Item - Costing (ticpr0107m000)

Use this session to view, specify, and maintain cost-related data for items.

Performance aspects

The settings in this session could affect system performance and database growth. For more information, refer to Cost component setup.



The item to which the costing data is applied.

Enterprise Unit

The enterprise unit for which the standard cost is maintained.

Financial Company

A company that is used for posting financial data in Financials. You can link one or more enterprise units from multiple logistic companies to one financial company.

Costing Type

A classification of the type and usage of the item costing data.

Allowed values

Item Costing Type

Standard Costs Base

If this check box is selected, the standard cost of the selected enterprise unit and item combination, is used as the standard base cost of production for the item across the company.

The standard cost base is used in calculations not linked to a specific enterprise unit, such as the calculation of the global sales price.

If the Standard Cost per EU Mandatory check box is cleared in the Standard Cost Calculation Parameters (ticpr0100m000) session, and no item costing data is present for the item and enterprise unit combination, the standard cost base is used when standard cost is retrieved for the combination.


The item's (costing) warehouse where the goods are received. This warehouse is used to calculate the warehouse surcharges that apply to the standard cost.

Costing Source

The costing source on which the standard cost calculation is based.

This field is used to decouple the costing source from the default supply source. If the supply source is (temporarily) changed, the calculation of the standard cost is not automatically affected. In case of intercompany trade, only a costing source (and no supply source) is applicable.

Allowed values

Costing Source

Supplying Enterprise Unit

The enterprise unit that supplies the item, if the costing source is Intercompany Transfer or Intercompany Purchase.

Supplying Purchase Office

The purchase office that supplies the item, if the costing source is Intercompany Purchase.

Actual Supply Source

The actual supply method that is used to replenish the inventory on hand for the current date.


The actual supply source can differ from the item's default supply source if you temporarily changed it in the Date-Effective Supply Source (tcibd0510m000) session. To start this session, click the Date-Effective Item Data button.

Allowed values

Supply Source

Standard Cost Component Scheme

The scheme to which cost components are linked.

Schemes are specified in the Cost Component Scheme (ticpr0109m000) session and cost components are linked to the scheme in the Standard Cost Scheme Details (ticpr0110m000) session.

Standard Cost

The item's standard cost that consists of material costs, operation costs, and general costs.

Last Actualization Date

The last date the estimated or actual cost of the item was changed.

Surcharges by Item

If this check box is selected, surcharges can be specified by item.

Related topics

Surcharges by Warehouse

If this check box is selected, surcharges can be specified by warehouse.

Related topics

Combined Ownership Allowed

If this check box is selected, combined ownership is allowed for this item. Consequently, customer owned costs are (to be) calculated for the item in the standard cost calculation process.


This check box is available only if the Customer Furnished Materials check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session.

Click Calculate Customer Owned Price on the appropriate menu to calculate the customer owned cost in the Calculate Customer Owned Cost (ticpr2215m000) session.

Item Costing Currency

One of a company's base currencies in which LN registers and reports amounts.

In a multicurrency system, up to three home currencies can be defined:

Material Costs

The estimated material costs that consist of the total material costs and the total standard cost surcharges that are required to purchase or produce the item.

Operation Costs

The estimated operation costs that consist of the total operation costs and the total standard cost surcharges to purchase or produce the item.

Include Landed Costs

If this check box is selected, landed costs are included in the calculations.

Landed Costs Set

The landed costs set that is linked to the item.


The currency that is used to express the standard cost. The usage of this field depends on the currency system that is set in the Companies (tcemm1170m000) session.

  • Dependent or Standard
    If your company's currency system is Dependent or Standard, you can enter any currency in this field to express the standard cost.
  • Independent
    If your company's currency system is Independent, you cannot change this field.
  • Single
    If your company's currency system is Single, you cannot change this field. The standard cost currency is the local currency, which is displayed in this field.

The aggregated cost component that is assigned to the applicable cost type (material costs, operation costs, and general costs) in the linked cost component scheme.

General Costs

The estimated expense costs for the item, such as freight costs, purchase costs, and traveling expenses.

This cost type is applicable only for cost items and service items.

Actual Cost

The total actual costs for the customized item. These costs are, for example, purchase costs and warehouse costs (inventory transfers), direct and indirect production hours, costs of subcontracting operations.

These costs include the:

  • Material costs
  • Operation costs
  • Standard cost surcharges

The actual cost is only calculated for customized items.