Engineering Item (tiedm0110m000)

Use this session to define and modify engineering items (E-items).

You cannot delete an E-item if the E-item is:

If you delete an E-item, you also delete the following data of that E-item:


Engineering Item

An item in the process of development.

You can define multiple revisions of an engineering item. Typically, the most recent revisions are still in a design or test phase, another revision may have been taken into production, and older revisions are obsolete.

A normal item can only become revision-controlled when it is copied from the Engineering Data Management module.

  • You can select only a non-configurable item.
  • The item is always specified in capitals.

Enter a description of the engineering item.

Item Type

A classification of items used to identify if the item is, for example, a generic item, a service item, or an equipment item. Depending on the item's type, certain functions will only apply to that item.

E-items can be:

  • Manufactured
  • Purchased
  • Product
  • Engineering Module
Assembly BOM

If this check box is selected, the bill of material (BOM) in which the component is used is printed.

Item Group

A group of items with similar characteristics. Each item belongs to a particular item group. The item group is used in combination with the item type to set up item defaults.

Engineering Project

The project of the engineering item that you can use to manage and control the engineering activities.

Search Key I

Enter a text to enable you to find the E-item.

Search Key II

Enter a text to enable you to find the E-item.


If this check box is selected, text is present for the engineering item.

Product Type

User-definable item grouping data that is used as a sorting and selecting criterion. The product type is intended for classifying items with similar characteristics for production purposes.

Selection Code

User-definable item grouping data. Use selection codes to select items by color, diameter, product expiry date, and so on.


Selection codes are used for information purposes only.

E-Item Reference

You can use this field to enter another descriptive text about the E-item.


If this check box is selected, the selected item may be customized.

Series for Revision

If you make an E-item revision in the Engineering Item Revision (tiedm1100m000) session, LN generates a code to identify the revision (using the Series for Revision parameter).

You can alter the default value of this field in the Series for Revision field of the Engineering Data Management Parameters (tiedm0100m000) session. If you change the default value, the number series starts again from its beginning.

Unit Effective End Item

If this check box is selected, the E-item is a unit-effective item.

You can make an item unit effective only if the Unit Effectivity check box in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session is selected.


If this check box is selected, this E-item is interchangeable with other unit-effective interchangeable E-items.

  • If you selected the All Effectivity Units are Interchangeable check box in the Unit Effectivity Parameters (tcuef0100s000) session, LN automatically selects this check box, which cannot be altered in this session.
  • Select this check box if you use effectivity units to control product variation changes. Clear this check box if you use change management.
  • If the Unit Effective End Item check box in the current session is cleared, this check box is unavailable.
CHM Control

If this check box is selected, an approval procedure is linked to the engineering item. You must complete the approval procedure in Change Management in Data Management.

Effectivity Dates by CO

If this check box is selected, the effective date on the revision is set during the approval procedure in Data Management. This effective date is used as effective date on the BOM lines after the E-item data is copied to the production BOM. If this check box is cleared, you must enter the effective and expiry dates manually in the engineering item revision, although Data Management is still used to approve the revision.

Multiple COs

If this check box is selected, you can link multiple change proposals (multiple COs) to the revision. The first change proposal that is approved, also approves the revision. If this check box is cleared, you can only link one proposal to the revision.

Extra Information

The additional information about the engineering item.


The information is defaulted from the Item Defaults (tcibd0102m000) session.

New Revision by Copy from P-Item allowed

This check box is relevant if:

  • You use the Copy Shop Floor PBOM to EBOM (tiedm0205m000) session to copy an item's production BOM to Engineering Data Management, for example, for redesigning purposes.
  • The production BOM contains items which result from former engineering activities in Engineering Data Management. These items already have revision numbers.

If this check box is selected, a new revision is created for the engineering item that is defined in this session.

If this check box is cleared, no new revision is created for the engineering item.


Engineering Item Revisions