Business function model

A business function model is built from a selection of business functions initially created in the repository. The presence, or absence, of business functions in the business function model during the implementation phases of the LN software is used to:

  • Select and configure business processes based on transformation setting rules and static condition setting rules.
  • Set the LN application parameters based on parameter-setting rules.

Business functions can be defined in the repository in a hierarchical structure; therefore, a function can have subfunctions. This structure is used as an aid while defining the business functions, and does not have to be maintained when you import business functions into a project model.

See the Options when Inserting a Business Function from the Repository (tgbrg3270m000) session.


Business functions that appear in several business control diagrams only appear once in the business function model. Business functions at the lowest level of the hierarchy are implementation variants of business functions, referred to as business function variants or options.

Business Functions by Project Model (tgbrg4570m000)

Use the Business Functions by Project Model (tgbrg4570m000) session to:

  • Restructure the business function model according to the business functions that must be used in the project model.
  • Define the optimization relationships; these indicate that a certain business function variant is an optimization of another business function variant.
  • Define the optimization phases; these indicate when a certain business function variant must be implemented.

To start this session:

  • Select Business Function Model on the appropriate menu of the Project Models (tgbrg4500m000) session.
  • Click a Business Function Model....

In this session you cannot modify business function data. This can only be done in the Business Functions (tgbrg2500m000) session in the repository. You can only import business functions from the repository into the Business Function Model and set up a new hierarchical structure.

To create a business function model:

  • In the Business Function field, select a business function to include in the business function model.
  • From this field you can zoom to the Business Functions (tgbrg2500m000) session and select a business function from the repository.
Key fields for the Business Functions by Project Model (tgbrg4170s000) session
External CodeSpecify a code that indicates the position of that business function in relation to other business functions.
Parent Business FunctionSelect a business function to which the current business function will be linked, and which is one level above the current business function.
WizardZoom to the Wizards (tgwzr1500m000) session and link an existing predefined wizard to the business function


Options when Inserting a Business Function from the Repository (tgbrg3270m000)

Importing a business function from the repository into a project model, the Options when Inserting a Business Function from the Repository (tgbrg3270m000) session is started.

This session can be used to indicate the aspects of the business functions you selected from the repository, to include in the business function model.

To import business functions from the repository:

  • To import those business functions that are linked on lower levels to the business function, select the Also insert child business functions from the repository check box. This way, you copy a part of the business function structure from the repository to the project model.
  • To overwrite the data listed below when you import the business function to the business function model, select the Overwrite business function attributes of existing children check box:
    • Parent business function
    • Wizard
    • External code
  • To copy the parent-child relationship from the repository to the business function model, select the Recover relationships with existing children check box.
  • Click Continue...
Optimization Phases by Business Function (tgbrg4535m000)

To link one or more optimization phases to a business function, use the Optimization Phases by Business Function (tgbrg4535m000) session.

To start this session:

  • On the appropriate menu of the Business Functions by Project Model (tgbrg4570m000) session, click the Link Phases to Business Function...

To link an optimization phase to a business function:

  • Select a business function.
  • Click New
  • In the Optimization Phase field, select the optimization phase to link to the business function.
  • Click Save.
Carrying out wizards

If all the relevant business functions have been included in the business function model, you can set the parameter values by executing the wizards linked to the business functions.

There are two ways in which you can carry out the wizards:

  • Firstly, you can activate the Wizard Browser:
    • On the appropriate menu of the Business Functions by Project Model (tgbrg4570m000) session, click Wizard Browser.
    • This option activates a browser with all the wizards linked to the business functions in the business function model.

    • To carry out the wizards listed here:
    • When a part of a wizard is carried out and the answers are saved, a red check mark is placed through the Wizard icon.
  • Secondly, in the Modeler, you can click the Wizard icon below a business function.

To view the wizards represented in a tree structure and linked to the business functions present in the business function model, in the Wizard Browser’s appropriate menu, cancel the Show only Wizards option.

You can cancel a wizard even if all steps are not completed. If you do this, you can save the wizard step answers you already specified. If a wizard is not completely finished, the check mark is placed through the icon in the Wizard Browser. Therefore, it is important to remember if a wizard was carried out without completing all the wizard steps.

Wizard Answers by Company by Project Model (tgwzr4501m000)

When you have carried out all wizard steps, this question is asked:

  • Show wizard step answers ?
    • If you click Yes, the Wizard Answers by Company by Project Model (tgwzr4501m000) session is started.

Use this session to modify the answers you have initially given. Furthermore, you can execute the complete wizard again, or execute a particular step and change the given answer in this way.

To change the given wizard step answers:

  • In the Answer field, select a wizard step answer that must replace the answer you have initially given. The answers you can choose are based on the domain linked to the parameter whose value you want to set by the wizard.
  • Click Save.

If the Applied check box is selected, the wizard-step answers will be applied in the business function model. However, the wizard-step answers are not applied until you exit the business function model.

Closing the business function model

When you have included all the relevant business functions in the business function model, and all the wizards are carried out, the business function model can be closed. When you exit the business function model, depending on what type of data was modified, these questions can appear:

  • Check Consistency?
  • Transform Business Function Model to Process Model?
  • Set Static Conditions based on Rules?
  • Set Parameters based on Rules?
  • Write Parameters to the Database?
  • Apply Wizards?
  • Write Parameters to the Database?

These questions refer to steps that can also be taken manually. They are further explained in other sections.

Check Project Model Consistency (tgbrg4220m000)

To check whether the business function model is created according to the consistency rules defined in the repository:

  • Start the Check Project Model Consistency (tgbrg4220m000) session
  • To start the session, on the appropriate menu of the Business Functions by Project Model (tgbrg4570m000) session, click Check Project Model Consistency

When you create a business function model, you can make consistency errors. For example, you can forget to include business functions that should be included according to the consistency rules you defined in the repository.

The check is carried out for the combination of the current modeling version and project model. You can also specify an optimization phase for which the check should be carried out. If no phase is specified, the consistency check is carried out for all optimization phases defined for the project model.

The result of the consistency check is displayed in a message box, while the rules are printed to the device that you select. If a given rule is not met, the result is also printed.

Set Current Optimization Phase

To start the Optimization Phases by Project Model (tgbrg4530m000) session:

  • On the appropriate menu of the Business Functions by Project Model (tgbrg4570m000) session, click Set All Optimization Phases as Current
  • In this session you can select all phases at the same time; to do this, click Select All, or select one specific optimization phase.
    • Because of the selection you made, the Business Functions by Project Model (tgbrg4570m000) session only shows those business functions linked to the optimization phase you have selected as current.
    • If you click Select All, all business functions linked to the project model are displayed.
Set all Optimization Phases as Current

On the appropriate menu of the Business Functions by Project Model (tgbrg4570m000) session:

  • Select Set All Optimization Phases as Current
  • Assign all optimization phases as current.

This means all business functions in the project model are displayed in the Business Functions by Project Model (tgbrg4570m000) session.