Reschedule Assembly Orders (tiasl4220m000)

Use this session to manually move or swap orders to cope with unforeseen circumstances.

The direction in which you move an order is time-oriented.

Two types of changes exist:

  • Swap Orders
  • Move Orders

You must select the type of change you want to make.


The original sequence is 1-2-3-4-5. If you:

  • Swap orders 1 and 4, these orders are interchanged and nothing else changes. So, the sequence 1-2-3-4-5 becomes 4- 2-3- 1-5.
  • Move an order, the order is taken from one position and inserted into another position. All orders between the initial and the new position are moved one place towards the initial position. As a result the orders between these positions move just the other direction of the moved order itself. So, if you move order 4 three places backward, the new sequence is 4-1-2-3-5. Orders 1, 2 and 3 have moved one place forward. But if you move order 1 three places forward, the new sequence is 2-3-4- 1-5 and orders 2, 3 and 4 have moved one place backward.
  • You can only swap or move assembly orders with a Planned status.
  • If the swapped/moved order has a new planned offline date that is earlier than the reference date of the order, you are prompted if you want to continue.

    The reason for this is as follows:

    • The reference date is used to determine when the content of an order is valid. The content of an order consists, among other things, of the required materials and operations. Therefore, if the offline date falls before the reference date, problems can occur, because the production is based on an order content that is not yet valid. For example, a certain feature of the product cannot yet be produced at that time, because the required machines are not yet operative.

      Therefore, LN prompts you if you want to proceed if such a situation can occur. If you continue, messages are logged. You can view the messages in the Assembly Messages (tiasc0501m000) session. The planner can take action on these orders if required.

  • The new planned offline dates of the assembly orders are communicated to the product variant if the Sell Multiples of Same Configuration check box in Assembly Planning Parameters (tiapl0100s000) is cleared.


Type of Rescheduling

Select the type of change you want to make.

Allowed values

  • Swap Orders
  • Move Orders
Reschedule On
Assembly Line

The assembly line on which the assembly orders must be rescheduled.


The line segment on which the assembly orders must be rescheduled.

Swap Orders
First Order

The first of the two orders that are swapped.

Swap operation
First Order1
Second Order4


Second Order

The second of the two orders that are swapped.

Swap operation
First Order1
Second Order4


Move Orders
Order to Move

Select the order you want to reschedule.

Direction of Movement

You can choose forward or backward (in time).

Allowed values

  • Earlier
  • Later
Positions to Move

Enter the number of positions you want to move the selected order in the line sequence.

Include Linked Segments

If this check box is selected, the rescheduling orders is extended to the adjacent segments of the input segment.

The rescheduling is propagated to connected:

  • Supply lines
    If an order does not run on the supply line then propagation stops.
  • Parent segments
    If case a line supplies to multiple parent lines and a swap is done with each order for a different parent line, this will result in two rescheduling actions of type Move, one action on each of the lines to which the order is supplied.

If this check box is cleared, rescheduling of the orders can only be done in the input segment.

If problems arise during rescheduling the user will be given the options to:

  • Cancel
  • Skip

    Propagation in current branch is stopped and continues in the remaining branches.


The reschedule action stops when a random access buffer with ‘number of random access places’ greater than 1 (one) is encountered.

Rescheduling is cancelled in problem situations, or in questionable situations when a user chooses to Abort.


If this check box is selected, a rescheduling action is simulated. A report is printed of all rescheduling action. Problems are reported and further propagation or rescheduling is skipped at that point and continued in remaining branches of FIFO linked segments. In simulation mode no user interaction can be done.


If rescheduling problems occur while the Simulation check box is cleared the user will be given the option to cancel or to skip. Skipping means propagation is stopped in the branch where the problem occurs and continue in remaining branches.

Print Report

If this check box is selected, all reschedule actions that are executed, including reasons are printed. Actions which are not executed and error messages are included in the report.


This check box is always selected in Simulation mode.