Using masks

Use masks to determine which codes must be selected.

The masks are created by using the following characters:

$The number to be selected must end with the character preceding the $
^The selection must start with the first character
*The preceding character must occur one or more times
[5-9]The character to be selected must be between 5 and 9
[579]The value of the character to be selected must be 5, 7 or 9
...The dots indicate the number of characters



The following codes are defined:

  • 899011
  • 899027
  • 899031
  • 899042
  • 899135
  • 899168
  • 899281
  • 899292
  • 899315

To select codes 899031 and 899281, you must write: ^...[3-8]1$

To select codes 899135 and 899315, you must write: ^...[13]*5$