Subcontracting WIP Actual Amounts (ticst0509m000)

Use this session to view the subcontracting WIP actual amounts.


Cost Component

A cost component is a user-defined category for the classification of costs.

Cost components have the following functions:

  • To break down an item's standard cost, sales price, or valuation price.
  • To create a comparison between the estimated production order costs and the actual production order costs.
  • To calculate production variances.
  • To view the distribution of your costs over the various cost components in the Cost Accounting module.

Cost components can be of the following cost types:

  • Operation Costs
  • Material Costs
  • Surcharge on Material Costs
  • General Costs
  • Not Applicable

If you use Assembly Control (ASC), you cannot use cost components of the General Costs type.


The currency used.


The cost of the component.


The production hours of the subcontracting WIP.