MBC Action (tiedm3120m000)

Use this session to list the actions defined for a mass bill of material change (MBC).

If the mass bill of material change (MBC) status is In Design, you can modify the data in this session.

If you add a component using an MBC action, you cannot delete or replace that component using another MBC action linked directly to the same MBC. To work around this restriction, first delete and then add the same component using the same MBC. The added component can have a different EBOM quantity from the original. In that case, the value in the Quantity in EBOM field is used as an absolute quantity.

You can perform the following actions to an EBOM component:

  • Add
  • Delete
  • Replace

If the Include/Exclude E-Items per Action check box in the MBC (tiedm3110m000) session is selected, you can start the Include/Exclude E-Items (tiedm3121m000) session from the appropriate menu to define a list of E-items that are included or excluded when using the MBC action.


MBC Number

The mass bill of material change (MBC) number generated by LN using the number group that you enter in the Number Group for MBC field in the Engineering Data Management Parameters (tiedm0100m000) session.

MBC Status

The order status.

Allowed values

Order Status

All Actions Must Apply to Item

If this check box is selected, the E-items selected in the Include/Exclude E-Items (tiedm3121m000) session, to which all mass bill of material change (MBC) lines are applicable, will be considered for change.

If this check box is cleared, the E-items selected in the Include/Exclude E-Items (tiedm3121m000) session, to which at least one MBC line is applicable, will be considered for change.


The field relates to E-items which are both directly and indirectly listed in the Include/Exclude E-Items (tiedm3121m000) session.

In the MBC Action (tiedm3120m000) session you define two MBC lines:

  • Delete Metal-Wheel
  • Replace Metal-Pedal with Plastic-Pedal

If the All Actions Must Apply to Item check box is selected:

  • The MBC is carried out for the components of Red-Bicycle, because all the lines are applicable.
  • The MBC is not carried out for Blue-Bicycle or Yellow-Bicycle, because only one of the lines is applicable.

If the All Actions Must Apply to Item check box is cleared:

  • The MBC is carried out for all the bicycles, because each bicycle contains a component to which an MBC line applies.

If the Include/Exclude E-Items per Action check box is selected, this field is not available.


The mass bill of material change (MBC) position number, which identifies the MBC action.

MBC Action

The action of the mass BOM change (MBC).

Allowed values

ECO Activity Type

Old Component Type

The item type of the component affected by the mass bill of material change (MBC).

Old Component

The component item that you want to delete when you carry out the mass bill of material change (MBC) action, or that you want to be replaced by another component.

New Component Type

The item type of the replacement or additional component.

New Component

The replacement or additional component item.


The position number of the component allows unequivocal recognition of the generic bill of material. This number is comparable to the position number in the production bill of material. In a generic bill of material, however, several variants can be defined for each position number.

Replace Type

This field determines how the Quantity in EBOM field is handled in the Process EBOM Changes (tiedm3205m000) session if the MBC Action reads Replace.

Allowed values

  • * (Multiplication)
  • / (Division)
  • + (Addition)
  • - (Subtraction)
  • = (Adoption)
Include/Exclude E-Items

This field determines whether the items you specify in the Include/Exclude E-Items (tiedm3121m000) session will be excluded from or included in the mass bill of material change (MBC).

If you select Include, only the E-items listed in the Include/Exclude E-Items (tiedm3121m000) session as related to this order will be changed by the MBC.


If you select Exclude, but do not specify any items, all the E-items will still be included in the MBC.

Include Use Up Materials

If this check box is selected, LN also copies the EBOM component's use-up materials, which you defined in the Use Up and Alternative Materials by Engineering BOM (tiedm2115m000) session.

If you run the Generate EBOM Copy Data by MBC (tiedm3235m000) session or the Process MBC (tiedm3250m000) session, LN copies these materials to the Use Up and Alternative Materials in EBOM Copy Data (tiedm2125m000) session.

Include Alternative Materials

If this check box is selected, LN also copies the EBOM component's alternative materials, which you defined in the Use Up and Alternative Materials by Engineering BOM (tiedm2115m000) session.

If you run the Generate EBOM Copy Data by MBC (tiedm3235m000) session or the Process MBC (tiedm3250m000) session, LN copies these materials to the Use Up and Alternative Materials in EBOM Copy Data (tiedm2125m000) session.

MBC Action at Ref. Designator Level

If this check box is selected, you can define an MBC action to add, replace, or delete reference designators. Use the New Reference Designator field and/or the Old Reference Designator field to enter reference designators.

Old Reference Designator

The reference designator that you want to delete when you carry out the mass bill of material change (MBC) action, or that you want to be replaced by another reference designator.

Old Reference Designator

The description of the reference designator. This can be, for example, a code that expresses the location where you must mount a component item.

New Reference Designator

The reference designator that replaces the old component when you carry out the mass bill of material change (MBC) action, or that you want to add.

New Reference Designator

The description of the reference designator. This can be, for example, a code that expresses the location where you must mount a component item.


The length and width of the replacement component, or of the component that is to be added in the EBOM.

Size Unit

The unit of measurement used.


The width of the replacement component or of the component that is to be added in the EBOM.

Number of Units

The number of units needed of the replacement component.

Quantity in EBOM

The net quantity of the component in the EBOM.

If LN generates new EBOMs, it uses the value of the current field in combination with the MBC Action.

There are three possibilities:

  • Delete. The field is not applicable.
  • Add. The value of this field is taken to be the value of the Net Quantity field in the Process EBOM Changes (tiedm3205m000) session.

The quantity in the EBOM is calculated in the same way for components in the PBOM: Net Quantity = ( Length x BOM Conversion Factor) x ( Width x BOM Conversion Factor) x Number of Units/ Conversion Factor

If the component has no Width, the value of ( Width x BOM Conversion Factor) is left out of the formula.

You can define conversion factors in the Conversion Factors (tcibd0103m000) session. LN uses the conversion factor which is applicable to the units of the item or E-item.

  • Replace. The field is calculated using the Net Quantity as a value and the Replace Type as a mathematical operator. If possible, LN first calculates the Net Quantity using the formula provided earlier. If LN can not calculate the Net Quantity using the formula provided earlier, LN uses the value of the current field to calculate Net Quantity field in the Process EBOM Changes (tiedm3205m000) session using Replace Type as a mathematical operator.
Number of Units3
BOM Conversion Factor1
Conversion Factor1


LN calculates the new Net Quantity = 3 x (2 x 1) x (4 x 1) / 1= 24 = Quantity in EBOM.

If this is not possible (for example, no length was present), LN takes the value of Quantity in EBOM as the new value of Net Quantity.

MBC Action = Replace Replace Type = + (Addition) Net Quantity (old) = 5

Net Quantity (new, in the Process EBOM Changes (tiedm3205m000) session) = ( Quantity in EBOM) x ( Replace Type) x ( Net Quantity (old)) = 24 + 5 = 29

Quantity Independent

If this check box is selected, the E-item's net quantity is copied to update the scrap quantity in the BOM.

If this check box is cleared, the E-item's net quantity is copied to update the net quantity of the BOM.