Possible Values

  • EBOM to Shop Floor PBOM Only

    Only copy one line from the EBOM to the PBOM.

  • Copy E-Item to Item

    Copy the E-item to an item, and copy the relevant EBOM line to the PBOM line.

  • NonProj Item to Proj Item

    Do not copy an E-item or EBOM, but copy a non-project item to a project item. That is, a standard item to a customized item. Also copy the non-project item's bill of material and routing to the project item's BOM and routing. This option is only available if you select the Customize Copied Item check box in the Engineering Data Management Parameters (tiedm0100m000) session.

  • No Copy Action

    No components are copied. This occurs in the following circumstances:

    • The unit of the source component does not match the unit of the target component.
    • There is no valid approved revision of the E-item.
    • A project item is copied to an unrelated project item.

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