the Quantity Ordered field. You do not need to carry out the canceling procedure described above.

To Return

The number of items that you want to return from the job shop to the warehouse, or the number of end items that you want to recall from the warehouse to the job shop. After entering the return quantity, click Create Return in the appropriate menu to start the return process.

If the Multiple Lots check box and/or the Multiple Serials check box is selected, you must specify lot number(s) and/or serial number(s) to indicate which lot or serialized item must be returned to the warehouse. Start the details session of a specific production warehouse order to do so.

You can only use this field if no material distribution is present for the item. If a material distribution is present, you must use the Return Quantity field in the details session of a specific production warehouse order.

For more information, refer to the Return Quantity field in the details session.


The estimated material quantity that is required for the production order.


The material quantity that is issued from the warehouse, and received in the job shop.

In process by warehouse

The material quantity that is unblocked in the warehouse, but not yet received in the job shop.


The material quantity that is blocked in the warehouse, and will not be received in the job shop.


If this check box is selected, backflushing is applied as method to issue the material.

Direct Initiate Inventory Issue

If this check box is selected, the warehouse order line for the material is automatically unblocked during production order release. Consequently, you do not need to run the Initiate Inventory Issue (tisfc0207m000) session to unblock the material.

If this check box is cleared, and if the material is not backflushed, you must click Initiate Inventory Issue in the menu to unblock the material's warehouse order line.

An unblocked warehouse order line serves as a signal for the warehouse employees to begin the warehouse outbound procedure, starting with an outbound advice for the material. The warehouse outbound procedure results in material sent to the job shop. If the Direct Process Warehouse Order Line check box is selected for the material, the warehouse outbound procedure is carried out automatically after the warehouse order line is unblocked.

Direct Process Warehouse Order Line

If this check box is selected, the warehouse outbound procedure is carried out automatically after that materials in the warehouse are unblocked by clicking Initiate Inventory Issue in the appropriate menu.

If this check box is cleared, and you unblock warehouse order lines by clicking Initiate Inventory Issue in the appropriate menu, you must carry out the rest of the warehousing procedure manually.

Material Control Method

The value of this field depends on the Print on Order Document check box in the Bill of Material (tibom1110m000) session, and the Floor Stock check box in the Item - Warehousing (whwmd4600m000) session. The following table gives the default combinations and the resulting material control method.

Print on Order DocumentFloor StockMaterial Control Method value
NoYesNo material line created
NoNo Allocate Only
YesNo Print and Allocate
YesYes Print Only


Allowed values

Possible Values

End Item View

The raw materials, subassemblies, finished products, and tools that can be purchased, stored, manufactured, and sold.

An item can also represent a set of items handled as one kit, or which exist in multiple product variants.

You can also define nonphysical items, which are not retained in inventory but can be used to post costs or to invoice services to customers. The examples of nonphysical items:

  • Cost items (for example, electricity)
  • Service items
  • Subcontracting services
  • List items (menus/options)

In the Material view, the item is a material. In the End Item view, the item is an end item.


The end item quantity that is ordered for the production order.


The end item quantity that is reported as complete in Manufacturing, and received in the warehouse.

In process by warehouse

The end item quantity that is reported as complete in Manufacturing, but not yet received in the warehouse.

End Item
Sequence Number

The sequence number of the order line.

Eff Unit

A reference number, for example a sales order line or a project deliverable line, that is used to model deviations for a unit effective item.

Transaction Type

The type of inventory movement, which can be Issue or Receipt. The meaning of Issue and Receipt depends on whether the item is a material or an end item.

If the item in the header is a material ( Material view) the transaction type can have the following meaning:

Transaction typeOrder typeMovement
IssueJob shopMaterial is issued from the warehouse to the job shop.
ReceiptJob shopMaterial is sent from the job shop to the warehouse
IssueTransferMaterial is issued from the central warehouse to the shop floor warehouse
ReceiptTransferMaterial is received in the shop floor warehouse.


If the item in the header is an end item ( End Item view) the transaction type can have the following meaning:

Transaction typeMovement
ReceiptEnd item is received in the warehouse.
IssueEnd item is sent back from the warehouse to the job shop.



In case of rework, or material that is sent back to the warehouse, the meaning of Issue and Receipt is the opposite of the meaning described above.


If this check box is selected, the production warehouse order is blocked, which means that:

  • Warehousing is not allowed to start the warehouse procedure for the production warehouse order.
  • You can still change the ordered quantity.

If this check box is cleared, the production warehouse order is unblocked, which means that:

  • Warehousing is allowed to start the warehouse procedure production order. If you specified automatic processing for the material or the end item, clearing this check box starts the automatic processing.
  • You cannot change the ordered quantity.

LN can clear this check box if:

  • You click Initiate Inventory Issue for materials in the appropriate menu. All production warehouse order lines are unblocked for which the Subsequent Delivery check box is cleared.
  • You report a production order as completed.

Once LN clears this check box, the check box cannot be selected again.


The status of the related warehouse order line.

Subsequent Delivery

If this check box is selected, the production warehouse order represents a material quantity that is a subsequent delivery, which means that the quantity is issued at a future date or time.


This check box applies only to the Material view of this session.

Quantity Ordered

The quantity that is, or will be, issued by or received in the warehouse.

Actual Quantity

The quantity that is already issued or received by the warehouse.

Quantity to Cancel

If the Blocked check box is cleared, you cannot manually change the quantity in the Quantity Ordered field anymore to cancel a specific quantity to be issued from the warehouse. Instead, you must cancel the quantity by carrying out the steps that are described below.

  • You can only cancel a quantity of an item, if the item is used as a material. You cannot cancel en item quantities in this session.
  • You can only cancel a material quantity if the warehouse order status is not yet Shipped. Furthermore, the actual quantity that is already issued must be less than the ordered quantity.
  1. Enter the quantity that you want to cancel in the To Cancel field in the header , or in the Quantity to Cancel field for a specific production warehouse order. For example, if the ordered quantity for a specific material is 8, but you need only 6, you must enter 2 in the To Cancel field.

    If a material distribution is present, you must cancel the quantity on the appropriate production warehouse orders. If there is no material distribution, you can cancel the quantity in the To Cancel in the header.

  2. In the appropriate menu, click Process. The ordered quantity is corrected in Warehousing. Whether the corrected ordered quantity is displayed in this session depends on how far the warehouse outbound procedure has already progressed:
    • If the warehouse outbound procedure has not started yet, or is in an early stage, the ordered quantity of the appropriate production warehouse order is adjusted: The quantity that you typed in the To Cancel field is subtracted from the quantity in the Quantity Ordered field, and the To Cancel field is set back to 0 (zero).
    • If the warehouse outbound procedure is already too advanced, the Quantity Ordered for the production warehouse order is not adjusted anymore. However, the canceled quantity is displayed in the Quantity Canceled field so that warehouse employees know that this quantity does not need to be picked in the warehouse. The To Cancel field is set back to 0 (zero).

If the Blocked is selected, you can manually change the ordered quantity, directly in the Quantity Ordered field. You do not need to carry out the canceling procedure described above.

Quantity Canceled

The quantity that is canceled in the warehouse. Warehousing issues the Quantity Ordered decreased by the Quantity Canceled. For more information, refer to Quantity to Cancel.

Lot Selection

If the Lot Controlled check box in the Items (tcibd0501m000) details session is selected, the item is lot controlled, and you can display in this field from which lot the material is issued. The lot code is set in the Material to Issue for Production Orders (ticst0101m100) session.

If the Lot Controlled check box is cleared, the value is Any, and you cannot change the value.

Allowed values

Possible values

Related topics

Multiple Lots

If this check box is selected, multiple lots are used in this production warehouse order.

Related topics

Serial Number

The number of the serialized item.

Multiple Serials

If this check box is selected, multiple serial numbers are used in this production warehouse order.


A version or revised version of an engineering item (E-item) or a revision-controlled item, that is, an item linked to an E-item. Several revisions of an E-item can exist.


E-item: Mountain bike E-MB01

A1Draft drawing of bikeNot released
A2Drawing of bikeNot released
A3Parent E-item of bike MB01Released
A4Obsolete bikeCanceled


Related topics


If the production warehouse order relates to end items, the date refers to the requested delivery date of the production order.

If the production warehouse order relates to material, the date refers to when the material is required in the job shop.


Indicates if, and at which point in the supply chain, the ownership of goods changes from the supplier to the customer. Ownership changes also occur between departments or business units within an organization, which is referred to as internal ownership. When the ownership changes, payment is due.

In traditional, non-VMI scenarios, the ownership of an item changes from the supplier to the customer after the customer has received the item from the supplier. The customer must pay for the item on receipt of the goods.

In various subcontracting scenarios, ownership will not change during any of the inbound or outbound warehousing processes. In such cases, the ownership is customer owned.

In vendor managed inventory (VMI) scenarios, the ownership can be consigned. If the ownership is consigned, the ownership change is either time based or consumption based.

  • Consumption based
    The customer issues the goods to sell them or to consume them
  • Time based

    Some time after:

    • The customer receives the goods
    • The last issue or receipt of the goods

For time based ownership change, the period of time is laid down in the contract between the customer and the supplier.


If this check box is selected, the production warehouse order contains a quantity that is returned.


A place for storing goods. For each warehouse, you can enter address data and data relating to its type.

Original Effectivity Unit

The original effectivity unit of the warehouse order.

Direct Proc WH Order Line

If this check box is selected, the warehouse outbound procedure is carried out automatically after that materials in the warehouse are unblocked by clicking Initiate Inventory Issue in the appropriate menu.

If this check box is cleared, and you unblock warehouse order lines by clicking Initiate Inventory Issue in the appropriate menu, you must carry out the rest of the warehousing procedure manually.


You can also define in Warehousing that a warehouse outbound procedure is carried out automatically.

Issue Strategy

View the issue strategy of the production warehouse order.

Allowed values

Issue Strategy

Related Order Type

The order type on which the production warehouse order is based.

Related topics

Return Quantity

The quantity that you want to sent back from the warehouse to the job shop (end items), or from the job shop to warehouse (material).

To return a quantity, carry out the following steps:

  1. Type the quantity you want to return in the Return Quantity field.
  2. Optionally, specify a reason code in the Return Reason field, and a order type in the Return Order type field.
  3. If required, click Select in the Select Lot / Serial field, after which you can specify lot codes or serial numbers in the Return Lots and Serials (whinh2149m000) session.

    If the Multiple Lots check box and the Multiple Serials check box are cleared, only one serial number or lot code, or no serial numbers/lot codes apply to the production warehouse order. If you carry out the next step, click Create Return, the lot code or serial number from the current production warehouse order is automatically copied to the return order. If no lot code is defined, a return order without a lot code is created.

  4. Click Create Return. The production warehouse order for the specified quantity is created.
Return Order type

The warehousing order type of the production warehouse order that is created for the return quantity.

Return Reason

The return reason of the production warehouse order that is created for the return quantity.

Select Lot / Serial

If multiple lots and/or serial numbers are used in the production warehouse order, click to select which lot or serial number must be returned.


Click to create a new production warehouse order to return the specified return quantity.

Order Type

A code that identifies the type of a warehousing order. The default warehousing procedure that you link to a warehousing order type determines how the warehousing orders to which the order type is allocated are processed in the warehouse, although you can modify the default procedure for individual warehousing orders or order lines.


The reason why the delivered goods are rejected and returned.

Return as

If a material line is sent back to warehousing, you must set this field, so the line can be passed to the production warehouse order line and stored.

Allowed values

  • Return as Issued
    Use this value if the material can be used again.
  • Company Owned
    Use this value if the material cannot be used again.
Initial Hidden

If this check box is selected,, the production warehouse order line is released to Warehousing.

If this check box is cleared, the production warehouse order line is not released to Warehousing. This can happen in case of backflushing without warehouse orders.

Sold-to Business Partner

The supply that fills this demand must have been allocated or demand pegged to the sold-to business partner displayed in this field.

LN uses this characteristic to find a matching supply for this demand.

Business Object Type

The supply that fills this demand must have been allocated or demand pegged to the type of order displayed in this field.

LN uses this characteristic to find a matching supply for this demand.


The following fields are always used in combination; together, they identify the relevant order or order line:

  • Business Object Type
  • Business Object
  • Business Object Reference
Business Object

The supply that fills this demand must have been allocated or demand pegged to the order, or order line, displayed in this field.

LN uses this characteristic to find a matching supply for this demand.


The following fields are always used in combination; together, they identify the relevant order or order line:

  • Business Object Type
  • Business Object
  • Business Object Reference

The supply that fills this demand must have been allocated or demand pegged to the reference code displayed in this field.

LN uses this characteristic to find a matching supply for this demand.

LN can use this field in two ways:

  • If the Sold-to Business Partner field is filled, LN uses the Reference field to record a reference code defined by a customer.
  • If the Sold-to Business Partner field is empty, LN uses the Reference field to record an internal reference.

You can use a reference code to keep a collection of parts linked together, even if they follow different routings, for example, if some of the parts are transported to a subcontractor to be returned later.

Product Variant

The supply that fills this demand must have been allocated or demand pegged to the product variant displayed in this field.


This field can only be filled if the following are applicable:

  • The Sell Multiples of Same Configuration check box is selected in the Assembly Planning Parameters (tiapl0500m000) session.
  • The Sell Multiples of Same Configuration check box is selected in the Product Variants (Assembly) (tiapl3500m000) session.
  • The item has the item type Manufactured or Product with the Default Supply Source set to Assembly in the Items (tcibd0501m000) session.



Click to process the data that you entered in this session.

The following is processed (if applicable):

  • The To Issue quantity in the Material header.
  • The Subsequent Delivery quantity in the Material header.
  • The To Cancel quantity in the Material header.
  • The To Return quantity in the Material header.
  • The Quantity to Cancel in the Material lines.
  • The Return Quantity as specified in the details session. However, it is preferred to use the Create Return button in the details session to process return quantities because then you can specify a lot number or serial number for the material.
Direct Process Warehouse Orders

If there was a shortage of material during production, and you had to replenish inventory, you can click to process the production warehouse orders using the new inventory.

Activities such as creating an outbound advise, or releasing the warehouse order line are handled automatically in the following cases:

  • If you defined that the activities must be handled automatically in the Warehousing Order Types (whinh0110m000) session.
  • If you selected the Direct Process Warehouse Order Line check box on the production warehouse order. All activities defined for the warehouse order line are then handled automatically.

If the production warehouse order is still blocked, and/or no activities are defined for automatic handling, nothing will happen if you click this command.

Process Material Shortages

Process the material shortages for materials after a shortage has been resolved, without extensive, manual warehouse handling. For more information, refer to Direct processing of material shortages.