Update Line Station Variant - Assembly Part Supply Data (tiasc2222m000)

Use this session to update the line supply settings of assembly parts, because for one or more specific assembly orders, these settings must be different from the settings in the Warehousing package.


Assembly Order

An order to assemble a product on one or more assembly lines.

Line Station

A work center that is part of an assembly line. A line station is used in the production of FAS (final assembly schedule) items. A line station can have multiple positions, which enables more than one item to be present in one line station.

Shop Floor Warehouse

A warehouse that stores intermediate inventory in order to supply work centers. A shop floor warehouse is linked to an individual work cell, an assembly line, or one or more work centers. A shop floor warehouse can be supplied with goods using replenishment orders, or by pull-based material supply.

The pull-based material supply methods are:

  • Order Controlled/Batch (only applicable in Assembly Control).
  • Order Controlled/SILS (only applicable in Assembly Control).
  • Order Controlled/Single (only applicable in Job Shop Control).
  • Time-Phased Order Point.

The items stored in the shop-floor warehouse are not part of the work in process (WIP). When items leave the shop floor warehouse for use in production, their value is added to the WIP.

From Assembly Part

A component used on an assembly line.

An assembly part forms the link between Configurator and Enterprise Planning. Configurator generates the requirements for assembly parts and Enterprise Planning plans the production or purchase of the item.

Change Supply Data

If this check box is selected, you can update the line supply fields of assembly parts.

Update Fixed Supply Data as well

If this check box is selected, assembly parts with the Fixed Supply Data check box selected in the Line Station Variant - Assembly Parts (tiasc2121m000) session are updated.

Supply Type

You either obtain the parts from a warehouse in your own company, or buy them from an external supplier.

Supply Code

The code of the main warehouse or supplier who will supply the assembly parts to the shop-floor warehouse. You can enter this code in the Item Data by Warehouse (whwmd2110s000) session.

Ship-from Business Partner

If the part is obtained from an external supplier, the ship-from business partner is the business partner who ships the part.

Assembly Kit

Parts are delivered as assembly kits when you use supply in line sequence.

The assembly kit in which the assembly part is supplied is defined in the Assembly Kit (whwmd4550m000) session.



Updates the line station variant - assembly part supply data.


Displays error messages that were generated during the process.